Location: 45 Km NW from Lilongwe, Malawi
Level 9, 28 The EsplanadePerthWestern Australia, Australia6000
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Kasiya is located on the Lilongwe Plain, which is underlain by the Basement Complex paragneisses and orthogneisses of the Mozambique Belt. The paragneiss unit (PGRG) is enriched in rutile and graphite and is the primary source of both minerals.The mineralised PGRG t strikes north in the south of the deposit and then northeast around a central regional fold. Rutile mineralisation lies in relatively flat lateral near-surface bodies in areas where the weathering profile is preserved and not significantly eroded. It is geologically continuous with limited variability along and across strike. Rutile concentrations are generally highest near the surface, decreasing with depth. The high-grade rutile deposit at Kasiya is best described as a residual placer where the resistate minerals, including rutile, have been concentrated during in-situ weathering, which has depleted the less resistant minerals. Rutile occurs in a mostly topographically flat area west of Malawi’s capital, known as the Lilongwe Plain, where a deep tropical weathering profile is preserved. A typical profile from top to base is generally soil (“SOIL” 0-1m) ferruginous pedolith (“FERP”, 1-4m), mottled zone (“MOTT”, 4-7m), pallid saprolite (“PSAP”, 7-9m), saprolite (“SAPL”, 9-25m), saprock (“SAPR”, 25-35m) and fresh rock (“FRESH” >35m).The rutile deposit type is considered a residual placer formed by the intense weathering of rutile-rich basement paragneisses and variable enrichment by elluvial processes.Graphite mineralisation as reported in the Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) is depleted near surface, with higher grades occurring from 6m and deeper in mottled and saprolite units. Graphite mineralisation extends into the saprock and fresh rock, but this extension is currently not included in the MRE.The low-grade graphite mineralisation occurs as multiple bands of graphite gneisses, hosted within a broader Proterozoic paragneiss package. In the Kasiya areas specifically, the preserved weathering profile hosts significant vertical thicknesses, from near surface, of graphite mineralisation.The Kasiya mineralised footprint strikes NE – SW and currently occupies an area of about 201 km2.