On November 24, 2022, Thor Energy Plc (the company), through its wholly owned subsidiary Molyhil Mining Pty Ltd. (“Molyhil”), signed a Heads of Agreement (“HOA”) with ASX-listed mineral exploration and development company Investigator Resources Limited (IVR) to fund the accelerated exploration of Thor’s 100%-owned Molyhil tenements (the “Tenements”).
Under the agreement, Fram Resources Pty Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of IVR, has the right to earn, via a three-stage process, 80% interest in the Tenements and acquire Thor’s 40% interest in the Bonya tenement (EL29701).
On 14 August 2024, the Company announced that effective 13 August 2024, a Joint Venture Agreement had been formalised for the Molyhil Projects, including the transfer of a 25% interest in Molyhil tenements and the transfer of Thor's 40% interest in Bonya tenement EL29701, to Investigator Resources Limited. Consequent to the formation of the JV, the Company retains a 75% interest in the Molyhil project.
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The Molyhil Tungsten Project is a W-Mo deposit that is hosted predominantly within a Fe-enriched altered magnetite skarn that overprints meta-carbonate units of the Deep Bore metamorphic sequence at the contact of a large intrusion of peraluminous monzogranite, Marshall granite.
The Molyhil area is amongst a range of west-northwest trending 10-100km crustal scale shear zones, including the Delny Shear zone, which have caused widespread structural adjustment of geology in the area. A number of smaller faults are believed to have been activated and reactivated over the long tectno-thermal cycle of these regional shear and fault zones from 1.79 -1.70 Ga.
The Molyhil deposit consists of two adjacent outcropping iron rich skarn bodies, enclosed in granite, that contain powellite, scheelite and molybdenite mineralisation. The bodies are arranged in an en- echelon manner, the northeast body being named the Yacht Club Lode and the southwest body the Southern Lode.
Molyhil is comprised of two north-south trending, magnetite altered, mineralised zones that plunge 65° to the south and dip steeply to the east. The larger Southern Lode (approx. 55m x 65m x 360m (width x length x depth), to a vertical depth of approx. 320m) and smaller Yacht Club Lode (approx. 55m x 60m x 250m (width x length x depth), to a vertical depth of 200m) are separated by foliated, compositionally layered paragneiss and meta-carbonate rocks of the Deep Bore Metamorphic sequence.
The deposit comprises of massive and disseminated Scheelite (CaWO4), Powellite (CaMoO4), Molybdenite (MoS2) together with magnetite. Mineralisation is layer parallel and occurs primarily within horizons of the cackleberry meta-carbonate that has been altered to diopside skarn at contacts with the Marshall Granite.
The mineralised meta-carbonate exoskarn alteration comprises predominantly of garnet-scapolite-diopside- hedenbergite whilst the endo skarn granite consists of microcline-actinolite-diopsidequartz-calcite- biotite.
The deposit has a number of crosscutting structures that have offset some mineralisation including the Yacht Club Fault, a dextral fault trending east-southeast. This fault offsets and slightly rotates the Yacht club and southern orebodies which are believed to be fault displaced sections of a singular mineralised body. This faulting is typically associated with possible Neoproterozoic stage carbonate- fluorite-barite veining that crosscuts mineralisation and granite alike.
Mineralisation is coarse-grained and its distribution is irregular. Two broad lithological variations are present within each of the two main skarns:
- “Black rock skarn”: Mineralised (which, historically, was selectively mined on the basis of its colour) a calc-silicate containing a high proportion of magnetite, pyrite, and iron-rich minerals such as andradite-garnet, actinolite, and ferro-amphibole. This unit is irregularly mineralised with scheelite, molybdenite, and chalcopyrite. The mineralisation is, in general, both coarsegrained and heterogeneous. Decimetre wide bands rich in molybdenite and/or scheelite are separated by metre scale bands of barren/low grade black rock skarn.
- Unmineralised (little to no Fe/W/Mo/Cu) skarn: a pale green calc-silicate rock containing diopsidic pyroxene and garnet.
The Molyhil resource area extends over a combined strike length of 300m from 19,850mN to 20,150mN, a plan width of 250m from 9,950mE to 10,200mE and includes the vertical extent of 290m from 410mRL (surface) to 100mRL.