Location: 13 km NE from Zeehan, Tasmania, Australia
Unit 202, Level 2 39 Mends StreetSouth PerthWestern Australia, Australia6151
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Metals X owns a 50% equity interest in Renison through its 50% stake in the Bluestone Mines Tasmania Joint Venture (BMTJV).
Renison is one of the world’s largest operating underground tin mines and Australia’s largest primary tin producer. Renison is the largest of three major Skarn, carbonate replacement, pyrrhotite-cassiterite deposits within western Tasmania. The Renison Mine area is situated in the Dundas Trough, a province underlain by a thick sequence of Neoproterozoic-Cambrian siliciclastic and volcaniclastic rocks. At Renison there are three shallow-dipping dolomite horizons which host replacement mineralisation.Mount Bischoff is the second of three major Skarn, carbonate replacement, pyrrhotite-cassiterite deposits within western Tasmania. The Mount Bischoff Mine area is situated within the Dundas Trough, a province underlain by a thick sequence of Neoproterozoic Cambrian siliciclastic and volcaniclastic rocks. At Mount Bischoff folded and faulted shallow dipping dolomite horizons host replacement mineralisation with fluid interpreted to be sourced from the forceful emplacement of a granite ridge and associated porphyry intrusions associated with the Devonian Meredith Granite, which resulted in the complex brittle/ductile deformation of the host rocks. Lithologies outside the current mining area are almost exclusively metamorphosed siltstones. Major porphyry dykes and faults such as the Giblin and Queen provided the major focus for ascending hydrothermal fluids from a buried ridge of the Meredith Granite. Mineralisation has resulted in tin-rich sulphide replacement in the dolomite lodes, greisen and sulphide lodes in the porphyry and fault/vein lodes in the major faults. All lodes contain tin as cassiterite within sulphide mineralisation with some coarse cassiterite as veins throughout the lodes.The Rentails Mineral Resource is contained within three Tailing Storage Facilities (TSF’s) that have been built up from the processing of tin ore at the Renison Bell mine over the period 1968 to 2013.DimensionsRenison has currently been mined over a strike length of >1,950m, a lateral extent of >1,250m and a depth of over 1,200m. Rentails is deposited in three adjacent TSFs which have and aggregate length of approximately 1.8km and a width at the widest point of circa 1km. Maximum depth is in excess of 20m.
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