Mining Intelligence and News

Rosebery Mine

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Mine TypeUnderground
  • Zinc
  • Lead
  • Copper
  • Gold
  • Silver
Mining Method
  • Longhole open stoping
  • Longitudinal retreat
  • Transverse stoping
Backfill type
  • Cemented rockfill
  • Unconsolidated rockfill
Production Start1936
SnapshotRosebery mine is one of Tasmania’s largest and oldest continuously operating, underground mines producing zinc, copper and lead concentrates, as well as gold doré.

Mine life extension remains a key priority for Rosebery. The Rosebery mine is embarking on an accelerated exploration program in a bid to uncover valuable underground resources. The team are also investigating a sustainable tailings storage solution to support future operations.

Fuelled by more than $20 million committed in 2023 by the business, the accelerated exploration program uses state-of-the-art technology to explore for potential mineralisation both near mine and in greenfield locations. Encouraging results to date underpin the program’s feasibility.


MMG Ltd. 100 % Indirect
Rosebery Mine is wholly owned by MMG Limited.


ContractorContractDescriptionRef. DateSource
unawarded or unknown Power supply Electric power to the site feeds in through No. 1 Substation located adjacent to the Mill Car Park. There is a contract for the supply to the site with the Electrical Supply Authority for the region. This system has redundancy to ensure continuity of supply and has the potential for expansion if required. Jun 30, 2023

Deposit type

  • VMS


The Rosebery volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VHMS) deposit is hosted within the world-class Mt Read Volcanics. This Cambrian volcanic belt is an assemblage of lavas, volcaniclastics and sediments deposited in the Dundas Trough between the Proterozoic Rocky Cape Group and the Tyennan Block.

Mineralisation occurs as stacked stratabound massive to semi-massive base metal sulphide lenses. The host lithology lies between the Rosebery Thrust Fault and the Mt Black Thrust Fault which all dip approximately 45° east. Ore mineralogy consists predominantly of sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite with electrum and minor tetrahedrite.

The orebody has experienced numerous events of folding, shearing and thrusting particularly in the late Cambrian and early Devonian. Lenses in the southern portions of the deposit have experienced metasomatism and replacement by a deep Devonian granitoid resulting in variation of the mineralogy, structure and alteration in these lenses.

The Rosebery Mineral Resource extends from -300mE to 1750mE, -800mN to 3325mN, 1650mRL to 3500mRL (Rosebery Mine Grid coordinates) and is currently open to the north, south and at depth.

Individual lenses vary in size from a few hundred metres up to 1,000m along strike and/or down-dip, with a total strike length of mineralisation reaching approximately 4,000m.

The mineralised lenses range from a minimum of 0.2-0.3m, maximum of 12-36m with an average true thickness of 3-6m.

Reserves at June 30, 2023

Rosebery Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves cut-off grade are based on Net Smelter Return (NSR), expressed as a dollar value of A$177/t.

Mineral Resources are reported inclusive of Mineral Reserves.
CategoryTonnage CommodityGradeContained Metal
Proven & Probable 4.5 Mt Zinc 6.4 % 290 kt
Proven & Probable 4.5 Mt Lead 2.6 % 120 kt
Proven & Probable 4.5 Mt Copper 0.2 % 9 kt
Proven & Probable 4.5 Mt Gold 1.2 g/t 0.18 M oz
Proven & Probable 4.5 Mt Silver 110 g/t 16 M oz
Total Resource 18.6 Mt Zinc 7.4 % 1,400 kt
Total Resource 18.6 Mt Lead 2.4 % 450 kt
Total Resource 18.6 Mt Copper 0.21 % 39 kt
Total Resource 18.6 Mt Gold 1.2 g/t 700 koz
Total Resource 18.6 Mt Silver 99 g/t 59 M oz

Mining Methods

  • Longhole open stoping
  • Longitudinal retreat
  • Transverse stoping


Mining production is carried out by long-hole open stoping with decline access. Stoping is conducted through both longitudinal retreat and transverse methods.

Mining lenses are divided into panels and are mined using a bottom-up sequence with a number of levels being retreated simultaneously, either towards or away from level access drives. The nature of this mining sequence causes fluctuations in the grade profile in the short-term.

Backfilling of stope voids is carried out using two methods; cemented rock fill (CRF), and rock fill (RF). Up-hole (Crown) retreat stopes are left as open voids due to lack of access for fill placement. These open voids do not result in regional instability. The current mine closure plan identifies approximately 500kt of waste rock that has been stockpiled on the surface that is available for use as backfill when development material becomes insufficient to meet demands.

Average stope strike lengths of 15m were used in W and X Lens while the other lenses used 20m. The height set to 20-25m (floor to floor) and the minimum mining width of 4.5m.

Access to the orebody is through a decline 5.5m H x 5.5m W at a 1:7 gradient. The approximate horizontal standoff distance between the stoping footwall and major infrastructure; i.e. - stockpiles, vent rises, escape-ways and declines is 65-70m.

The current deepest production drive is approximately 1,700m below surface and the deepest economic drill intersection is approximately 2,000m below surface.

The primary ventilation system supplies approximately 660 m³/s (measured at depth) of air to the underground mine, which is sufficient to allow extraction from multiple ore lenses.

With all mining activity taking place underground at Rosebery, access to the operating areas is by the main decline, this route is used to access the upper-mid area of K Lens. From this point, access splits between two declines to the K/N/P Lens area and the W/X/Y Lenses. Other declines are used to direct primary airflow and for cross mine access. The ore is hauled out of the mine in a fleet of 45-60 tonne haul trucks.


Crushers and Mills

Jaw crusher 1
Cone crusher 1
Ball mill 5


The Rosebery crushing circuit consists of a Primary Jaw Crusher and a Secondary Cone Crusher. During Crushing the ore size is reduced from around 650mm to P80 of 20mm. The Grinding Circuit consists of 2 x Primary Ball Mills and 3 x Secondary Ball Mills.


  • Gravity separation
  • Centrifugal concentrator
  • Smelting
  • Crush & Screen plant
  • Flotation
  • Concentrate leach
  • Inline Leach Reactor (ILR)
  • Dewatering
  • Filter press
  • Solvent Extraction & Electrowinning


Rosebery is a poly-metallic underground mine with all ore processed through an onsite mill and concentrator. Metallurgical processing of ore from the Rosebery deposit involves crushing and grinding followed by flotation and filtration to produce saleable concentrates of zinc, lead and copper. In addition, doré bars are produced at site from partial recovery of gold and silver by a Knelson gravity concentrator.

The processing plant has a nameplate capacity of 1.0 Mtpa.

Traditional froth flotation has been used to float sulphur bearing minerals successfully for decades. The addition of a gravity gold recovery circuit allows for additional value to be recovered to the gold doré product. This is proven technology in the gold industry and has been operating successfully in this configuration at Rosebery for some time. The saleable products from this plant in its current configuration are doré, copper concentrate, zinc concentrate, and lead concentrate.

Gravity gold is recovered from the grinding circuits using 2x Knelson Concentrators. Gold Concentrates are leached in an Intensive Leach Reactor (ILR). Then recovered from the pregnant leach solution by electrowinning and thereafter the gold sludge is smelted.

The recovery sequence for sulphide minerals in the Flotation Circuit is Chalcopyrite (Cu), Galena (Pb), Sphalerite (Zn). Payable gold and silver is recovered with the copper and lead concentrates.

Concentrates are pumped to the Filter plant where they are filtered using Larox Filters. The filters produce a dry concentrate that is then transported via rail to Burnie.

Recoveries & Grades:

Zinc Recovery Rate, % 86.285.68584.485.884.786.987.989.6
Zinc Head Grade, % 6.536.788.159.458.78.98.311.2
Zinc Concentrate Grade, % 54.154.25453.954.154.155.556.154.7
Lead Recovery Rate, % 75.975.18072.276.978.879.881.177.3
Lead Head Grade, % 2.752.
Lead Concentrate Grade, % 6464.36161.260.960.661.461.363.4
Copper Head Grade, %
Gold Head Grade, g/t
Silver Head Grade, g/t 107.995.1113.8122.2103.6130.8112.39893.4
Copper Recovery Rate, % 63.362.259.357.263.166.1
Copper Concentrate Grade, % 17.41717.318.317.719.2
Gold Recovery Rate, % 23.823.528.628.529.327.2

Pipelines and Water Supply

Slurry pipeline HDPE 900 m Dam Slurry Distribution Line.
Tailings pipeline HDPE 1475 m Tailings Line.
Water pipeline Steel 480 m Steel galvanised pipe.


Rosebery’s fresh water comes from the Pieman and Stitt Rivers through a calibrated water balance model overseeing use and consumption. Risk management systems and site controls minimise stakeholder impacts within the catchment.


Zinc Metal in concentrate t 50,000-60,000 ^51,626 51,156 69,454 67,393 83,463 75,721 74,803 81,447 92,104 
Zinc Equivalent Metal in concentrate t 115,000-130,000 ^120,196 
Zinc Concentrate kt 9594129125154140135145168
Lead Metal in concentrate t 19,14718,07725,05323,27224,54928,74426,61126,00521,312
Lead Concentrate kt 302841384047434234
Copper Metal in concentrate t 1,1631,1471,5671,5371,5101,4651,3211,9482,937
Gold Metal in doré oz 10,54611,08714,46810,63610,56712,96812,45112,17813,341
Gold Metal in concentrate oz 19,54915,62217,93020,079
Silver Metal in doré oz 6,3325,6247,0306,1376,0517,2436,5106,7796,991
Silver Metal in concentrate oz 2,577,0862,173,3751,657,6881,735,261
Copper Concentrate kt
^ Guidance / Forecast.

Operational metrics

Ore tonnes mined 922,275 t886,118 t1,004,168 t991,124 t1,032,508 t1,017,089 t990,813 t931,573 t897,516 t
Waste 356.89 kt299 kt405 kt345 kt359 kt318 kt297 kt378 t
Tonnes milled 918,074 t896,861 t1,022,487 t979,718 t1,030,016 t1,028,234 t968,573 t939,125 t898,573 t
Plant annual capacity 1 Mt1 Mt

Production Costs

C1 cash costs Zinc USD 0.18 / lb ^ **   0.26 / lb **   0.26 / lb **   -0.34 / lb **   0.01 / lb **   0.2 / lb **   -0.04 / lb **   0.07 / lb **  
^ Guidance / Forecast.
** Net of By-Product.


Revenue M USD 240  259.9  365.2  280.7   272.8   328.7  
EBIT M USD 21  51.7  123.6  79.5   55.2   97.8  
EBITDA M USD 77.8  98.6  203.3  130.3   125.9   171.6  

Heavy Mobile Equipment

HME TypeModelSizeQuantityRef. DateSource
Load-Haul-Dump (LHD) Caterpillar R2900 XE 18.5 t 3 Nov 21, 2023
Truck (haul) 60 t Jun 30, 2023


Mine Management

Job TitleNamePhoneProfileRef. Date
Electrical Superintendent Shane Youd LinkedIn Aug 9, 2024
Environmental & Community Manager Adam Pandelis (03) 6473 2221 LinkedIn Aug 9, 2024
General Manager Steve Scott LinkedIn Aug 9, 2024
Health, Safety & Security Manager Wendy Hodgetts LinkedIn Aug 9, 2024
Metallurgy Superintendent Steve Pickford LinkedIn Aug 9, 2024
Mining Manager Andrew Flynn LinkedIn Aug 9, 2024

EmployeesContractorsTotal WorkforceYear
361 239 600 2023
337 193 530 2022
342 153 495 2021
327 157 484 2020
292 189 481 2019
387 2018
214 172 387 2017
242 232 474 2015

Aerial view: