Location: 7 km N from Baishan, China
30F, CP Center, 20 Jinhe East Road, ChaoyangBeijingChina
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Shanjin International Gold Co., Ltd. (formerly Yintai Gold Co., Ltd.) owns five mining operations in China, including the Yulong lead, zinc and silver mine, the Heihe Yintai gold mine, the Jilin Banmiaozi gold mine, the Qinghai Dachaidan gold Banmiaozi mine and the Mangshi Huasheng gold mine.
The major ~29% shareholder of Yintai is Shandong Gold.
The White Mountain deposit is hosted by a silica-rich breccia within a 40° to 45° south east dipping regional fault (locally named the F100). The F100 occurs near the contact of Proterozoic quartzite and marl dominated sequences. The higher gold grades are hosted by breccia within the F100 fault, however not all of the breccias are strongly mineralised or have the same thickness of mineralisation.The F100 is overprinted by a steeply dipping fault (locally named the F102), such that the F100 occurs only in the hanging wall of the F102. There are four stages of mineralisation at White Mountain, all of which are associated with elevated gold grades. In September 2007 the known mineralisation at White Mountain extended over 1400m horizontally, the depth extent ranged from 100m down dip to 600m down dip, i.e. in the plane of the F100 and intersecting F102 faults and the average thickness was in the range of 10m to 12m.Mineralisation at White Mountain is contained within a major north-east trending regional fault zone dipping approximately 45° to 50° to the southeast. Gold mineralisation is associated with silica, pyrite and barite in a silicified breccia in the fault zone that overprints an iron-rich unconformity between a hanging wall quartzite and a foot wall silicified dolomite or marl.Geological continuity is well demonstrated by the extent of the main controlling F100 fault and its intersection with the F102 fault.Gold mineralisation at White Mountain remains open along strike to the northeast and at depth.
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