Mining Intelligence and News

Ulysses Mine

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Mine TypeUnderground
  • Gold
Mining Method
  • Longhole open stoping
Production Start... Lock
Mine Life... Lock
SnapshotUlysses is a newly developed shallow mine, with ore located just 50m below the surface. The ore body remains open along strike and at depth, offering potential for future resource expansion.

In FY24, the final works on the Ulysses West open pit were completed, enabling the successful establishment of the portal in March 2024 for Ulysses underground mining operation.

The first development ore was delivered to the Leonora (Gwalia) mill late in the September quarter FY24. Stoping commenced successfully late in Q2 FY2024, ahead of schedule, following the completion of escapeway installations.

Mining opportunities include +2 years life (to 7 years) by mining open pit from underground.


Genesis Minerals Ltd. 100 % Indirect
Genesis Minerals Ltd., through its subsidiary Ulysses Mining Pty Ltd., holds a 100% interest in the Ulysses Project.



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Deposit type

  • Orogenic
  • Vein / narrow vein


The Ulysses deposit lies within the Archaean-aged Norseman to Wiluna greenstone belt. Host rocks comprise a sequence of dolerite and basalt units. Gold mineralisation is associated with a strongly altered, distinctive assemblage of biotite-sericite-albite-pyrite ± carbonate alteration and quartz veining located within a regionally extensive WNW trending shear zone termed the Ulysses Shear. Depth of complete oxidation is approximately 30m to 40m with depth to fresh rock approximately 45 to 60m.

Within the shear zone, discrete zones of mineralisation are typically 2-12m in thickness and dip at 30- 40o to the north. A number of horizons of magnetic dolerite sills occur within the mafic stratigraphy at Ulysses, and where the main shear cuts through these units local thickening and increased grade are evident and form plunging shoots with good continuity of grade and thickness over considerable plunge lengths. The zones are visually distinct and typically display sharp boundaries to the mineralisation.

Drilling at Ulysses extends to a maximum depth of 520m below surface. The mineralisation has been interpreted and estimated to that depth and the mineralisation remains open over much of the 2.7km strike length of the deposit.

Mineralisation within the Admiral, Butterfly and Clark (“ABC”) deposits is visually identifiable due to the strong pyrite-albite-biotite alteration and quartz veining that is present. Mineralisation has been modelled at a 0.3g/t gold envelope and reported at a 0.5g/t cut-off Au for material above 280mRL (130m below surface) and 2.0g/t Au below 280mRL.

The Admiral Group of deposits lies within the Archaean-aged Norseman to Wiluna greenstone belt. Host rocks comprise a sequence of dolerite and basalt units. Gold mineralisation is associated with a strongly altered, distinctive assemblage of biotite-sericite-albite-pyrite ± carbonate alteration and quartz veining located within regionally extensive NS trending shear zones which take the same name as the deposit they are located on. Depth of complete oxidation varies from 1m to 30m with depth to fresh rock varying from 5 to 50m.

Within the shear zones, discrete zones of mineralisation are typically 2-8m in thickness and dip at 30-50o to the east. A number of horizons of magnetic dolerite sills occur within the mafic stratigraphy at ABC. Where the main shear cuts through these units, local thickening and increased grade are evident. The zones are visually distinct and typically display sharp boundaries to the mineralisation.

On the northern contact of the dolerite sill with the pillow basalts at Admiral, Clark and Butterfly there is an intense zone of shearing which runs parallel to the lithological contact dipping at 50-60° to the north. This shear is mineralised over 1.5km strike from the Admiral deposit in the west through Clark to Butterfly in the east. The mineralisation on this contact is referred to as the Hercules shear. Mineralisation within the Hercules Shear is typically 5 to 12m wide and hosted within highly foliated basalts with intense quartz-carbonate-sericite alteration and associated sulphides.

Drilling in the area extends to a maximum depth of 120m below surface. The mineralisation has been interpreted and estimated to that depth and the mineralisation remains open over much of the 1.5km strike length of the deposits.

The Orient Well Group of deposits lies within the Archaean-aged Norseman to Wiluna greenstone belt. Orient Well and Orient Well North West are hosted within a broad (50m wide) felsic rhyolite that has been intruded into layered pillow basalts. Gold mineralisation is associated with a stockwork of quartz veining with quartz--albite+/-sericite + pyrite alteration halos. Depth of complete oxidation varies from 30m to 50m with depth to fresh rock approximately 60m.

Mineralisation at Orient Well East is predominantly hosted within a sub-horizontal, supergene enriched horizon within a weathered mafic host rock.

Drilling in the area extends to a maximum depth of 240m below surface. The mineralisation has been interpreted and estimated to a depth of 180m below surface and remains open over much of the 1.5km strike length of the deposits.

Ulysses is an orogenic, lode-style deposit hosted within mafic rocks of the NorsemanWiluna greenstone belt.



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Mining Methods


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Crushers and Mills

Milling equipment has not been reported.



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CommodityUnitsAvg. Annual (Projected)LOM (Projected)
Gold oz 100,000356,315
All production numbers are expressed as metal in doré.

Production Costs

Commodity production costs have not been reported.

Required Heavy Mobile Equipment


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Mine Management

Job TitleNameProfileRef. Date
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required Subscription required Jan 23, 2025
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required Subscription required Jan 23, 2025

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