Location: 30 km S from Leonora, Western Australia, Australia
Level 7, 40 The EsplanadePO Box Z5024PerthWestern Australia, Australia6000
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Ulysses is an orogenic, lode-style deposit hosted within mafic rocks of the Norseman-Wiluna greenstone belt. Host rocks comprise a sequence of dolerite and basalt units. Gold mineralisation is associated with a strongly altered, distinctive assemblage of biotitesericite-albite-pyrite ± carbonate alteration and quartz veining located within a regionally extensive WNW trending shear zone termed the Ulysses Shear. Depth of complete oxidation is approximately 30m to 40m with depth to fresh rock occurring approximately 45 to 60 metres below surface.Within the Ulysses shear zone, discrete zones of mineralisation are typically 1-8m thick and dip at 30-50° to the northeast. Several horizons of magnetic dolerite sills occur within the mafic stratigraphy at Ulysses. Where the main shear cuts through these units, local thickening and increased grade are evident and form plunging shoots with good continuity of grade and thickness over considerable plunge lengths. These high-grade plunging shoots are visually identifiable due to the strong pyrite-albite-biotite. They have been separately modelled and estimated to properly reflect the observed the high-grade continuity. Drilling at Ulysses extends to a maximum depth of 520m below surface. The mineralisation has been interpreted and estimated to that depth and the mineralisation remains open over much of the 2.7km strike length of the deposit.Gold mineralisation occurs within a strong zone of shearing and biotite-sericite-pyrite alteration typically 5- 10m true width. High grade shoots have developed at the intersection of the Ulysses shear and magnetic dolerite sills within the mafic stratigraphy. The shear zone strikes east-west and dips 30-400 to the north.