Location: 7 km NE from Kadoma, Zimbabwe
No. 1 Kenilworth Road, NewlandsHarareZimbabwe
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Midlands Greenstone Belt.1. It’s the largest of all the Archean Greenstone Belts in Zimbabwe (located at the Centre of Zimbabwe).2. Most productive gold belt (>400 tonnes Au mined to date) in Zimbabwe and stretches for 150km with average width of 50km (altitude varies from 900-1300m above sea level. 3. Stretches from Kwekwe to Kadoma, touching the Gweru greenstone belt to the south and the Chegutu greenstone belt to the north.Midlands Greenstone Belt General Geology.Comprises of the following Litho-stratigraphic units:a) Rhodesdale Granitoid Gneiss Complex;b) Greenstone Belt Metavolcanics lithologies (Bulawayan);c) Shamvaian Sediments;d) Tonalitic granitoid plutons and other major felsic intrusions.Motor Deposit Orebody Characteristics.- General North-South trending;- Dip 70 degrees west;- Plunges 65 degrees southwest;- Average width 15-20m;- Orebody structurally and lithologically controlled;- Gold mineralised units include meta-basalts, sandstones, black shale and quartz veins.Cam and Motor Main Lithological Units.1. Metavolcanics (Metabasalts, Metadolerites);2. Metasediments (Sandstones, greywacke, arkose);3. Black shale sediments with intercalations of sandstone in places;4. Quartz veins;5. Ferricretes (grits);6. Conglomerates.