Mining Intelligence and News

Bisie (Mpama North) Mine

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Mine TypeUnderground
  • Tin
Mining Method
  • Longhole stoping
Backfill type ... Lock
Production Start... Lock
Mine Life... Lock
SnapshotThe Mpama North mine is part of Bisie Tin Complex which includes the Mpama North Mine, the Mpama South development Project and the Bisie Ridge exploration target.

The Alphamin Resources is planning an underground exploration drilling campaign at the Mpama North orebody towards the end of 2024 with a view to further extending resources at depth. Additional exploration activities will be considered from 2025 onwards in continuing to extend the life-of-mine at Mpama North and Mpama South and analyzing the regional landscape in search of a third tin deposit.

On the basis of incremental tin production from the Mpama South plant from April 2024, Alphamin Resources expect contained tin production of between 17,000 tonnes and 18,000 tonnes for the year ending December 2024.
Latest NewsAlphamin Temporarily Ceases Mining Operations     March 13, 2025


Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 5 % Indirect
Industrial Development Corporation 10.86 % Indirect
Alphamin Resources Corp. 84.14 % Indirect
The Bisie Tin mine occurs within Permis de Exploitation (Mining Permit) PE13155, along with 3 research permits granted to Alphamin’s DRC-registered subsidiary, Alphamin Bisie Mining SA (“ABM”). ABM is an 84.14% indirect controlled subsidiary of Alphamin, with the remaining 15.86% owned by the DRC government (5%) and the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Ltd (“IDC”) (10.86%).

Deposit type

  • Breccia pipe / Stockwork
  • Vein / narrow vein


Deposit Types The Bisie tin deposit is a cassiterite-bearing stock-work or vein system adjacent and possibly distal to underlying source granite. The mineralization at Bisie is unusual and different from other classic tin deposits. The deposit has up to 0.5 % rare earth elements (REE) and very high grade tin (with some sample assays reaching greater than 60 % Sn). Mpama North Geology 3D Mineral Resource modelling delineated one main continuous discrete tin (with minor copper) mineralized zone at Mpama North, named the Main Vein, along with two subordinate smaller mineralized zones named the Footwall Vein (restricted to the southern areas) and the Hangingwall Vein (in the northern areas). o The Main Vein mineralization consists of a number of uncorrelated cassiterite veins within pervasively chloritised schist. This zone generally occurs over thicknesses of between 2 m and 22 m with an average thickness of approximately 9 m. This zone is generally the highest grade and most consistent. o Hangingwall Vein (HW Vein) mineralization occurring within partly chloritised schist and micaceous schist between 1 m and 20 m above the Main Vein. This zone of mineralization is generally between 0.5 m and 4 m wide and occurs in the northern area of the deposit and tapers out northwards. The middling between the Hanging Wall Vein and the Main Vein decreases in areas. It is possible that this vein merges into the Main Vein in some parts of the deposit. o Footwall Vein (FW Vein) mineralization, occurring within the micaceous schist and amphibolite schist between 1 m and 10 m below the Main Vein. This zone is restricted to the southern areas, is very narrow (<50 cm) and high grade in its most northern occurrences. Towards the south it thickens to approximately 6 m and is lower grade. It is possible that this vein merges into the Main Vein in some parts of the deposit. The strike length of mineralization at Mpama North is 600 metres. Depth of mineralization at Mpama North is from surface at an RL of ~800 metres, as observed in weathered outcrop, to an RL elevation of ~200 metres in drilling, or approximately over 600 metres vertical extent. Mineralization Tin mineralization at Bisie is hosted within a north-south striking, eastward dipping shear zone hosting multiple cassiterite veins, stringers and disseminated cassiterite in a structurally controlled zone. Structural and mineralogical evidence indicates cassiterite was emplaced first, followed by copper mineralization in the form of chalcopyrite and bornite, then by lead and zinc mineralization occurring as sphalerite and galena, likely a function of retrograde metasomatism. There is also evidence of late-stage quartzchalcopyrite veining which cross-cuts the mineralization with veins trending northnorthwest. Chlorite alteration is widespread and appears to be the result of later stage fluids entering the system. The host rocks are predominantly highly chloritised fine to medium grained, mica and mica-garnet schists. The tin and copper mineralization are almost exclusively found in zones dominated by intense chlorite alteration, however, cassiterite mineralization with no chlorite alteration has rarely been intersected in the hangingwall and footwall vein zones hosted in MSCH. The dominant structural control on mineralization is a N-S trending, brittle-ductile shear zone. It occurs predominantly as a single structure, with minor hangingwall and footwall splays particularly in the upper, more brittle parts of the structure. Tin mineralization can on occasions be more highly concentrated in high-grade chutes, such as at Mpama North where two are referred to by Alphamin as the upper high-grade chute and lower high-grade chute. Mineralization between these two chutes is lower grade and these areas contain narrower, more widely spaced cassiterite veins. Both chutes run parallel to each other and plunge to the north at approximately 35°. The highest tin grades appear to show a “chocolate-tablet” or “eggbox” geometry. These high-grade chutes parallel the intersection lineation between the N-S striking shear zone and NE trending structures that have been mapped underground by Alphamin staff and interpreted from drillhole and geophysical data. The highest-grade tin mineralization has so far been found at Mpama North where the widest and highest grade cassiterite veins were intersected in the deepest most northerly portion of the deposit. At Mpama South, mineralization is also characterised by multiple sets of cassiterite veins in the same host lithology and orientation as Mpama North, however, at relatively lower grades. Dimensions The area defined as a Mineral Resource extends approximately 750 m in the down plunge direction. It extends for a width of approximately 300 m in the plane of mineralisation perpendicular to the plunge. The main zone of the Mineral Resource, which accounts for 97% of the Mineral Resource, is on average approximately 9 m thick, although is narrower (less than 1 m) at the margins and up to 20 m thick in the central areas. The minor zones that occur several metres above and below the main zone are considerably narrower than the main zone and cover areas of between 100 m and 200 m in the dip and strike directions.



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Tin t  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe3,099
All production numbers are expressed as payable metal.

Operational metrics

Tonnes processed  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe94,933 t

Production Costs

Cash costs (sold) Tin USD  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe
All-in sustaining costs (sold) Tin USD  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe 12,584 / t  


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