Location: 45 km NE from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
130 Adelaide St. W, Suite 1901TorontoOntario, CanadaON M5H 3P5
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The East Kemptville deposit is a greisen-hosted Sn-Cu-Zn-Ag-In deposit with the alteration and mineralization predominantly affecting the East Kemptville leucogranite (EKL). Three major lithologies (besides overburden) are recognized for the East Kemptville deposit. They are: 1. Leucogranite (EKL) intrusive which is primary host of the mineralization. 2. Within the Baby Zone, a contact zone which is a mineralized igneous breccia containing both metasediment and granite clasts. 3. Metasedimentary rock consisting of interbedded psammites and pelites.Tin and base metal (Zn-Cu-Ag-W) mineralization within the deposit is primarily fine to medium-grained and is associated with northeast-trending, sub-vertical and zoned, quartztopaz, sulphide-bearing greisens, veins, and stockworks that occur primarily in the sericitesilica-topaz altered portions of the leucogranite meet the roof zone in contact with surrounding metasediments.In many respects, the geometry of the mineralization over the areal extent of the deposit appears akin to a series of closely spaced jellyfish where the bodies represent wider zones of 51 intense fracturing and coalescing greisens near the top of the intrusion and where the tentacles represent narrower, higher-grade feeders or root zones. A structural control on the emplacement of the mineralization may help explain why some thicker (20-40 m) portions of the deposit occur at greater depths and why some thinner zones (2-5 m) occur at higher levels (i.e., northern portion of Main Pit). In general, the zones below the current pit appear to be thinning and are of higher grade.The overall gross dimensions of the original potential economic mineralization at the Main and Baby Zones based on a cut-off grade of approximately 0.05% Sn are in the order of 1,500 m long, 350 m wide and 75 m to 150 m deep. Most of this volume is represented by the larger, Main Zone, which has been further subdivided into three subzones termed the Western Flank and South and North Extension Zones. The smaller and discrete Baby Zone occurs a few hundred metres southwest of the Main Zone within what is believed to be a structurally controlled, satellite intrusion. The intrusion hosting the Baby Zone is in the order of 250 m long and 50 m to 75 m wide, but may be continuous with that of the Main Zone at depth through the South Extension Zone.Higher grade, thicker, mineralization in the Baby Zone is focused along its structurally controlled, southeastern contact with the metasediments and along an interpreted fault that continues northeastward through the Main Zone. Here, potentially economic mineralization reaches tens of metres in thickness and grades appear to average over 0.20% Sn, 0.30% Zn and 0.10% Cu.The Main Zone mineralization is closely associated with ductile zones and greisens are predominantly restricted to fractures whereas the Baby Zone displays brittle deformation and has pervasive greisens below the wallrock contact.Mineralization between the Main Zone and the Baby Pit is referred to as the Southwestern Extension of the Main Zone and is not exposed at surface but intersected in drilling.