Location: 233 km NE from Phnom Penh, Cambodia
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The Okvau Deposit is largely hosted in a Cretaceous diorite intrusion emplaced within an upper Triassic metasedimentary host rock package. Gold mineralisation is contained in a north-east trending fracture set in a narrow off-shoot or apophyses from a larger diorite intrusion however extends beyond the diorite contact into the metasediments.The Okvau deposit is interpreted as an “intrusion-related gold system”. It is hosted mostly in Cretaceous age diorite and, to a lesser extent, in surrounding hornfels (metamorphosed, fine-grained clastic sediments). Gold mineralization is hosted within a complex array of sulphide veins, which strike northeast to east-west, and dip at shallow to moderately steep angles, to the south and southeast. Mineralisation is structurally controlled and mostly confined to the diorite. The highest grade intersections generally occur at the diorite-hornfels contact.Gold mineralisation is concentrated along a network of brittle/ductile shears and arsenopyrite-rich sulphide veins. The mineralized shears typically comprise 10 to 50 metre wide core of strongly altered, fractured, and/or sheared rock locally with a weak planar fabric, surrounded by 0.5 to 2 metre wide less intensely altered halos which retain relict diorite texture. Variably deformed pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite and/or pyrite-rich layers up to 10 metres wide also commonly occur in the core of the shears.The greater width of the alteration haloes around the shears, and textural evidence of movement along the shears implies they, rather than the narrow veins, were the principal fluid conduits within the Okvau Deposit. Gold-bearing fluids presumably accessed the fracture mesh which hosts the auriferous sulphide veins via the more strongly altered shears.The principal controls on the mineralisation are interpreted to be parallel to the western diorite contact with the metasediments however the low angle dipping planar shears (metasediment bedding parallel) also exert influence on the 3D distribution of the mineralisation. Gold grade continuity is therefore best defined as parallel to low dipping shears within the diorite which have an orientation in a shallow to moderate dipping plane to the south-east.DimensionsThe mineralisation has been delineated over a strike length of approximately 650m, a width of approximately 500m and to a depth of 650m below surface.