Location: 84 km SE from Bezaha, Madagascar
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The Molo Project hosts a flake graphite deposit, which is one of a variety of graphite deposit types.The Molo graphitic zone is delineated over the western, isoclinal antiform of a surficially exposed, steeply plunging (84°), antiform-synform pair consisting of graphitic schist and graphitic gneiss exposed for a strike length of over 2 km and a width of 750m.The limbs of the Molo antiform are parallel to the regional Ampanihy shear zone, and both dips steeply to the west at 85°. Outcrop mapping and trenching on Molo has shown the surface geology to be dominated by resistant ridges of graphitic schist and graphitic gneiss, as well as abundant graphitic schist float.Geological modelling has shown that the deposit consists of various zones of mineralised graphitic gneiss, with a barren footwall composed of garnetiferous gneiss. The host rock of the mineralised zones is graphitic gneiss.Graphite Mineralisation on Molo Graphite mineralisation on the Molo Project is hosted in schists, believed to originally have been mud stones, silt stones, and sand stones. Graphitic mineralisation in the Molo Project area is bimodally distributed, with low-grade and high-grade zones having carbon cut-off grades of 2% and 4% C, respectively. High-grade mineralization is associated with metamorphosed silt stones and mud stones, while low grade mineralization is associated with rocks interpreted to represent metamorphosed sand stones, which are interpreted to be more favourable hosts for large and jumbo flake graphite (Scherba et al., 2018).The Molo graphite deposit appears to have resulted from many mineralizing events, which extended over a period of time that may range from ca. 900 to ca. 490 Ma. These include the graphitization during the emplacement of anorthosite complexes, graphitization in a high-strain regime under high pressure and high temperature granulite facies metamorphism during the collision of the Androyen domain with the Vohibory domain, graphite refining and re-crystallization believed to have taken place during East Gondwana and West Gondwana collision, and the formation of post-collisional hydrothermal vein graphite during orogenic collapse. The super-imposition of the tectono-metamorphic history of southern Madagascar on a sedimentary sequence in which the protoliths were rich in organic carbon has resulted in flake graphite mineralization with high carbon purities and large flake sizes (Scherba et al., 2018).Petrographic descriptions undertaken on thin sections of selected rocks of the Manga vanadium deposit submitted for metallurgical analysis to Mintek (www.mintek.co.za/) in 2010 identified 17.17% modal graphite from the silicate composite, and 15.87% modal graphite from the oxide composite samples. Three additional composite samples were submitted to Mintek at the conclusion of the 2010 exploration program. The Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by Scanning Electron Microscopy (“QEMSCAN”) analysis of these samples quantified a graphite composition of 4.09%, while the head chemical analysis quantified a graphitic carbon content of 3.87%.