Mining Intelligence and News

Namoya Mine

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Mine TypeOpen Pit
  • Gold
Mining Method
  • Truck & Shovel / Loader
Mine Life... Lock
SnapshotNamoya Mine was put on care and maintenance on June 1th 2020. Shomka Resources Ltd. decided to restart operations at the Namoya Mine using the existing infrastructure.

The Namoya Project is made up of six deposits, namely the Mwendamboko, Muviringu, Kakula, Namoya Summit, Seketi and Kangurube.

An exploration program is to be started to identify new oxide resources and reserves adjacent to or in the vicinity of the six (6) existing pits. This is to extend the economic life of the mine based on the existing processing plant configuration taking into account technical limitations.


Baiyin International Investment Ltd. 34.5 % Indirect
Shomka Capital Limited 65.5 % Indirect
Namoya Mining SA. (operator) 100 % Direct
Shomka Resources Limited, a Hong Kong based resources company is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement to buy 100 percent interest in Namoya Mining.

Shomka Resources is a JV owned 65.5% by Shomka Capital Ltd and 34.5% by Baiyin International Investments Ltd.

Deposit type

  • Breccia pipe / Stockwork
  • Vein / narrow vein


The Namoya deposit includes the Kakula, Kangurube, Muviringu, Mwendamboko, Seketi and Summit deposits.

The Namoya Project lies on the western edge of the Kibaran Mobile Belt (KMB). The KMB is an intercontinental mobile belt which was formed during the Mesoproterozoic between 1.4Ga and 0.9Ga when the supercontinent Rodinia was formed. The KMB is also known as a metallogenic province.

The Namoya Project, even though segmented into separate prospects, boasts one type of gold mineralisation style. The following deposit characteristics have been noted:-
-gold mineralisation hosted within quartz veins and quartz stockworks, striking in a northwestsoutheast direction;

- prevalence of tourmaline crystals within the quartz veins;

- deformation structures within the quartz veins, resulting in irregular sheets, nested vein sets, ladder veins and micro-veinlets, characteristic of shearing;

- no granitic intrusions in the immediate area of the Namoya orebody (as a possible source of tourmaline) although quartz porphyry intrusions have been intersected by drill holes at Namoya Summit and Muviringu signifying potential for a deep seated granitic body; and

- sericite/chlorite schists, sometimes with carbonates, indicative of a magmatic and hydrothermal processes.

The deposit characteristics are typical of the intrusion-related, tungsten/tin-associated type. This class of magmatic-hydrothermal deposits occurs within magmatic provinces best known for tungsten and/or tin mineralization. This type of deposit contains a metal suite that includes some combination of bismuth, tungsten, arsenic, tin, molybdenum, tellurium and antimony and contrasts with that found in more widely-developed goldrich porphyry copper deposits.



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Mining Methods


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Crushers and Mills


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Namoya mine was only one month into production in 2020.
Gold koz  ....  Subscribe25376993506
All production numbers are expressed as metal in doré.

Operational metrics

Stripping ratio 3.8 3.55
Ore tonnes mined 1,516,045 t2,100,343 t
Total tonnes mined 7,282,882 t9,546,622 t
Annual production capacity 100 koz of gold metal in concentrate

Production Costs

Commodity production costs have not been reported.

Heavy Mobile Equipment

Fleet data has not been reported.

Aerial view:


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