Location: 45 km NE from Meekatharra, Western Australia, Australia
Second Floor, 46 Ventnor AvenuePerthWestern Australia, Australia6005
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Andy Well is located at the northernmost end of the north-north easterly trending Archaean Meekatharra-Wydgee greenstone belt, within the Youanmi Terrane. The belt comprises a succession of metamorphosed mafic to ultramafics, felsic and sedimentary rocks interpreted to belong to the Norie Group formerly Luke Creek and Mount Farmer Groups.The mineralisation at Andy Well is orogenic shear hosted, in narrow high-grade quartz reefs. Economic mineralisation has so far been identified within five parallel northnortheast trending quartz reefs; Wilber, Judy North, Judy South, Suzie and Jenny.The Wilber Shear is a 2-5m intensely sheared zone within a broader 20-60m wide zone of foliation. The shear dips 80°-295° with an early foliation S1, dipping 84-90° - 108-114°, overprinted by a penetrative S2 foliation that dips on average 80°-295°. Kinematic indicators inside the shear zone suggest it is dominated by combined reverse-sinistral movement. Younger fold and crenulation cleavage events have little impact on the quartz reef and shear zone. Minor normal block faulting offsets the reef in some areas <5m. The dominant sinistral-reverse movement observed in the Wilber Shear zone is permissive for Wilber being an extension shear vein or riedel shear opening.The Wilber Shear is one of several similar sub-parallel northeast-southwest shear structures approximately 200m apart. A north-south structure orientation is also evident in magnetic images and appears to have dextrally offset northeast-southwest structures in places by up to 100m. The north-south structures appear to define the northern and southern strike extents of the lodes and dextrally offset the northeast-southwest shears.Historical production was principally sourced from the Wilber lode, a sub-vertical slightly west dipping laminated quartz vein commonly 0.4 to 1.5m in width with a well-developed boudinage texture. The lode forms an extensive and largely continuous sheet of mineralisation, which is currently defined over 600m strike and 700m down dip, remaining open at depth.DimensionsThe Wilber resource extends for 845m in strike length, from 4m below surface to 1,000m below surface, and averages 1 meter true thickness, average 80° dip to the west.The Judy resource strikes 900m and extends from surface down to 800m below surface, averaging 0.5m to 1.0m true thickness and dipping approximately 80° to the west.The Suzie resource extends for 500m along strike from surface down to 500m below surface, averaging 0.5m to 1.0m true thickness and dips approximately 70° to the west.