Mining Intelligence and News

Andy Well Mine

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Mine TypeOpen Pit & Underground
  • Gold
Mining Method
  • Truck & Shovel / Loader
  • Longhole stoping
Backfill type ... Lock
Mine Life... Lock
SnapshotAndy Well mine was placed on care and maintenance in 2017.

Andy Well was acquired by Meeka Metals in February 2021 from Silver Lake Resources Limited and currently is a part of the Murchison Project.

The Murchison Project involves a brownfield restart of mining at Andy Well and a greenfield start up at Turnberry and St Anne’s. Andy Well was previously permitted for mining and processing operations, and various licenses and permits remain in place.

Existing infrastructure at Andy Well including workshop, stores, owerhouse and 6km of UG development will be recommissioned for mining activities.

Partial processing facility at Andy Well (ball mill and gravity circuit have been removed) is available and provides alternative development pathway.
Latest NewsMeeka hits bonanza gold at St Anne’s     January 8, 2025


Andy Well Mining Pty Ltd. (operator) 100 % Direct
Meeka Metals Ltd. 100 % Indirect
Andy Well Mining Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of Meeka Metals Limited (Meeka Metals), owns 100% of all Exploration Licenses, Mining Leases and mineral rights for the Project. Andy Well Mining Pty Ltd was acquired by Meeka Metals in February 2021 from Silver Lake Resources Limited (Silver Lake). The Project is managed by Meeka Metals.



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Deposit type

  • Porphyry
  • Hydrothermal
  • Vein / narrow vein


Project scale geology consists of Archean aged high Mg Basalt units intruded by north-south striking porphyry intrusives. These are cross cut by east-west striking Proterozoic dolerite dykes. The mineralized quartz vein cross cuts the Archean units but not the Proterozoic dykes.

Andy Well is located at the northernmost end of the north-north easterly trending Archaean Meekatharra- Wydgee greenstone belt, within the Youanmi Terrane. The belt comprises a succession of metamorphosed mafic to ultramafics, felsic and sedimentary rocks interpreted to belong to the Norie Group formerly Luke Creek and Mount Farmer Groups.

The Andy Well local stratigraphy is comprised of a north-northeast striking, sub-vertical (~80º) dipping, Achaean volcano-sedimentary package. The stratigraphy youngs toward the West based on sedimentary textures and immobile element geochemistry of basalts. The local package follows a general transition from a basaltic subaqueaous lava sequence at its base which becomes mafic volcaniclastic dominated before transitioning to a siliciclastic sequence of agrillites and arenites to the west of the Great Northern Highway.

The lowermost unit in the local sequence is a voluminous gabbro unit which is generally massive with a leucocratic texture at its core. West of this unit, a series of at least 3 distinct >200m thick basalt episodes have been recognised texturally and geochemically within the local sequence which are themselves comprised of multiple individual lava flows. Flows generally show a fractionation from high- Mg bases to lower Mg flow tops with flow contacts recognised as having a spatial relationship with the mineralised structures of Wilber, Judy and Suzie lodes.

The high-Mg basalts are typically chlorite-carbonate altered, however replaced by a strong chlorite- sericite-carbonate-pyrite alteration when sheared. Sometimes talc and biotite are included in this assemblage. Coarse bladed amphiboles may overprint basalts for several metres on the margins of the shear structures but are not preserved within the shearing itself. Original volcanic textures are preserved away from shearing including pillow and variolitic textures in basalts.

Towards the top of the basaltic sequence, mafic derived volcaniclastic sediment becomes more abundant interfingered with thin basalt flows. An ultramafic unit exists towards the top of the volcaniclastic sequence and approximately marks the transition to a siliciclastic dominated domain.

Above the ultramafic, a unit of black shale and laterally equivalent massive pyrite up to 8m thick occurs within fine grained silty arenites and argillites. A 2-5m garnetiferous mafic sediment can be used as a marker within the sedimentary package.

Minor Archaean dolerites are present generally parallel to stratigraphy and most obvious within the sedimentary sequence. Felsic intrusive cross cut stratigraphy at all levels. An older dacitic porphyry has been reported which is itself cut by earlier quartz feldspar-phyric porphyry. Intrusives are typically normal to stratigraphy and have an affinity to intrude along basalt flow boundaries. Porphyries are most abundant within the basaltic sequence and scarce within sediments. Rare lamprophyre has been recorded. East-west Proterozoic dykes crosscut all units approximately perpendicular to stratigraphy within the mine area.

It is interpreted that shearing at Andy Well has developed adjacent to (and in response to) movement along the Mount Magnet Shear zone, which is located ~1km to the east. Shearing along the northeast-southwest trend is likely to have exploited lithological contacts due to rheological contrast between differing basalt flow compositions. Strain appears to have been preferentially accommodated in fractionated magnesium rich basalt flow bases, which contain a higher proportion of ductile alteration minerals such as chlorite and talc compared to more robust brittle flow tops.

The Wilber Shear is a 2-5m intensely sheared zone within a broader 20-60m wide zone of foliation. The shear dips 80°?295° with an early foliation S1, dipping 84-90°?108-114°, overprinted by a penetrative S2 foliation that dips on average 80°?295°. Kinematic indicators inside the shear zone suggest it is dominated by combined reverse-sinistral movement. Younger fold and crenulation cleavage events have little impact on the quartz reef and shear zone. Minor normal block faulting offsets the reef in some areas <5m. The dominant sinistral-reverse movement observed in the Wilber Shear zone is permissive for Wilber being an extension shear vein or riedel shear opening. The Wilber Shear is one of several similar sub-parallel northeast-southwest shear structures approximately 200m apart. A north-south structure orientation is also evident in magnetic images and appears to have dextrally offset northeast-southwest structures in places by up to 100m. The north-south structures appear to define the northern and southern strike extents of the lodes and dextrally offset the northeast-southwest shears.

The gold mineralisation at Andy Well is orogenic shear hosted, narrow high-grade quartz reefs. Economic mineralisation has so far been identified within five parallel north-northeast trending quartz reefs; Wilber, Judy North, Judy South, Suzie and Jenny.

A geochemical affinity for basalt host rock/contact is also likely to be significant for mineralisation as grade is less abundant within sheared porphyry host rock.

Vein mineralogy is predominantly quartz-calcite-chlorite+/-fuchsite associated with minor disseminated pyrite with lesser amounts of chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite. Gold is frequently visible and finely dispersed throughout laminated, breccia and massive quartz types as well as with a lesser pyrite and other sulphides. Gold grades within veining are in general above 30g/t, whilst grades outside of veining but within the mineralised envelope are in the order of <0.3g/t Au.

Mineralised veins are interpreted petrographically as a space-filling. During flow of the hydrothermal fluid through the open structure, slivers of altered wall were scavenged into the structure, and suffered replacement to form fine-grained fuchsite + chlorite in stylolitic trails. Ongoing mild deformation caused partial recrystallisation of the vein quartz, forming finer-grained sutured mosaics.

Historical production was principally sourced from the Wilber Lode, a sub-vertical slightly west-dipping laminated quartz vein commonly 0.4 to 1.5m in width with a well-developed boudinage texture. It forms an extensive and largely continuous sheet of mineralisation, which is currently defined over 600m strike and 700m down dip, remaining open at depth.



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Mining Methods


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Crushers and Mills

Milling equipment has not been reported.



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Gold Metal in ore koz 354

Operational metrics

Ore tonnes mined, LOM  ....  Subscribe
Ore tonnes mined  ....  Subscribe276,219 t323,949 t394,728 t
Tonnes processed  ....  Subscribe334,494 t337,443 t309,542 t
* According to 2023 study.

Production Costs

Credits (by-product) Gold -4 / oz  AUD
All-in sustaining costs (AISC) Gold 1,517 / oz **  AUD
C1 cash costs Gold 916 / oz **  AUD
C2 total cash costs Gold 1,718 / oz **  AUD
C3 fully allocated costs Gold 1,809 / oz **  AUD
** Net of By-Product.

Operating Costs

UG mining costs ($/t milled) AUD  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe
Processing costs ($/t milled) AUD  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe
Total operating costs ($/t milled) AUD  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe


Sustaining costs M AUD 21.3  
Revenue M AUD 85.7  
Pre-tax Income M AUD -40.5  

Required Heavy Mobile Equipment


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EV - Electric


Mine Management

Job TitleNamePhoneProfileRef. Date
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required Subscription required Jan 5, 2024
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required Subscription required Jan 5, 2024
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required ........... Subscription required Subscription required Jan 9, 2024

Aerial view:


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