Location: 70 km NW from Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia, Australia
Suite 10, 38-40 Colin StPerthWestern Australia, Australia6005
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The Saints Nickel Sulphide Project is regarded as an Archaean Kambalda-style komatiite-hosted massive nickel sulphide deposit. The deposit occurs within the Menzies-Bardoc tectonic zone in ultramafic units’ equivalent to the Highway Ultramafics.The Saints tenements encompass a portion of the Archaean Norseman-Wiluna Greenstone Belt of the Kalgoorlie Terrane – Boorara Domain within the Eastern Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia. The tenements are located on the western limb of the Scotia-Kanowna Anticline within the Bardoc Tectonic Zone, which occurs along the western margin of the Scotia-Kanowna Batholith. The stratigraphy is upright and dips steeply to the west, consisting of mafic, ultramafic and metasedimentary/meta-volcaniclastic/felsic volcanic units.The Saints Nickel Project contains three known occurrences of nickel sulphide mineralisation: Saint Andrews, Saint Patricks and the Western Contact. The main sulphide species recognised in all three prospects are pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite and pyrite, with violarite in the transitional to weathered zones. High grade nickel mineralisation occurs as massive or matrix sulphides in the main modelled resource zones with disseminated or cloud sulphides occurring in the hanging wall position proximal to mineralisation in some areas. Mineralisation widths range from one to two metres up to six metres (true width).Saint Patrick and Saint Andrews remain open down-plunge – excellent exploration potential to increase current resource.DimensionsThe Saints Mineral Resource area extends over a NNW strike length of 1,540m (from 6,671,900mN – 6,673,340mN) and includes the 420m vertical interval from 350mRL to - 70mRL.