Location: 55 km E from Charleston, West Virginia, United States
300 Running Right WayP. O. Box 261JulianWest Virginia, United States25529
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The coal seams of interest within the Power Mountain Complex are the Powellton and Eagle. Strata on the Complex are mostly of the Pennsylvanian-age Kanawha Formation and the older, lower Beckley and Fire Creek seams are part of the New River Formation of the Pottsville Series. The rock formations between the coal seams are characterized by large proportions of sandstone interspersed with shale units.Coal seams with remaining resource potential evaluated within this TRS include, in descending stratigraphic order, the Powellton and the Eagle seams.MineralizationThe generalized stratigraphic columnar section demonstrates the vertical relationship of the principal coal seams and rock formations on the Property.DepositsThe coal produced at the Power Mountain complex is High-volatile B bituminous coal based on the ASTM classification of coals. This ranking is for coal with greater than 31% volatile matter and a moist, mineral matter free btu of 13,000 to 14,000. These coals have historically been sold on metallurgical market. Due to the high value of these High Volatile coking coals, all the seams have been extensively mined in the past. Generally, the coal rank increases with depth whereas the highest seams stratigraphically and physically on the hills exhibit the greatest volatile matter content. are along the southeastern margin of the resource northwest at approximately 2%. The Eagle seam at Jerry matter content and deepest deposits with the Fork Mine would be seams exhibit the lowest volatile.The highest structural elevations strata generally dipping considered below drainage. The Eagle seam was accessed through a box cut at the Jerry Fork mine. The southern extent of the Powellton seam resource outcrops along Twentymile Creek and dips northwest below drainage. Coal seams that outcrop and are above-drainage generally contain significantly less inherent methane gas.