Hudbay Minerals Inc. 100% indirectly owns Mason project, through its subsidiary, Mason Resources (US) Inc.

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Ann Mason is hosted by several phases of the Jurassic-age Yerington batholith, and younger quartz monzonite porphyry dykes (Jqmp-a, Jqmp-b and Jqmp-c). Copper mineralization primarily occurs within a broad zone of main-stage potassic alteration containing chalcopyrite and bornite. An assemblage of chalcopyrite-epidote or chalcopyrite-epidotequartz mineralization locally overprints main-stage potassic alteration and copper mineralization.
Within the Yerington district, Tertiary volcanic rocks, Mesozoic host rocks and coppermolybdenum porphyry deposits have been rotated 60 degrees to 90 degrees westward by Miocene normal faulting and extension. As a result, mineralized intercepts in vertical drill holes through Ann Mason represent approximately horizontal intervals across the original pre-tilt geometry of the deposit.
The Ann Mason deposit has the characteristics of a typical, large copper-molybdenum porphyry system. Projected to the surface, the 0.15% Cu envelope covers an area approximately 2.8 km northwest and up to 1.3 km northeast. At depth, this envelope extends more than a kilometre below surface. The mineralization remains open in most directions.
Within the 0.15% Cu envelope the highest grades occur within a 200 m to 800 m thick, westplunging zone that surrounds the intrusive contact between granodiorite (Jgd) and porphyritic quartz monzonite (Jpqm). Within this zone, copper grade is dependent on vein density, sulphide species, frequency and relative age of quartz monzonite porphyry dykes and the mafic content of the granodiorite. Mineralization is closely associated with quartz monzonite porphyry dykes (Jqmp-a, -b and -c). The top of the mineralized envelope is truncated by the Singatse Fault and much of the southwest edge is truncated by the northwest-trending Fault 1A.
Sulphide zoning is that of a typical porphyry copper with an outer pyritic shell, and concentric zones of increasing chalcopyrite and decreasing pyrite progressing inward to a central zone of chalcopyrite-bornite.
Within the northeast, southeast, and southwest quadrants of the deposit chalcopyrite and chalcopyrite-bornite are the primary sulphide domains and are the most dominant in terms of overall deposit tonnage. Little or no overlap occurs between pyrite and bornite or between pyrite and molybdenite. In the northwest quadrant the primary sulphide domain is chalcopyrite = pyrite; a domain that forms thick intervals of >0.3% Cu, with only minor bornite present at depth, near the granodiorite-porphyritic quartz monzonite contact.
Chalcopyrite occurs as individual grains in veins and disseminated in rock, as fillings in brecciated pyrite grains, attached to or included in pyrite grains, and attached to or included in bornite. Bornite occurs as separate grains in veins, and disseminated in rock and attached to chalcopyrite. Sparse chalcocite occurs as replacement rims on chalcopyrite, but more commonly as replacement rims or exsolution replacement of bornite.
Molybdenum occurs as molybdenite in quartz and quartz-chalcopyrite veins and on fracture or shear surfaces as molybdenum paint. Within quartz veins, molybdenite occurs as disseminations, centerline segregations and discontinuous selvages. Molybdenum within a 0.005% Mo grade shell occurs largely within the 0.15% Cu grade shell. Where late albite alteration has reduced copper grade, molybdenum mineralization is mobilized into fractures and shear zones and extends to greater depth than copper.
Silver =0.6 g/t and gold =0.06 g/t are closely associated with the occurrence of bornite within the chalcopyrite-bornite sulphide domain. Hydrothermal alteration associated with porphyry copper and molybdenum mineralization at Ann Mason is similar to alteration described in many porphyry copper deposits. Voluminous sodic-calcic alteration zones on the flanks of the Yerington district deposits may have been leached of copper and iron, possibly providing those components to mineralizing fluids (Dilles and Proffett, 1995).
Alteration assemblages include an outer propylitic zone (chlorite±epidote±pyrite), widespread potassic alteration (secondary biotite, secondary biotite+K-feldspar or Kfeldspar) associated with main-stage copper-molybdenum mineralization, and more restricted late-stage zones of chlorite±epidote±albite, sodic (albite±chlorite), and sericitic alteration. Molybdenum mineralization is not significantly affected by the late sodic alteration, beyond partial remobilization from veins into nearby fractures and shears.
Two prominent structures form structural boundaries to the Ann Mason Mineral Resource. The relatively flat Singatse Fault truncates the upper surface of the 0.15% Cu envelope over a portion of the deposit and juxtaposes sterile Tertiary volcanic rocks on top of the mineralized intrusives. The high-angle, northwest-trending, southwest dipping Fault 1A marks the current southwest margin of >0.15% Cu mineralization in the deposit, juxtaposing propylitically altered rocks with pyrite mineralization in the hanging wall against potassically-altered rocks with copper-molybdenum mineralization in the footwall. Fault 1A and other northwest- trending structures offset the intrusive contact between granodiorite (Jgd) and porphyritic quartz monzonite (Jpqm) to successively deeper levels towards the west and southwest. Copper-molybdenum mineralization in the footwall of the fault remains open at depth along the entire strike length of the fault.