

Mine TypeOpen Pit & Underground
  • Gold
Mining Method
  • Truck & Shovel / Loader
  • Sub-level open stoping (SLOS)
  • Longhole open stoping
  • Avoca
Production Start... Lock
Mine Life... Lock
SnapshotIncluded in the Kal East are the following deposits:
• Bulong Mining Centre: Myhree (open pit), Boundary (open pit); and
• Mt Monger Mining Centre: Majestic (underground), Jones Find (open pit), Crown (open pit), Fingals Fortune (open pit), Fingals East (open pit).

Kal East has approvals in place and the primary processing facility equipment has already been acquired.

On 9 May 2024, the Kal East preliminary feasibility study was updated and included two new underground mines (Myhree and Fingals) and with an extended initial life of mine to >7 years.

On 20 May 2024, Black Cat announced a turn-key funding, development & processing agreement with Mineral Mining Services (“MMS”) for mining of the Myhree and Boundary open pits, that will see Ore processed at the Paddington processing facility. First Ore was mined on 26 July 2024 and stockpiled.

On 30 September 2024, the first gold doré from Myhree ore has been poured.


Black Cat Syndicate Ltd. 100 % Indirect
Kal East operation is 100% owned by Black Cat Syndicate Ltd.



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Deposit type

  • Vein / narrow vein
  • Orogenic


Included in the May 2024 Study are the following deposits:
• Bulong Mining Centre:
- Open pits: Myhree, Boundary;
- Undergrounds: Myhree.
• Mt Monger Mining Centre:
- Open pits: Fingals Fortune, Fingals East, Jones Find, Crown;
- Undergrounds: Majestic, Fingals Fortune.

Bulong Mining Centre
Myhree (open pit & underground)
A well-developed laterite zone, up to 25m thick, sits above the local sequence which consists of (from footwall to hangingwall): komatiitic ultramafic, interlayered dolerite and volcaniclastic sediments (with variable black shale lenses), komatiitic ultramafic, and then into polymictic conglomerate with intruded dolerite lenses.

The footwall of Myhree is characterised by a zone of heavy chlorite alteration within the footwall ultramafic, generally following the trend of the ultramafic-diorite contract. Abutting the chlorite alteration is a package of highly silicified rocks generally consisting of the diorite and volcaniclastic sediments. The silicification can however cross into the footwall ultramafic, producing a bleached and highly competent rock. Above the silicified zone, the hangingwall ultramafic is characterised by talc-carbonate alteration. Finally, the conglomerate also appears to be highly silicified.

A number of structures have been interpreted within the Myhree deposit based on drilling and SAM surveys. The main orientations are NW-SE dipping north and north-south dipping west. Mineralisation terminates on a bounding NS fault, with no mineralisation observed on the eastern side. Both structures have no evidence in the drilling of a reduction in competency.

Boundary (open pit)
The Boundary deposit is hosted within NNE trending, west dipping units of altered ultramafics that sit below ~20m of overburden including ~10m of pisolitic laterite. These units range from Komatiite to peridotite and have been intensely altered by silica, carbonate and chlorite, with little relic textures visible. Occasional intense fuchsite alteration is also present. Mineralisation is associated with areas of increased shearing, with associated increases in sulphides in quartz veins. Thin zones of black shale are present in areas of high strain. The deposit is crosscut by NW trending faults which seem to both dislocate mineralised trends, as well as act as zones of higher-grade gold concentration.

Mt Monger Mining Centre
Majestic (underground)
Majestic is hosted within a quartz diorite on the western margin of the Juglah Monzogranite. The quartz diorite is relatively equigranular and contains up to 10% quartz. The quartz diorite has been intruded by porphyritic dykes that somewhat bound the main zone of mineralisation.

A deep weathering profile of ~30-40m (down to 60m in places) exists across the deposit and displays weak supergene mineralisation above 35m that sits directly below a stripped zone of mineralisation.

Majestic is dominated by generally NS, steeply west dipping structures. Within these structures two plunges have been identified, both within drill core measurements and grade distributions:
• Gentle north to gentle south plunge identified within vein intersections containing sulphides, alteration contacts and progressively higher gold grade cut-offs. These features show a visual correlation with domains of strongly elevated gold grades.
• A moderate southwest plunge within veins that contain various silicate infill minerals, alteration contacts, lithological contacts, shears, sulphide bearing veins, late faults and areas of moderately elevated gold grades.
• These structures are believed to have been the primary control on mineralisation orientation.
• Two styles of mineralisation are observed, an earlier biotite-pyrite wash and a later state bleaching (albite-silicapyrite). Features of the two styles include:
• Biotite-pyrite mineralisation.
• Albite-silica-pyrite mineralisation.
• Based on fluid inclusion work, mineralising fluids are thought to be derived from a magmatic derived fluid source. Changes in composition are thought to be due to a slowly cooling system. Mineralisation appears to have occurred relatively early, with later stage veining and alteration overprinting mineralised structures.

Jones Find (open pit)
Jones Find comprises a north-striking, steeply west dipping sequence of sheared mafic-intermediate intrusive rock. The host is locally foliated and schistose. Widespread alteration comprises silica-carbonate, whilst localised zones of silicasericite-kaolinite are observed as well as silica-sericite-chlorite(-biotite). The weathering in the area is typically to depths of 20-35m and displays evidence of supergene enrichment.

Structurally, Jones Find is located on the eastern flank of the south plunging Bulong Anticline. The western margin of the granite to granodiorite phase pluton coincides with a major northwest striking shear (Majestic shear/fault). Jones Find is inferred to lie on a subsidiary splay of this major shear zone. There are several interpreted NE to NNE structures within the area controlling the distribution and strike extent of individual lodes within the mineralisation envelope.

Crown (open pit)
Crown is characterised by a lack of topographical relief and is covered by recent alluvium and colluvium up to 4m deep. The area is dominated by altered granodiorite which hosts the mineralisation. To the immediate south of Crown, the mineralisation appears to be truncated by the ENE trending Celebration dyke that forms part of the Widgiemooltha Supersuite.

Alteration over Crown appears to be middle green schist facies regional metamorphism which has generated new assemblages of plagioclase-actinolite-biotite-quartz-clinozoisite-ilmenite-sphene-chlorite-sulphides (pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite). Mineralisation is associated with narrow quartz sulphide veins and sulphide veinlets that trend roughly north south and dip steeply to the west. Mineralised structures are observed at surface.

Fingals Fortune (open pit & underground)
The Fingals Fortune deposit is situated on the western limb of the Mt Monger anticline, dipping at ~30-40 degrees to the southwest. High-Mg pillow basalts are positioned in the footwall of the deposit and structurally separated from overlying dolerite sills and basalts by a structural disconformity represented by a series of bedding parallel shears that host the mineralisation.

Mineralisation is predominantly hosted in the highly sericite altered felsic porphyry, with historic pit sampling indicating that gold is generally hosted within quartz veining. Lower grade gold may potentially occur within the alteration zone.

Mineralisation has strong structural controls, with the reactivation of the bedding parallel thrusts during the sinistral obliqueslip shear event thought to be the mineralising event. This has resulted in three main orientations to mineralisation:
• Moderately shallow westerly dipping veins following the bedding parallel thrust structures.
• Flat lying to shallow south dipping veins following the tensional structures.
• Unconfirmed narrow subvertical veins following the sinistral oblique-slip shear zones (McGahren, 2015). Note these have not been fully modelled to date as confirmation of detailed pit mapping is required.

Fingals East (open pit)
The Fingals East deposits are situated on the eastern limb of the Mt Monger anticline, dipping at ~40-50° to the SE. HighMg pillow basalts host a coarse-grained magnetic dolerite sill, with shearing along the margin and within the dolerite hosting the mineralisation.



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Mining Methods


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Crushers and Mills


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CommodityUnitsAvg. Annual (Projected)LOM (Projected)
Gold koz 51350
All production numbers are expressed as metal in doré.

Production Costs

Commodity production costs have not been reported.

Heavy Mobile Equipment


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Mine Management

Job TitleNameProfileRef. Date
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required Subscription required Nov 8, 2024
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required Subscription required Nov 8, 2024
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required Subscription required Nov 10, 2023

Aerial view:


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