Mining Intelligence and News

Wiluna West JWD Mine

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Mine TypeOpen Pit
  • Iron Ore
Mining Method
  • Truck & Shovel / Loader
Production Start... Lock
SnapshotThe Wiluna West Project includes the JWD deposit. The JWD Project produces high-grade direct shipping ore (DSO) hematite.

In November 2024, the Wiluna West JWD Project was acquired by the private company Newcam Minerals. Newcam mines, hauls, and exports iron ore from the JWD Wiluna mine through the Geraldton Port.

Newcam Minerals operates as a private entity and does not publicly disclose its operational performance metrics.


Wiluna Fe Pty Ltd. (operator) 100 % Direct
Newcam Minerals (Pty) Ltd. 100 % Indirect
CuFe Ltd announced that all conditions precedent to the sale of the Company’s Mining Rights at JWD to Newcam Minerals Pty Ltd. were met by 31 October 2024 and that settlement of the transaction completed on 1 November 2024.



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Deposit type

  • Banded iron formation


The JWD deposit (or Joyners Find – John William Doutch deposit) is a high iron grade, low deleterious element iron ore deposit located within the unit B BIF. The deposit has a strike length of approximately 3 km and comprises five sub-parallel BIF bands separated by mafic and ultramafic schists that dip steeply to the west. The two eastern bands (bands 1 and 2) are well mineralised whereas band 3 to west is narrower and not as well mineralized. The JWD iron mineralisation has the highest grades found in the Wiluna West Project with the lowest content of deleterious elements.

The Wiluna West project extends 45 km in strike over the Joyners Greenstone Belt, near the northern margin of the Yilgarn Craton. The Joyner’s Find Greenstone Belt is a narrow (5 km to 10 km) northsouth striking greenstone belt comprising prominent ridges (in the central and eastern portion) of Banded Iron Formations (BIF) intercalated with mafic and ultramafic schists with minor chert and clastic sediment horizons.

High grade hematite mineralisation occurs within three main BIF ridges (Units A, B and C) with grade occurrences of up to 69% Fe. Iron mineralisation occurs within BIFs surrounded by inter- bedded mafic and ultramafic schist units. Unit B and Unit C have been partially drill tested by GWR for hematite mineralisation. The two main ridges show distinctive mineralisation styles with B ridgeshowing a much lower proportion of remnant bedding and generally a significantly higher portion of haematite especially in the top 20 m. Mineralisation of the B ridge is also much more continuous along strike occurring semi continuously for over 15 km. The mineralisation on the C ridge typically occurs in a series of pods of up to 20 Mt separated by poorly or un-mineralised BIF. The JWD deposit represents part of Unit B.



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Operational metrics

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Mine Management

Job TitleNameProfileRef. Date
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required Subscription required Feb 11, 2025

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