Mining Intelligence and News

Albany Project

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Mine TypeOpen Pit
StagePreliminary Economic Assessment
  • Graphite
Mining Method
  • Truck & Shovel / Loader
Mine Life... Lock
SnapshotThe Albany Graphite Project is a large-scale graphite deposit being prepared for future mining. It is surrounded by accessible infrastructure like roads, a railway, power lines, and a gas pipeline. The project is currently in the late stages of exploration. Environmental baseline studies for the project were initiated in 2019.

Test work was conducted to support a PEA that was completed in 2015. Metallurgical test results have demonstrated Graphite concentrate can be produced via flotation targeting 88.6% graphitic carbon (Cg). Graphite concentrate was purified to yield a final graphite product grading 99.94% Cg.

Albany Graphite Corporation (AGC) continues to investigate the potential of Albany graphite for use as an ideal anode material for the electric vehicle market.

On January 8, 2025, AGC has achieved a preliminary five-nines purity of 99.9991% directly from a larger Albany graphite deposit flotation concentrate sample utilizing an operational pilot-scale fluidized bed re


Zentek Ltd. 100 % Indirect
The Zentek owns 100% of the issued and outstanding shares of Albany Graphite Corp which owns the Albany Graphite Project.



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Deposit type

  • Breccia pipe / Stockwork
  • Hydrothermal
  • Vein / narrow vein


The Albany graphite deposit is a globally unique example of an epigenetic graphite deposit in which a large volume of highly crystalline, fluid-deposited graphite occurs within an igneous host. The deposit is interpreted as a vent pipe breccia that formed from CO2-rich fluids that evolved due to pressure-related degassing of syenites of the Albany Alkalic Complex and is described in the following subsections (Conly, 2014a; Conly, 2014b; Conly and Moore, 2015).

Preliminary petrography indicates that the graphite-hosting breccias range in composition from diorite to granite and are generally described as “syenite”. Graphite occurs both in the matrix, as disseminated crystals, clotted to radiating crystal aggregates and veins and along crystal boundaries, and as small veins within the breccia fragments. In addition to graphite, the matrix consists primarily of quartz, alkali feldspar, and plagioclase feldspar with minor phlogopite and amphibole and trace amounts of pyritepyrrhotite and magnetite. Alteration is minor and is most pronounced as a paleo-weathering profile in the upper 20 m of the breccia pipes where bleaching and late, carbonate-filled fractures are common. The stockwork graphitic veins can be several centimetres wide while the veinlets and hairline fractures are millimetre and submillimetre scale. Breccia fragments are dominantly massive to weakly foliated AAC syenite (>95%) with minor to trace chlorite-biotite-rich schist fragments, and mafic to intermediate dyke fragments. Occasional solid graphite fragments and rare altered fragments of unknown origin were also observed. Breccia fragments are angular to subangular to subrounded and range in size from subcentimetre to approximately one metre, most being between three and thirty centimetres. Dyke and graphite fragments range from one centimetre to five centimetres.



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Mining Methods


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Crushers and Mills


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CommodityProductUnitsAvg. AnnualLOM
Graphite Refined graphite kt 30634

Operational metrics

Daily mining rate 32,231 t *
Daily ore mining rate 2,807 t *
Daily processing capacity 2,800 t *
Annual ore mining rate 982,500 t *
Annual processing rate 982,500 t *
Annual processing capacity 983,000 t *
Stripping / waste ratio 6.8 *
Waste tonnes, LOM 142.38 Mt *
Ore tonnes mined, LOM 20.9 Mt *
Total tonnes mined, LOM 163.31 Mt *
Tonnes milled, LOM 20.9 Mt *
* According to 2015 study.

Production Costs

Cash costs Graphite USD 2,046 / t *  USD
Assumed price Graphite USD 7,500 / t *  USD
* According to 2015 study / presentation.

Operating Costs

OP mining costs ($/t milled) USD  ....  Subscribe
Processing costs ($/t milled) USD  ....  Subscribe
Total operating costs ($/t milled) USD  ....  Subscribe
* According to 2015 study.

Project Costs

MetricsUnitsLOM Total
Initial CapEx $M USD  ......  Subscribe
Sustaining CapEx $M USD  ......  Subscribe
Closure costs $M USD  ......  Subscribe
Total CapEx $M USD  ......  Subscribe
OP OpEx $M USD  ......  Subscribe
Processing OpEx $M USD 844.3
G&A costs $M USD 215
Total OpEx $M USD  ......  Subscribe
Total Taxes $M USD  ......  Subscribe
Gross revenue (LOM) $M USD  ......  Subscribe
Net revenue (LOM) $M USD  ......  Subscribe
EBITDA (LOM) $M USD  ......  Subscribe
Net Income (LOM) $M USD  ......  Subscribe
Pre-tax Cash Flow (LOM) $M USD  ......  Subscribe
After-tax Cash Flow (LOM) $M USD  ......  Subscribe
Pre-tax NPV @ 10% $M USD  ......  Subscribe
Pre-tax NPV @ 8% $M USD  ......  Subscribe
After-tax NPV @ 10% $M USD  ......  Subscribe
After-tax NPV @ 8% $M USD  ......  Subscribe
Pre-tax IRR, %  ......  Subscribe
After-tax IRR, %  ......  Subscribe
Pre-tax payback period, years  ......  Subscribe
After-tax payback period, years  ......  Subscribe

Required Heavy Mobile Equipment


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Mine Management

Job TitleNameEmailProfileRef. Date
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required ........... Subscription required Subscription required Jan 30, 2025
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required ........... Subscription required Subscription required Jan 30, 2025

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