Two types of apatite-ilmenite occurrences (nelsonite and anorthositic gabbro) are present within the Lac a Paul Project. Both are magmatic in origin and form specific facies of the Lac Saint-Jean Anorthositic complex. Although these kinds of deposits are known to be associated with various anorthosite complexes around the world, none are currently being mined for their phosphate content. However, similar deposits with dominant ilmenite are currently mined at Lac Tio (Rio Tinto Iron Titanium, Havre St-Pierre, Québec) and Tellnes (Norsk Hydro, Norway). Numerous occurrences are currently under evaluation in the Province of Québec for their iron and titanium content.
Mineralization at the Lac a Paul Project originated from magmatic sedimentation and segregation within the anorthositic complex. The main geological unit of interest is a Nelsonite consisting of apatite and ilmenite magnetite rich layers.
Many apatite mineralized zones are reported within the Arianne’s Lac a Paul Project. Zones No.1 and No. 2 are low-grade apatite-ilmenite bearing gabbros discovered by the FMSLSJ and will only be discussed briefly. Only Zone No. 2 has been explored significantly with diamond drilling. Zone No 3 is no longer part of the land package; Arianne did not renew the claims due to the low grades encountered. Most of the other zones, i.e. Manouane, Paul, Nicole, Lucie, Lise, Intersection and La Traverse have been drilled, are considered nelsonites, and show a good potential.
The Paul Zone is Arianne’s prime target. It is located in the northern part of the Property on claims no.2129818, no.2129818 and no.2167470. The Zone occupies a hillcrest adjacent to the north of Lac a Paul (UTMX: 374000; UTMY: 5529000). It is easily accessible via various logging trails connecting to the road leading to the Manouane River. Less than 10 meters of overburden has been reported.
The rocks consist of an olivine nelsonite, composed of similar proportions of apatite, ilmenite, magnetite and olivine, plus accessory pyroxene, feldspar and biotite as reported and validated by Réjean Girard from IOS. Depending on mineral proportions, this layered rock can vary between a genuine nelsonite, a troctolitic nelsonite, a troctolite (olivine-plagioclase rock), a pyroxenite, a gabbroic anorthosite, etc.
These facies are intricate or layered in a disorderly fashion. This Zone is embedded in apatite-free gabbroic to anorthositic host rock. The difference between the various facies is subtle, and detailed correlation between drill holes remains tricky. The Paul Zone is known to extend at least 2,700 meters, aligned east-southeast. Ovoid in shape, its width is not constant, between 150 and 300 meters (presumed thickness of the Zone). The Zone is open at depth (400 vertical meters) and presumed true thickness range from 150 to 300 meters.