Location: 158 km NW from Schefferville, Quebec, Canada
59 Burtch’s LaneRockportOntario, CanadaK0E 1V0
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The Trough, otherwise known as the Labrador Quebec Fold Belt, extends for more than 1,100 km along the eastern margin of the Superior Craton from Ungava Bay to Lake Pletipi, Quebec. The belt is about 100 km wide in its central part and narrows considerably to the north and south. Adriana’s Property is located north of the Grenville Front in the Churchill Province where the Trough rocks have been subject to greenschist or subgreenschist grade metamorphism and the principal iron formation unit is known as the Sokoman Formation. The lithological units of interest on the Property due to their iron content are members of the Sokoman. The Lac Otelnuk deposits are composed of iron formations of the Lake Superior-type. This type of iron formation consists of banded sedimentary rocks composed principally of bands of magnetite and hematite within quartz (chert)-rich rock, with variable amounts of silicate, carbonate and sulphide lithofacies. Such iron formations have been the principal sources of iron throughout the world. Lithofacies that are not highly metamorphosed or altered by weathering are referred to as taconite and the Lac Otelnuk deposits are examples of this type. Mineralization in the iron formation consists mainly of magnetite (Fe3O4) and hematite (Fe2O3), however, some iron also occurs in siderite and ferro-ankerite. Iron oxide bands containing concentrations of magnetite and/or hematite alternate with grey chert of jasper.