Location: 60 km S from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, Australia
Level 8, Tower 3 Capital Square 1 Spring StreetPO Box 7142, Cloisters SquarePerthWestern Australia, Australia6000
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Mincor Resources NL was removed from the Official List at the close of trading on 25 July 2023 under Listing Rule 17.14, following compulsory acquisition of its remaining securities by Wyloo Consolidated Investments Pty Ltd.
Wyloo Metals’ acquisition of Mincor Resources makes Wyloo a producer of high-grade nickel sulphide from its acquired Cassini and Northern Operations mines.
There are two mining areas in the Durkin North mine plan, being the D1/D2 area and the D3/D5 area. The D1/D2 area strikes predominantly east-west with a strike length of ~550m, extending from ~-85mRL (~420 mbs) to -260mRL (175m extent). This area gently plunges to the north resulting in a long strike over a relatively small vertical extent. The orebody in D1/D2 is generally narrow (1-3m), with one main lode and a small hangingwall splay in the southern area. The orebody dips to the north, with dips ranging from relatively shallow dipping (down to 45° in parts) up to 75°. The D3/D5 area strikes southeast/northwest with a strike length of ~380 m, extending from -270mRL to -450mRL (180 m extent). The plunge in this area tends to vertical. Dips are generally steeper than D1/D2, ranging from 65-80° to the north-east. The D3/D5 area contains several closely spaced economically extractable lodes in parallel, with widths 1-3m.The Long Mineral Resource generally strikes northwest-southeast. The Mineral Resource is spread out over an extensive area. Ore pod strike lengths are variable, ranging from 20-30m to ~500m. Some areas dip steeply and continuously to the north-east at approximately 70-80°, while other ore pods are flat dipping at 15-25°. The orebody is generally less than 2m thick.
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