Location: 16 km SW from Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
200 – 235 Front St. PO Box 2140Tumbler RidgeBritish Columbia, CanadaV0C 2W0
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Conuma Coal Resources Ltd. is a subsidiary of West Virginia-based mining company ERP Compliant Fuels.
The mineral deposit type being investigated at the Wolverine Property is bituminous coal that occurs in consistent seams of mineable thickness in sedimentary rock formations. The coal seams were deposited in an alluvial deltaic environment and therefore vary somewhat in thickness and ash content.The rock formations on the Property are folded and faulted due to post-depositional tectonic activity. The Perry Creek structure consists of a broad, open fold with a dip of less than 30º and exhibits no evidence of significant faulting. The Perry Creek Area is therefore of Moderate geology type, as defined under GSC 88-21. The mineralized zones encountered on the Property contain low- to medium-volatile bituminous grade coal seams that, with standard processing to remove impurities, will yield coking coal suitable for use in steel making. In the Perry Creek Area, the mineralized zone occurs within an area measuring approximately 3 km wide and 3.5 km along strike. Within this area, four main coal seams have been identified as E Seam, F Seam, G Seam, and J Seam, in descending stratigraphic order. The seams are continuous over the area.In the Hermann Pit Area project coal seams are mostly in folds with moderate to steep (40-70°) dips of the Gates Formation (Fort St. John Group; Lower Cretaceous).
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