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The zone of mineralisation grading in excess of 1% HM is hosted in a single tabular horizon within the Loxton Parilla Sand (LPS) geological unit. Mineralisation extends over a north-south strike distance of 9.5km and an east-west distance of 3.5km. The mineralisation varies from 3 to 20m in thickness averaging 9.5m and resides beneath 8 to 20 m of unmineralised sediment.WIM100 along with adjacent deposits WIM50 and WIM50 North are located along the southern margin of the Murray Basin, a shallow, intracratonic basin of Cainozoic age. Within the basin, large mineralised zones exist containing very fine grained HM (WIM style deposits), of which WIM50, WIM50 North and WIM100 are examples. The WIM deposits are interpreted to be hosted in low energy offshore shallow marine environments.The HM in the WIM deposits likely originate from river systems eroding elevated areas of Palaeozoic igneous rocks and Mesozoic sandstones, draining into the Murruvian Sea. These sediments included quantities of valuable HM such as rutile, zircon, ilmenite, monazite and xenotime, which were concentrated through the winnowing action of storms, tides and currents.The basic stratigraphy for Iluka’s WIM deposits comprises Shepparton Formation, overlaying LPS which in turn overlays sediments of the Winnambool Formation or Ettrick Formation. The Shepparton Formation blankets the area and is described by Brown and Stevens. It is typically 5 to 10m thick and consists of clay and silty clay with intercalated lenses of fine to coarse sand and gravel. The clay is silty, variegated grey, red-brown, yellow and white; the sand consists of poorly sorted, rounded to angular, high sphericity to low sphericity polymictic grains. The LPS presents as an extensive blanket of fine to very coarse sand about 20m thick underlying the Shepparton Formation. The LPS intersected within Iluka’s Wimmera deposits is typically unconsolidated although erratic soft to medium and rare hard iron cementing is prevalent in places. The offshore sediments of the LPS locally overlay fossiliferous and glauconitic grey-green silty-clay and clay of the Winnambool and Ettrick Formations.Thickness of the Winnambool and Ettrick Formation vary but is generally 30m thick in the project area where they overlie Palaeozoic basement rocks.Dimensions The WIM100 mineralisation has a north-south strike extent of about 9.5km, an east-west across strike extent of about 3.5km. The mineralisation varies from 3m to 20m in thickness and averages about 9.5m in thickness. The mineralisation is covered by an average thickness of about 15m of non-mineralised Shepparton Formation and coarse grained LPS with depth to mineralisation varying from about 8m to 20m.