The Tschudi Project area is located within the Otavi Mountainland of northern Namibia, which forms part of the Northern Carbonate Platform of the Pan African Damaran orogen. The Damara Supergroup is an orogenic belt that was deposited on a pre-1.0 Ga granitoid basement, the Grootfontein Basement Complex. It is composed of a 400km wide north-east trending arm, as well as two coastal arms, that all join in the region of Swakopmund, on the western coast of Namibia.
The Tschudi orebody is hosted within the basal arenite of the Mulden Group, the Tschudi Formation, unconformably overlying the Otavi dolomites. The orebody transgresses from the Huttenberg dolomites, through the basal conglomerate, and up into the clean arenites for approximately 15 - 20m.
The Tschudi Deposit hosts various different mineralization facies, separated out into oxide, transitional and sulphide zones. The copper mineralization is preferentially developed in the base of the arenite sequence on the southern limb of the syncline, as a disseminated, continuously distributed roughly planar sheet, varying from two metres to at least 40m thick. There is a continuous basal mineralized zone termed the Lower Zone lying on the dolomite surface, with occasional lenses/pods of mineralization occurring several metres above constituting the Upper Zone. These lenses plunge downdip, towards the base of the syncline. The mineralization is best developed within the medium to fine grained feldspathic arenites and sub-greywackes. Pyrite often occurs in the fine grained argillites near the base of the arenites, but these seldom contain copper mineralization. At surface outcrop the oxide mineralization occurs over a strike length of approximately 2.5km, and continues down to approximately 55m vertical depth. There is then a transitional zone of mixed sulphid oxide mineralization to a vertical depth of approximately 75m, followed by a dominantly sulphide zone. The mineralization does locally transgress into the dolomites, as void fillings, in joints, fractures and shear zones. The mineralization is open ended to depth, but is not present to any great degree in the opposite limb of the syncline. There are sporadic soil anomaly indications of copper further along the dolomite-sandstone contact, as well as in the nose of the fold.