Location: 330 km NE from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, Australia
Level 2, 26 Colin StreetPO Box 1157PerthWestern Australia, Australia6005
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The Gilmour deposit is located in the central-western part of the Yamarna Greenstone Belt and is interpreted to be a southern extension of the second order Golden Highway Shear Zone that hosts the Attila-Alaric (Golden Highway) group of deposits (0.7 million ounces). The bulk of the gold mineralisation is hosted within a north-east to north - dipping shear hosted laminated quartz vein (Gilmour Main Vein) constrained by the Waters Fault Zone to the north and Pink Fault to the south. The Main Vein is highly continuous and occurs over a 600 metre strike length and a dip extent drilled to a maximum of 450 metres below surface. The laminated vein is almost always associated with evenly distributed coarse gold and pyrite and ranges from 0.1 metres wide to 0.5 metres wide, averaging 0.25 metres. Proximal alteration to the veining comprises a muscovite + pyrite ± albite ± biotite assemblage and is generally constrained to 0.1 to 0.5 metres either side of vein margins but can be up to 5 to 10 metres wide locally. A 120 g/t Au top-cut was applied to the Main Vein Domain for grade estimation by Ordinary Kriging and resulted in an average grade of 24.32 g/t Au and a co-efficient of variation of 1.02, confirming the robust nature of the geological interpretation.The observed plunge of mineralisation of the Main Vein using grade and gram.metre trends is 25 to 30° to the north between the Pink and Water South Fault and 55° to the north-west, north of the Waters South Fault. The plunge is interpreted to be associated with the low angle intersection of the shear/vein with stratigraphy (narrow mafic interbed), lineations measured in diamond core and/or a dip flexure observed in the upper resource area. The resource is open at depth and growth may be realised with further infill and extensional drilling.The deposit is overlain by Quaternary sands and Cenozoic channel deposits sands. In some areas of the deposit, a pisolitic laterite duricrust (coarse gravel) near or at surface, and anomalous in gold, has formed. This sequence of transported cover varies in depth from 10 to 25 metres in thickness. The Archean basement is weathered to a depth of 80 to 90 metres below surface, increasing to greater than 100 metres in areas of fault complexity associated with the Waters Fault Zone. The regolith profile is generally stripped to the base of the deeply weathered upper saprolite zone, in most cases it is depleted of gold due to leaching and forms an upper domain boundary to mineralisation. The lower saprolite can also be depleted of gold but is difficult to predict and requires close space drilling to define adequately.DimensionsThe Mineral Resource is constrained by optimised shapes to determine the portion of the total resource model that has a reasonable prospect of eventual economic extraction.Length along strike: 600 m.Horizontal Width: 2 to 10+ m with an average of 4 m. (vein + proximal halo).The vertical depth of Mineral Resource from surface to the upper limit is 10 to 20 m and to the lower limit is 275 m. The deepest intersection is 475 m below surface.
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