Location: 493 km N from Saguenay, Quebec, Canada
1125 rue Jules-BriseboisVal-d’OrQuebec, CanadaJ9P 6X3
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Since Stornoway went bankrupt, Deloitte was appointed as trustee. Stornoway got delisted from TSX (since September 2019).
On 3 April 2024, Winsome Resources acquired an option to purchase the Renard Mine. Winsome is in discussions with Stornoway in relation to the final form of the transaction agreement.
During the December 2024 Quarter, Winsome elected to pre-emptively extend the Option period by 2 months from 31 December 2024 to 28 February 2025.
The Renard kimberlites were emplaced into granitic and gneissic host rocks, and contain diamonds of economic interest. The bodies comprise a late Neo-Proterozoic to Cambrian kimberlite field in Québec (Girard, 2001; Moorhead et al., 2002; Letendre et al., 2003).To date, nine kimberlite pipes have been identified over a 2 km2 area in the Renard Cluster (Renard 1 to Renard 10; with Renard 5 and Renard 6 forming one body, referred to as Renard 65). The kimberlite pipes are typically spaced between 50 m and 500 m from each other. Geophysical data and drill information from delineation and bulk sampling programs indicate that, in general, most of the Renard kimberlites are irregular and elliptical in plan view. Surface areas of the kimberlite portion of the pipes range from 0.1 ha to 2.0 ha. Two laterally extensive kimberlite dyke systems, known as the Lynx and Hibou dykes, have been identified to the west and northwest of the pipe cluster, respectively. Portions of both dykes are included in the mineral resource estimation. Additional dyke like kimberlites have been discovered elsewhere on the property. These are not included in the mineral resource estimation but may warrant additional work at a later date.
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