The Bau Gold Project JV is managed by Besra Gold Inc. (formerly Olympus Pacific Minerals Inc) through its majority owned subsidiary, North Borneo Gold Sdn Bhd, (NBG) a Malaysian incorporated company.
On January 24, 2024, Besra Gold Inc announced an increase in its ownership of the Bau Gold Project. Besra's ownership of NBG has increased by 0.72% to 98.5%.
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The known deposits in the Bau Goldfield can be characterized by four distinctive gold mineralisation styles that exhibit both lateral and vertical geochemical and mineralogical zonation with respect to the Bau Trend intrusives. In general these styles are:
• Sediment Rock-Hosted Disseminated Gold Deposits, e.g. Jugan; Bukit Sarin;
• Silica replacement (jasperoid) and open space siliceous breccias, e.g. Tai Parit; Bukit Young Pit, Bekajang;
• Mangano-calcite-quartz veins, e.g. Tai Ton; Pejiru, Kapor;
• Magmatic – Hydrothermal porphyry related deposits with/without calc-silicate skarn, e.g. Sirenggok, Sey Seng, Ropih, Arong Bakit, Juala West.
The Sirenggok deposit lies approximately 1.5km NE of Bau Township. The current resource modelling has outlined an Inferred Resource of 8.346 million tonnes at 1.14 g/t Au for 307,000 ounces at a lower cut-off of 0.5g/t Au.
The Jugan Deposit is centred on Jugan Hill, approximately 7 km NE of Bau, within a kilometre of the Bau-Kuching Road. The current measured and indicated resource modelled stands at 17.91 million tonnes at 1.51 g/t Au for 870,500 ounces gold. Inferred resources are 1.77 million tonnes at 1.57 g/t Au for 89,800 ounces gold.
Pejiru Sector
The Pejiru Sector between 5 km and 8 km SW of Bau, comprises four deposits that have been modelled. These are the Pejiru-Bogag, Pejiru Extension, Kapor and Boring deposits. As a result of the current resource work these now have Inferred Resources of 25.8 million tonnes at a grade of 1.20 g/t Au for 997,800 ounces gold at a lower cut-off of 0.5 g/t Au.
Pejiru-Bogag & Pejiru Extension
The Pejiru-Bogag deposit has a main zone of mineralization that is essentially flat lying with a 1,500 m length, 50 m to 150 m wide and up to 80m thick, averaging 15 m to 20 m. It has a NESW trend and a NW-SE trend.
The Boring deposit comprises two areas that lie between 1.3 km and 2km NE of the centre of the Pejiru-Bogag deposit. The northern area covers around 150 m square and consists of several intersections of gold mineralization ranging from 3 m to 50 m in downhole intersections.
The Kapor deposit lies 5 km SW of Bau and is adjacent to the Fairy Cave National Park. Mineralisation can be traced almost continuously to Pejiru; 2.5 km along strike to the SW. Mineralisation is hosted in limestone as is the case at Pejiru but with much higher arsenic levels recorded. Again gold is associated with arsenopyrite and records show arsenic can reach to around 30 % in isolated samples, antimony is strongly anomalous with values in the 100’s and 1000’s of ppm.
Taiton Sector
The Taiton Sector lies some 3 km to 4 km SW of Bau Township. The deposit types are dominantly mangano-calcite veins and breccias and remnants of the extensive elluvial auriferous clays that were mined historically by the Chinese miners of the late 19th Century and early 20th Century. Current modelling has defined Indicated Resources of 1.517 million tonnes at a grade of 2.75 g/t Au for 134,000 ounces and Inferred Resources of 3.419 million tonnes at a grade of 1.75 g/t Au for 192,000 ounces. This specifically excludes the mineralisation exposed in the underground workings at Taiton B as there has been insufficient work here to define a resource.
Tabai (including the former Rumoh mine) is developed on a vein system between 4m and up to 23m wide, (observed) mostly composed of brecciated mangano-calcite vein, frequently vuggy with drusy quartz infilling and overgrowths along with patchy silicification, auriferous clay, arsenopyrite, realgar, stibnite and native arsenic.
Taiton A
Taiton A is approximately 400 m further north along strike on the Tai Parit Fault Structure. It comprises the Taiton A open pit, the NW striking Overhead Tunnel Adit above Taiton A Pit and several adits that are located at the base of the limestone bluffs.
The Bungaat area lies ~400 m North of Taiton A. It comprises a NW-SE trending zone of mineralisation with native arsenic, realgar and coarse calcite vein material developed in a steep dipping structure with a well developed sub-horizontal set of mineralised calcite veins peripheral to the main structure.
Taiton B & Taiton C
The Taiton-B massive mangano-calcite vein has now been mapped over a 1.5 km of strike length and includes the section known as Taiton C. It trends NW-SE and a 700 m section of this vein has historically been underground mined. Strike and depth extensions remain unexplored. From 74 vein rock chip samples, assays ranged from 0.16 to 62.0 g/t Au, with 48 % reporting above 1.0 g/t Au; the average being 7.85 g/t Au.
Bekajang Sector
Revised modeling has increased the resources in the Bekajang Sector which now stand at Indicated Resources of 1.857 million tonnes at a grade of 2.02 g/t Au for 120,400 oz Au and Inferred Resources of 7.5 million tonnes at a grade of 1.76 g/t Au for 423,700 oz Au. A further 100,400 ounces of gold has been inferred for the BYG Tailings.