Location: 83 km W from Salamanca, Spain
Carretera DSA-573 KM 13.66BarruecopardoSpain37255
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The Barruecopardo Mine is a tungsten deposit with Scheelite (CaWO4) as the main tungsten bearing mineral and the deposit type being vein and sheeted vein coarse (nuggety) scheelite mineralisation style. Within the pit area, mineralisation forms a main approximate 30 metre wide envelope of sub-vertical-steep east dipping veins. The pit accommodates the intersection of two main sub-divisions, being a main north trending mainly scheelite mineralised zone and a second north-northwest trending scheelite plus wolframite mineralised zone.Deposit TypeThe Barruecopardo deposit is interpreted as a sheeted vein system deposit, with its veins being filled after hydraulic fracturing during the orogenic phases. The predominant orientation of the subvertical mineralised veins is NNE 10-15º, which corresponds to the main stress orientation during the variscan and later the alpine orogeny. An important role on the system and deposit type has a certain intensity of greizenization in proximity of the mineralised veins.MineralizationThe Barruecopardo Tungsten mineralisation is hosted within a pegmatitic lens inside a larger granite occurrence called the “Ala de Mosca Granite”. Within this complex a frequent occurrence of quartz veins is present. The mineralised vein swarms observed as narrow sheeted vein systems are interpreted as dilateral structures formed during tectonic activities of variscan age. Those spaces have then been filled during the active period and are the host of mineralisation.Mineralisation occurs within the pegmatitic veinlets cutting through the granite complex. Two main Tungsten minerals are present. Predominant is Scheelite (CaWO4) which is fluorescent under UV light and to a minor extent Wolframite ((Fe, Mn) WO4). Other abundant minerals are Quartz, muscovite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite. The mineralised veins are oriented along strike with a main orientation of NNE 10-15º and usually range between 1mm and 10 cm of thickness.