Location: 312 NE from Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Suite 4, Level 3 South Shore Centre 85 South Perth EsplanadePO Box 876; South Perth WA 6951PerthWestern Australia, Australia6151
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The Rothsay Gold Mine is located within the Warriedar Greenstone gold belt, an Archaean sequence of mafic, ultra-mafic, meta-volcanic and sedimentary rocks folded in an anticlinal formation which plunges and strikes to the north-northwest with steeply dipping limbs.The deposit is hosted in three discrete areas and within five individual shear zones. Woodley’s Shear (formerly A Shear). Woodley’s East and associated HW shears (formerly H Shear) occur to the east of the main Woodley’s Lode. Orient Shear (formerly B Shear) and Clyde and Clyde East Shears (formerly C and D Shears) occur in a second area further west and Miners Shear (formerly E Shear) occurs as an isolated shear in the north west.The Woodley Shear is located at the contact between serpentinised peridotite and a porphyritic pyroxenite. The serpentinite forms the hanging wall unit. A sequence of mafic volcanic and sub-volcanic sills forms the hanging wall to the serpentinite.The Woodley’s Shear is characterised by several generations of quartz veining with adjacent tremolite alteration. The early quartz phase is typically blue-black due to the partial replacement of alumina by chromium oxide. The shear zone is typically two to five metres thick and mineralisation does not typically occur outside the shear zone. The main gold mineralisation is associated with shear-hosted quartz veins of blue and white quartz of up to 3m thickness. The footwall porphyritic dolerite is relatively unaltered, while the hanging wall serpentinite is strongly foliated and has been subject to intense, though patchy tremolite alteration.The Rothsay resource extents are 1,500m strike, 300m across strike and 400m below surface and open at depth. These extents host approximately 17 interpreted ore lodes . The lodes vary between 0.1 to 2m in width.Domain continuity was nominally extrapolated to no more than half the average drill spacing at the spatial extents of available data.