Location: 321 W from Cuiabá, Brazil
Faz Ernesto Soares de Carvalho - s/nPontes e LacerdaBrazil78250-000
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The Pau-a-Pique Deposit occurs in close association with the contact of the meta-tonalite basement and the overlying Aguapeí Group metasediments. The tonalite is metamorphosed with a foliated structure, but preserving the original igneous texture. The rocks are metamorphosed and deformed under lower green-schist facies conditions. Muscovite schist is developed in the contact between the metatonalites and metasediments and is an important host of mineralization. The muscovite schist has S-C structures and abundant shear bounded sigmoidal veins. The schist has a strong stretching lineation oriented at N20–50W that controls the form of the deposit and sub-surface mineralization.The Pau-a-Pique Deposit is developed within brecciated-sheared host rocks which are strongly foliated and moderately metamorphosed and can be described as structurally controlled orogenic gold lode deposit. The Pau-a-Pique gold mineralization is associated with the intensity of the hydrothermal alteration, and is proportional to the occurrence of pyrite, sulphide alteration, quartz veins and sericitization. Pyrite generally occurs in fresh rock, and at the exposed zones in the old pit there is a predominance of oxidized pyrites, products of surface weathering. In the deeper levels (PQ-12), the most common hydrothermal alteration with gold enrichment is strong albite-anorthosic quartz veining associated with chloritization and pyrite. While in shallow levels (PQ-01, 02), the most pervasive alteration is silicification, represented by a strong injection of quartz veins and weaker gold enrichment. The albitic alteration probably represents deeper and hot sources of the hydrothermal feeder. The envelope of the mineralized zone is approximately 550 m long, maximum of 15 m wide and 400 m deep in the largest extension (NW down plunge). The occurrence is confined to the contact between Aguapeí metasediments and the tonalite, which is the main prospective guide to the deposit, in addition to the NW plunge that can be seen in the longitudinal section. In the NW down-plunge zone, gold enrichment associated with albitic-anorthosic metasomatism, pyrite, chlorite and magnetite is abundant. Alteration is wide and extensive and developed in contact with tonalite and conglomerate and within the sheared and deformed tonalite. The presence of sulphide and magnetite in sheared host rocks is favorable for gold enrichment with higher grade. Strong metasomatism which is developed mainly in contact and within hangingwall tonalite shows higher temperature mineral assemblage which represent a hyrothermal feeder for ascending metasomatic fluids.
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