Lepidico Limited attained an 80% interest in the Karibib Project by acquiring Desert Lion Energy (Pty) Ltd through a plan of arrangement in July 2019. In January 2020 the Namibian entity’s name was changed from Desert Lion Energy to Lepidico Chemical Namibia (Pty) Ltd.
Current ownership of the project is 80% to Lepidico Chemicals (Pty) Ltd and 20% to Huni-Urib Holdings (Pty) Ltd.
Contractor | Contract | Description | Ref. Date | Source |
Power supply
Addiza Power Consultants have completed the design of the power supply overhead line to be connected to the national grid.
Oct 30, 2023
The Karibib Lithium Project (KLP) is located in the southern Central Zone of the Damara Belt. Many of the economic mineral deposits (gold, base metal and pegmatite hosted rare metal deposits) of the Damara Belt occur within the Central and Northern zones. Lithium-caesium-tantalite (LCT) family pegmatites of the Karibib Pegmatite Belt, which contain deposits of lithium, beryllium, tin and tourmaline, have been intruded into the tightly folded supracrustal rocks of the Damara Supergroup.
The pegmatites are classified as LCT Complex lepidolite-petalite pegmatites (with minor amblygonite).
In broad terms, the Rubicon and Helikon 1 pegmatites are highly fractionated quartz-feldspar-muscovite pegmatites, that typically develop a central lithium-mineralised zone. Lithium mineralisation has been reinterpreted by Lepidico from the perspective of the proposed treatment route, through L-Max®-amendable lepidolite and/or lithium-mica. Three zones of lithium mineralisation are identified, generally surrounding a central barren quartz core, namely, Lep Z (high-grade “massive” lepidolite), Lep Z B (low-grade disseminated lepidolite dominated by pale albite) and Mica Z (often broad zones of coarse-grained quartz-albite pegmatite (marked by distinct clusters of dark lithium-bearing mica).
Mineralogy and internal zonation characteristics at Rubicon and Helikon 1 are similar, aiding the development by Lepidico of a simplified geological code that was used in the most recent phase of drilling to identify lepidolite and lithium-mica mineralisation. For consistency, all of the previous drilling was re-logged according to the revised codes.
Zonation is not perfectly developed in all cases but can be variable, gradational and in some cases absent. In simplified terms, however, a central core of quartz represents the final phase of the fractionated pegmatite melt that crystallised. Immediately adjacent to the quartz core, and usually on the hangingwall side, is a petalite zone. At both Rubicon and Helikon 1, the petalite has essentially been entirely mined out and is rarely intersected by drilling. The lepidolite zone occurs outside the petalite zone or in contact with the quartz core where the petalite zone does not develop. The lepidolite zone can be visually separated into two types, a mauve-coloured “massive” high-grade lepidolite zone (>15–20% fine-grained lepidolite within an albite-quartz matrix) and a paler low-grade “disseminated” lepidolite zone usually less than 10% lepidolite in an albite-rich rock. The most outward zone is a pegmatite phase comprising quartz, albite and a patchwork of clusters of dark mica. This mica zone can also develop independently of the quartz core, either centrally as well as near the margins of the pegmatite, often on the footwall side. The balance of the pegmatite was logged as undifferentiated pegmatite.
At Rubicon, a series of stacked sub-parallel pegmatites of variable thickness are intruded into a sequence of diorites and pegmatitic granite. The Rubicon pegmatite is the largest of these and forms a prominent ridge that strikes for approximately 1,200 m in a west-northwest direction. The pegmatite dips to the northeast, with dips of approximately 45° near surface and flattening to between 18° and 25° at depth. Rubicon is a quartz-feldspar-muscovite pegmatite that is up to 70 m thick and extends down dip for more than 400 m. At its thicker portions the pegmatite is well fractionated, forming ellipsoidal, well zoned, lithium-mineralised bodies developed around central quartz cores. The mineralised zones are 10–30 m thick and extend for most of the length of the pegmatite. At Rubicon, the lithium mineral is lepidolite with lesser petalite and minor amblygonite. Cookeite occurs as an alteration product of petalite. The petalite, which occurs adjacent to the quartz core, was the focus of historical mining (open pit and underground) and is now essentially depleted. Very little petalite is noted in recent drilling.
The historical Helikon workings expose a series of LCT type pegmatites (Helikon 1 to 5) that have been intruded along two east-west lines into marbles and calc-silicate schists of the Karibib Formation. Helikon 1, the largest of these five pegmatites, occurs on the southern line. The other four notable pegmatites (Helikon 2 to 5) occur 1 km to the north along a 1.7 km semi-continuous line of pegmatites. The Helikon group pegmatites have been exploited historically by open pit mining for lithium-bearing minerals (petalite, lepidolite and amblygonite), tantalite and beryl.
The Helikon 1 pegmatite has a strike length of 400 m and an average thickness of 65 m, dipping 70° to the north. The pegmatite is strongly fractionated and exhibits distinct mineralogical zonation particularly around a central quartz core that develops in the ticker part of the pegmatite. Helikon 1 is truncated at approximately 60 m depth by a low-angle fault dipping 30° south.
The Helikon 2 to 5 deposits occur along a 1.7 km semicontinuous line of pegmatites, approximately 1 km to the north of the Helikon 1 pegmatite.
The main pegmatite at Helikon 4 is of variable thickness (generally 10-50 m), intruded into a sequence of largely marbles and occasional calc-silicates. The main pegmatite extends for 340 m along strike, and to a depth of up to 120 m from surface. The pegmatite dips to the south, with dips of approximately 65° near surface and flattening to around 40° at depth.
A much smaller pegmatite lode occurs in the west of the deposit in the hangingwall to the main pegmatite, extends for 120 m along strike, and to a depth of up to 40 m from surface. More minor pegmatite dykes exist but were not modelled.
At its thicker portions the pegmatite is moderately but not consistently fractionated, with higher-grade lepidolite rich bands and ellipsoidal shapes developed around generally thin and discontinuous quartz cores.
The lithium mineralogy is largely as lithium-bearing muscovite mica, plus lepidolite mica, with lesser petalite and minor amblygonite. The petalite, which often occurs adjacent to quartz cores (if developed), was the focus of previous open pit mining and underground mining.
Reserves at February 2, 2023
Ore Reserves are estimated using a conservative lithium hydroxide price of US$17,015/t.
The tailings are included in the Ore Reserve at a zero cut off grade. The product stockpiles are included in the Ore Reserve at a zero cut off grade.
Mineral Resources for hard rock deposits are reported at a block cut-off grade of = 0.15% or 0.20% Li2O for all oxidation types.
Mineral Resources for stockpiles, dumps and tailings are reported at a a zero cut off grade.
Mineral Resources are reported inclusive of Mineral Reserves.
Category | Tonnage | Commodity | Grade |
2.29 Mt
0.52 %
2.29 Mt
2472 ppm
2.29 Mt
356 ppm
2.29 Mt
47 ppm
2.29 Mt
2.02 %
7.14 Mt
0.4 %
7.14 Mt
1982 ppm
7.14 Mt
253 ppm
7.14 Mt
40 ppm
7.14 Mt
1.99 %
Proven & Probable
9.43 Mt
0.43 %
Proven & Probable
9.43 Mt
2101 ppm
Proven & Probable
9.43 Mt
278 ppm
Proven & Probable
9.43 Mt
42 ppm
Proven & Probable
9.43 Mt
2 %
Total Resource
11.85 Mt
0.46 %
Opencut mining will be conventional method using hydraulic excavators and mining trucks. All material mined from the pits will require blasting. There will be areas of narrow benches during the initial months of mining around the existing pits but wider benches will be available after a few months.
For the first half of the mine life required mining rates are relatively low so small-sized excavators and trucks can be used. Small machines are well suited to the initial pit development work. Mining rates increase in the second half of the mine life as the final pushback is mined. This pushback will have broad benches many of which will be mostly waste rock. There will be a requirement for more or larger mining machines in this period.
Pit stage designs for Rubicon, Helikon 1 and Helikon 4 accommodate ramp access between stages.
Pit wall slopes for Rubicon and Helikon 1 are based on a Feasibility Study level geotechnical analysis by Pells Sullivan Meynink. Both pits tend to follow the orebody down dip so the highest walls are cut across the dip which will promote stability. No geotechnical assessment has been conducted for Helikon 4 so slopes from Helikon 1 were used. This is considered to be conservative because the Helikon 4 footwall is massive marble. Lepidico plan to conduct a geotechnical assessment of Helikon 4 to see if the pit slopes can be steepened.
The opencut target ore zones are within pegmatite sills formed in granite host rock. Dimensions and orientations of the orebodies are as follows:
Rubicon Pit:
- Orebody Dip - 20° to 30° NE;
- Orebody True Width - 5 to 15 m;
- Strike Length Mined - 750 m;
- Maximum Depth - 98 m.
Helikon 1 Pit:
- Orebody Dip - 50° to 60° NNE;
- Orebody True Width - 5 to 20 m;
- Strike Length Mined - 360 m;
- Maximum Depth - 65 m.
Helikon 4 Pit:
- Orebody Dip - 50° to 70° S;
- Orebody True Width - 8 to 35 m;
- Strike Length Mined - 300 m;
- Maximum Depth - 78m.
Tailings from the former small scale petalite mine at Rubicon are included in the Ore Reserve at a zero cut-off grade on the basis that the entire volume is above the economic cut-off grade and will all be processed.
The surface stockpiles at Rubicon comprise numerous residual dumps from historical mining (mainly petalite) situated at or near the historical Rubicon mine.
The Rubicon stockpiles comprise four distinct material types, namely:
- Unsorted in-situ historical dumps;
- Screened undersize material (<60 mm);
- Sorted (>60 mm) ‘product’ (upgraded lepidolite-rich); and
- Sorted (>60 mm) ‘waste’ (residue from ‘product’ production).
The in-situ historical dumps have extreme variation in particle size which precludes requisite confidence to classify this material in the Indicated category. However, the ‘product’ stockpiles are consistent enough to allow reliable sampling, assaying, volume and tonnage estimation.
The product stockpiles are included in the Ore Reserve at a zero cut-off grade on the basis that the entire volume is above the economic cut-off grade and will all be processed.
Mining Sequence
Mining rates are based on the tonnage and grade of concentrate produced by flotation as feed stock for the chemical plant. For the first four years mining focuses on high grade massive and disseminated lepidolite.
Shallow high grade ore tonnes allow this to be achieved at low total mining rates of 600 to 800 ktpa ore and waste.
After Year 5 most of the high grade ore is depleted and the proportion of low grade mica and pegmatite increases. These ore types produce a lower lithium grade concentrate at a lower mass recovery.
The life of mine production schedule is currently based on Rubicon and Helikon 1 Pits. Ore from Helikon 4 and the Rubicon tailings and stockpiles will be used to supplement the opencut ore to maintain continuity of feed to the concentrator over the project life.
The Karibib Feasibility Study includes provision of diesel fuel supply, workshops, explosives storage and other facilities required to support the opencut mining operation. For the first nine years mining rates do not exceed 60 kbcm per month so the infrastructure to support the mining operation is minimal. Rates rise through Year 10 and 11.
Crushers and Mills
Milling equipment has not been reported.
- Sulfuric acid (reagent)
- Hydrometallurgical plant / circuit
- Crush & Screen plant
- Desliming
- Purification & crystallization
- Acid leach
- Flotation
- Concentrate leach
- Dewatering
Ore from the pits, tailings and stockpiles will be beneficiated by flotation on site to produce a lepidolite concentrate. The concentrate will be transported from Karibib to Lepidico’s proposed Phase 1 Lithium Chemical Plant at in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Beneficiation of the ROM ore by crushing, grinding and flotation in a concentrator at the Karibib mine site. The lepidolite concentrate will grade approximately:
- 1.80% lithium from massive lepidolite;
- 1.36% lithium from disseminated lepidolite;
- 1.17% lithium from the mica/pegmatite ore types.
The chemical plant will use Lepidico’s patented L-Max®, LOH-Max® and S-Max® processes to produce battery grade LiOH.H2O with by-products of amorphous silica, sulphate of potash and caesium brine.
The L-Max® process was developed by Lepidico to extract lithium from lepidolite mica concentrates and then purify the leach solution for production of battery grade lithium chemicals. The LOH-Max® process was developed by Lepidico to produce battery grade LiOH.H2O from the purified leach solution. It has never been applied on a commercial scale.
Chemicals Conversion
A unique aspect of the L-Max® process is the direct leaching of the lithium bearing mineral from the feed without the need for an energy intensive thermal treatment step preceding the leach, which is employed by many other hard rock lithium conversion processes. The leach conditions are such that very little energy is required to keep the process at temperature. Optimising the leaching conditions has been an important part of the development process.
Handling of the leached slurry is a key part of the L-Max® process and the embedded intellectual property. The slurry is filtered at elevated temperature to yield a solution containing the valuable monovalent metals and a silica-rich filter cake. Effective washing of this cake is required to achieve high lithium recovery to the liquor moving downstream.
The filtered leach liquor, which is rich in aluminium, is cooled resulting in the crystallisation of an alum solid. This alum crystallisation step achieves the separation of lithium from the other monovalent cations. The monovalents, potassium, rubidium and caesium all form alums, whereas lithium does not. Filtering the alum slurry results in the potassium, rubidium and caesium, and most of the aluminium reporting to the solids, and a liquor containing the lithium and small amounts of other impurities. The alum solids are further treated to yield potassium, caesium and rubidium products.
The impure lithium-rich liquor is treated through a series of pH controlled precipitation stages, with limestone and lime, to sequentially remove the remaining impurities, namely iron, aluminium, manganese, and magnesium. The resulting lithium sulphate solution is of sufficient quality to allow the recovery of a high specification lithium product.
Production of lithium hydroxide is achieved without the co-production of sodium sulphate, using the proprietary LOH-Max® process. The unique chemistry of this process has been able to directly produce high purity lithium hydroxide monohydrate in a cost effective manner. The process takes the lithium sulphate liquor produced from the L-Max® process as feed and involves hydrometallurgical reactions to produce lithium hydroxide and a gypsum containing residue.
The L-Max®/LOH-Max® processes consist of just five main processing steps for the recovery of lithium hydroxide: feed preparation, leaching, impurity removal, sulphate removal and lithium recovery. A further three processing steps are included for the recovery of SOP, being alum dissolution, aluminium removal and SOP crystallisation. A further three processing steps are included for the recovery of rubidium and caesium products, being rubidium-alum crystallisation and re-pulp, aluminium precipitation and rubidium crystallisation.
Recoveries & Grades:
Commodity | Parameter | Avg. LOM |
Head Grade, %
| 0.43 |
Water supply will be from an existing borefield.
Key permits, such as water extraction and discharge are in place.
Lithium recovery to concentrate is 79.9%.
Lithium recovery from concentrate is 89%.
Commodity | Product | Units | Avg. Annual | LOM |
| 4,350 | 79,600 |
| 1,400 | 24,700 |
| 235 | 3,600 |
Sulfate of potash (SOP)
| 6,900 | 117,500 |
Operational metrics
Metrics | |
Stripping ratio
| 2.8 * |
Waste tonnes, LOM
| 26.9 Mt * |
Ore tonnes mined, LOM
| 9.43 Mt * |
Total tonnes mined, LOM
| 36.3 Mt * |
Tonnes processed, LOM
| 9.43 Mt * |
* According to 2023 study.
Production Costs
| Commodity | Units | Average |
All-in sustaining costs (AISC)
8,730 / t * **
C1 cash costs
5,891 / t * **
Assumed price
28,980 / t *
Assumed price
30,980 / t *
* According to 2023 study / presentation.
** Net of By-Product.
Project Costs
Metrics | Units | LOM Total |
Pre-Production capital costs
Sustaining CapEx
Pre-tax NPV @ 8%
After-tax NPV @ 8%
After-tax IRR, %
After-tax payback period, years
Heavy Mobile Equipment
Fleet data has not been reported.
Job Title | Name | Phone | Email | Profile | Ref. Date |
Consultant - Mining
John Wyche
+61 419-299-323
Oct 30, 2023
General Manager Operations
Timo Ipangelwa
Feb 4, 2025
General Manager Sustainability
Benedicta Dreyer
Feb 5, 2025
GM - Project Development & Strategy
Peter Walker
Feb 4, 2025
Managing Director
Joe Walsh
Feb 5, 2025