Location: 108 km S from Ougadougou, Burkina Faso
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Youga was acquired by the Avesoro Resources Inc. on 18 December 2017.
Avesoro Resources was delisted at TSX in January 2020.
After suspended and the meetings with the Government of Companies, the mines and projects were sold to one of local Burkina Mining Company.
The project area is prospective for mesozonal “lode gold” deposits which typically have a structural component and display a strong relationship to regional scale shear zones. Similar deposits can be found in other areas of the late Proterozoic Birimian terranes of West Africa. Gold mineralisation is typically associated with networks of quartz mineralisation or associated with disseminated sulphides within strongly deformed alteration zones.At Balogo there have been at least three distinct mineralisation styles recognised. These include:1. High-grade gold mineralisation (+/- Cu, Bi, Te) hosted in a sequence of diorites (as defined by drilling at the Netiana deposit over a length of approximately 500 m to a depth of approximately 250m). Mineralisation is restricted to a single dioritic unit which has a structurally-controlled hanging-wall contact with a distinct unit of chloritic metasediments. High gold grades are typically associated with quartz veining within the dioritic rocks. Figure 10 shows diamond drill core with this style of lost lithology.2. Massive magnetite associated copper-gold mineralisation. This style of mineralisation outcrops near Cobra Hill and occurs as generally massive magnetite (+/- copper) gold mineralisation. Mineralisation is probably shear controlled and generally is hosted in metasediments immediately above the structural contact between metasediments and dioritic intrusives.3. Copper-gold mineralisation associated with disseminated cumulate magnetite in a porphyritic intrusive. Mineralisation consists of disseminated magnetite, pyrite + chalcopyrite in a moderately to strongly silicified porphyritic dyke. The dyke is around 40 m thick, strikes eastnortheast and dips steeply west. Broad zones of low-grade copper/gold mineralisation are erratically distributed within the dyke unit.
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