

Mine TypeUnderground
StatusCare and Maintenance
  • Gold
Mining Method
  • Open stoping
  • Sub-level stoping
SnapshotVantage’s two Mpumalanga mines, Barbrook and Lily have been under business rescue since they were shut down in 2016 following the collapse of an entrance to Lily mine that buried three workers underground.

In April 2024, the DMRE approved Section 11 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA) of 2002 for Vantage Goldelds to resume operations at Lily and Barbrook gold mines.

The business rescue has been the subject of a dispute between Vantage and Arqomanzi (Pty) Limited (independent creditor).

The Vantage Group has provided significant funding to the Vantage companies in business rescue, totalling more than R100 million, including to fund costs of security and care and maintenance to facilitate the reopening of the mines, and will continue to do so.


Lomshiyo Investments (Pty) Ltd. 26 % Indirect
Vantage Goldfields Ltd. 74 % Indirect
Vantage Goldfields Limited (an Australian company) indirectly owns 74% of the shares in Barbrook Mines (Pty) Ltd.

Arqomanzi (Pty) Limited (independent creditor) is seeking to assume the business rescue rights and take control to reopen the Lily and Barbrook gold mines. Vantage continues to dispute that Arqomanzi is a substantial creditor of the Vantage companies and these matters are the subject of appeals to the courts.

Deposit type

  • Banded iron formation hosted
  • Vein / narrow vein


The Barbrook mine is situated in the Archaean Barberton Greenstone Belt. Gold is contained in mesothermal veins associated with late tectonic shears and fractures within rocks of the Barberton Supergroup, which comprises an assortment of ultramafic and mafic submarine volcanics, turbiditic greywacke sandstones and shales. Intense shearing, massive quartz veining, silicification of BIF and sulphide enrichment characterize the larger ore bodies. In the Barbrook area shearing has been focused along two lines, the Barbrook and Zwartkoppie.

Resultant shearing occurred preferentially in the anticlinal folds and listric fault zones flanking the synclines. Gold mineralisation was structurally controlled along and within these ductile fracture zones.

The ore bodies at Barbrook are associated with two such fracture zones trending east-west, respectively known as the Barbrook Line, to the south, and Zwartkoppie Line, about 1 km to the north. Both the Barbrook Line, which contains most of the known gold deposits, and the Zwartkoppie Line can be traced over 100 km of strike. Gold mineralisation occurs in lenses and pods in close proximity to the banded iron formations at the base of the Fig Tree greywacke, often where they are in contact with altered ultramafic schists.

Gold mineralization associated with shearing in these zones is primarily BIF-hosted and has been mined to a relatively limited extent in the past from steeply plunging ore shoots. Secondary mineralization also occurs in greenschist adjacent to the BIFs. Shearing is primarily concentrated along two parallel faults of regional extent, known colloquially as the Barbrook and Zwartkoppie Lines.

The ore bodies along the Barbrook Line are aligned along a succession of BIF/chert and meta volcanic lithologies. On the Zwartkoppie Line, a series of tight folds with sub-vertical fold axes form the foci of mineralization within intercalated schist, chert and BIF host rocks.

The Taylors ore body is on the Barbrook line and comprises 900 metres of disjointed orebodies aligned along E-W trending shear zones within a BIF unit. The BIF is bounded by greywacke’s. Gold-bearing fluids migrated along major feeder fractures into zones where fluid reaction with the iron-rich host rock resulted in sulphide mineralization and gold precipitation. Gold is associated with disseminated pyrite, pyrhotite and arsenopyrite, and to lesser extent base metal sulphides.



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Mining Methods


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Crushers and Mills

Milling equipment has not been reported.



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Production Costs

Commodity production costs have not been reported.

Heavy Mobile Equipment

Fleet data has not been reported.


Mine Management

Job TitleNameProfileRef. Date
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required Subscription required Feb 6, 2024

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