Mining Intelligence and News

Saraji Mine

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Mine TypeOpen Pit
  • Coal (metallurgical & thermal)
Mining Method
  • Truck & Shovel / Loader
  • Dragline
Production Start... Lock
Mine Life... Lock
SnapshotSaraji is one of Australia's largest mines, by recoverable coal reserves.

The proposed Saraji East Mining Lease Project is a single-seam underground mine development located within the Bowen Basin, Queensland. The project is expected to produce up to eight million tonnes per year of metallurgical product coal over a production schedule of approximately 20 years, from 2023 to 2042. The project is adjacent to (and in some areas overlaps) the existing opencut mine and will require the construction of supporting infrastructure, including a Coal Handling Preparation Plant (CHPP), a Mine Infrastructure Area (MIA), a conveyor system, rail spur and balloon loop, water pipelines, dams and powerlines.


CompanyInterestOwnershipInvestor's Info
BHP Group Ltd. 50 % Indirect
Mitsubishi Development Pty Ltd. 50 % Indirect
BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance Pty Ltd. (operator) 100 % Direct
BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) is owned 50:50 by BHP and Mitsubishi Development. BMA operates coal mine Caval Ridge.



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Deposit type

  • Sedimentary


The Project is located on the western limb of the Bowen Basin, a north-south trending Early Permian to Middle Triassic geological basin. Comprised of a sedimentary sequence of Permo-Triassic clastics, which attain a maximum thickness of 9,000 metres (m) in the depocentre of the basin, the Taroom Trough, the Bowen Basin is vast and covers an area of approximately 200,000 square kilometres, from Collinsville in the north to Rolleston in the south.

Divided into a number of tectonic units which comprise north-north-west to south-south-east trending platforms/shelves, separated by sedimentary troughs, the major structural features of the Project area include the Collinsville Shelf to the north and the Nebo Synclinorium 2 to the east.

Folds within the Basin are gentle and generally the results of drag on thrust faults along the eastern boundary of the basin. The boundary between the Collinsville Shelf and the adjoining major axis of deposition, the Nebo Synclinorium of the Taroom Trough, is indicated by a major thrust fault, the Jellibah Thrust Fault (URS, 2012). Limited regionally significant fault zones or structures differentiate the sediments of the Collinsville Shelf from the tightly folded and intruded sediments of the Nebo Synclinorium (Elliot, 1989). Summarised, the sequence comprises:
- Middle Permian Back Creek Group (basement);
- the Late Permian Blackwater Group sediments (and coal measures);
- unconsolidated Tertiary sediments;
- unconsolidated Quaternary alluvium sediments.

The Tertiary Duaringa Formation is also present, but limited, in the region.

The sediments across the Project are generally undisturbed and have a gentle regional dip of 2° to 5° towards the east. Faults are mapped within the existing Saraji Mine, which are typically minor; steepen locally to approximately 9° to 10°. The Saraji South Fault is located south of the site, near Phillips Creek; a high angle, north-north-west trending normal fault, throws have been mapped between 10 and 50 m (AGE, 2011). The Downs Creek Fault is a north-north-west trending normal fault with a maximum throw of 60 m and is located south of the Project area, near Lotus Creek Road.



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Mining Methods


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Crushers and Mills

Milling equipment has not been reported.



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Coal (metallurgical & thermal) kt  ....  Subscribe
All production numbers are expressed as clean coal.

Operational metrics

Coal tonnes mined  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe14,051,941 t15,232,977 t12,987,779 t13,671,868 t
Tonnes processed  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe15,780,019 t15,553,021 t14,036,087 t13,119,839 t
Coal washing plant annual capacity  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe  ....  Subscribe

Production Costs

Commodity production costs have not been reported.

Heavy Mobile Equipment


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Mine Management

Job TitleNamePhoneProfileRef. Date
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required ........... Subscription required Subscription required Oct 16, 2023
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required Subscription required Oct 16, 2023
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required Subscription required Oct 16, 2023
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required Subscription required Oct 16, 2023

Total WorkforceYear
...... Subscription required 2022
...... Subscription required 2021
...... Subscription required 2020
...... Subscription required 2017
...... Subscription required 2016

Aerial view:


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