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Since acquiring the Century Mine, the Company restarted operations through the reprocessing of the large tailings Ore Reserve on the mine site.The current tailings Ore Reserve provides base production, with in-situ resources providing additional production. The two in-situ deposits on the mining lease (Silver King and East Fault Block) are located less than 2km from the processing plant and have been used as the feed source for the plant, with two additional deposits on the Company’s leases (South Block and Watson’s Lode) to be assessed for potential mine life extension in due course. Century Tailings DepositA single substantial tailings deposit exists at Century, generated from 16 years of large scale operations from the Century open pit.Substantial recoverable zinc mineralisation exists in the tailings at Century, due to the historical focus on throughput maximisation as opposed to recovery maximisation. The nature of the original Century ore required extended flotation time and given the scale of the original Century deposit (105Mt at 12% Zn) a high throughput processing plant was constructed, achieving relatively modest recoveries (74% in 2015) over the life of operations.Three independent metallurgical studies have been completed on the Century Tailings Deposit, demonstrating the tailings may be reprocessed through the existing plant on site with minor modifications to achieve recovery of >60% of remaining zinc mineralisation into a saleable ~52% zinc concentrate.The simple reprocessing of the Century tailings provides a mechanism for the economic rehabilitation of the mine site, with the tailings area representing a significant portion of the current rehabilitation requirements. After reprocessing, the tailings are planned to be deposited back into the original open pit and encapsulated via subaqueous deposition.In-situSilver King (Underground and Open Pit)The Silver King deposit is a high-grade vein style deposit located to the south-west of the original open pit and extends along strike. Recent exploration work has highlighted the extension potential for Silver King, with an identified prospective Silver King vein repeat (to the south) and a splay off the main vein (to the north-west).Silver King is a structurally hosted Pb-Zn quartz carbonate vein breccia. Mineral relationships in the veins suggest the sphalerite zinc mineralization occurred in one of the earlier phases, with later overprinting by massive galena (Pb-sulphide).The Zinc rich fluids are more pervasive through the host rocks infilling much of the brecciated rock in the fault zone, and along the western H4r/H3 shale to sandstone lithological contact potentially due to contrasting brittle-elastic responses to stress within these rock masses.The Pb zones appear more confined to the fault structure(s) and may indicate later reactivation and infill of the fault(s). The Pb zones are also significantly higher grade than the Zn overall.East Fault Block Open PitThe East Fault Block deposit is a pod of the original Century ore deposit and is located on the north-west corner of the previous run of mine (ROM) pad. The East Fault Block is a small deposit located 35m below the surface of the run-of-mine stockpile area at the mine site and extends to a depth of 112m.South Block depositThe South Block deposit was the final cutback of the original “Big Zinc” deposit and was never mined by the previous owners due to a site of cultural significance, known as Magazine Hill, located adjacent to the deposit.Watson’s Lode depositThe Watson’s Lode deposit is located on EPM 10544 surrounding the Century mining leases and is approximately 10km from the existing Century processing plant. Watson’s Lode is a vein-style system, consisting of predominately epithermal quartz carbonate breccias with varying contents of sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, pyrite and siderite.