Mining Intelligence and News

Boddington Mine

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Mine TypeOpen Pit
  • Gold
  • Copper
Mining Method
  • Truck & Shovel / Loader
Production Start2009
Mine Life2036
SnapshotBoddington is one of Australia’s largest producing gold mines. The mine operates two pits (North and South Pits) utilizing fully-autonomous equipment.

The Boddington project area comprises 52,506 acres of mining tenure leased from the State of Western Australia, of which 26,910 acres is subleased from the South 32 Worsley Joint Venturers ("Worsley JV"). Newmont is entitled to all gold and other non-bauxite mineralization conferred by the mining leases. The Worsley JV retains the rights to bauxite mineralization. The relationship between the Worsley JV bauxite operations and the Boddington gold operations are regulated through a cross-operation agreement. This agreement confers priority on the bauxite operations such that the bauxite/alumina mining operations of the Worsley JV will take priority over the gold mining operations and Newmont is required to take reasonable measures to conserve bauxite including by mining and stockpiling bauxite on behalf of the Worsley JV.


Newmont Corp. 100 % Indirect
The Project is owned and operated by a joint venture (JV) between two indirectly wholly-owned Australian subsidiaries, Newmont Boddington Pty Ltd (66.67% interest in the Project) and Saddleback Investments Pty Ltd (33.33% interest in the Project) The manager of the JV is also an indirectly wholly-owned company, Newmont Boddington Gold Pty Ltd (NBG).


ContractorContractDescriptionRef. DateExpirySource
Bluewaters Power Station Power supply Power for the operation is sourced through the local power grid under a long-term power purchase agreement with Bluewaters Power. The power supply contract with Bluewaters expires in 2026 and includes an option to extend. Dec 31, 2023 2026

Deposit type

  • Vein / narrow vein
  • Porphyry
  • Intrusion related


Boddington consists of greenstone diorite hosted mineralization and exploration activities continue to develop the known reserve.

The deposit style is still somewhat controversial. Features consistent with porphyry-style mineralization, classic orogenic shear zones, and intrusion-related gold–copper–bismuth mineralization, are all recognized, giving rise to a variety of genetic interpretations.

Boddington does not fit any classic Archean orogenic gold deposit model, having a general lack of quartz veins and iron carbonate alteration, a copper ± molybdenum ± bismuth association, zoned geochemical anomalism, and evidence of high-temperature, saline, ore-forming fluids. Detailed petrographic, geochemical and melt inclusion studies suggest a late stage ~2,612 Ma, monzogranite intrusion as one of the principal sources of the mineralizing fluids. However, there is also local evidence for older, perhaps proto-ore, porphyry-style copper ± gold in the dioritic intrusions and patchy, locally high-grade, orogenic-style gold mineralization associated with enclosing shear zones and brittle-style deformation, which was focused on the relatively competent dioritic intrusions (Turner et al., 2020).

The Boddington deposit lies within a 6 km strike length of the Wells Formation. For descriptive purposes the deposit is subdivided at approximately 12,200 N into two main centers of bedrock mineralization, referred to as Wandoo North (North Pit) and Wandoo South (South Pit).

Most of the primary mineralization at Boddington is hosted within intermediate to felsic intrusive, volcanic, and volcanosedimentary rocks, with approximate dimensions of 9,000–11,000 mE; 8,500–14,500 mN; and -675–324 mRL. The deepest mineralization intercept to date is at approximately 1,219 m. The volcanic rocks are dominated by dacites and andesites.

The Wells Formation is intruded by at least three magmatic suites:
• A suite of quartz-feldspar-phyric diorite, porphyritic diorite, and microdiorite intrusions (Diorite suite) which are spatially linked to the bulk of the Au-Cu mineralization. These were emplaced between 2,714 and 2,691 Ma (Roth, 1992; Allibone et al., 1998; McCuaig and Behn, 1998);
• A separate suite of granodiorite-quartz diorite-tonalite intrusions (Eastern suite), which intrude the Marradong and Wells Formations, is dated at ~2,675 Ma (Allibone et al., 1998);
• The “Late Granite” (Wourahming monzogranite) suite is the final intrusive event at ~2,612 Ma (Turner et al., 2020).

The N05 extended layback, at North Pit, is dominated by diorites, with lesser fragmental volcanic rocks. The diorites at North Pit are mainly porphyritic and generally more felsic compared to the predominantly aphyric diorites of South Pit. A suite of rhyodacitic porphyries are identified at North Pit, but is rarely observed at South Pit.

The South Pit is centered on a composite diorite stock, the Central Diorite, which has a known strike length of approximately 1,200 m and thicknesses varying from 300–600 m. The southern portion of the Central Diorite strikes north, and dips subvertically and steeply to the west, with an apparent southerly plunge. To the north, the strike of the diorite changes from north to northwest, following the orientation of a transecting dolerite dike. The dip changes from westerly, to subvertical, to steeply to the southwest.

The diorite is in contact with three volcanic units:
• Southern volcanic unit: sequence of porphyritic volcanic rocks in the south and west;
• Northern volcanic unit: sequence of tuffaceous volcanic rocks to the northwest;
• Eastern volcanic unit: characterized by aggregated clusters of plagioclase. Separated from the Central Diorite by the Eastern Shear Zone, a north-striking, steeply west-dipping brittle, ductile tectonic feature.

Thin units of fragmental volcaniclastic rocks consisting of angular to well-rounded diorite and andesite clasts ranging from fine ash to agglomerate sizes are common within and around the diorite stock. A series of fine-grained microdiorite dykes, ranging from a few centimeters to several meters wide, cross-cuts andesite, diorite, and fragmental lithologies.

A suite of Proterozoic dolerite dykes with three prominent orientations cross-cuts the entire mine sequence, but does not host any significant mineralization.

Structure and Alteration
The following structural/alteration events were identified at Boddington:
• Early (pre-deformation) albite and biotite–silica alteration associated with the dioritic intrusions was interpreted by Roth (1992) to signify potassic alteration (Turner et al., 2020);
• D1–D2 ductile shearing was accompanied by silica–sericite–pyrite ± arsenopyrite alteration. Lacks significant gold–copper mineralization. Formed north–south-striking sub-vertical to east-dipping broad ductile shear zones;
• D3 northeast-trending ductile shearing produced mylonite zones with silica–albite–biotite–pyrite alteration. Associated with development of massive quartz veins in D2 shear zones;
• D4 northwest-trending, brittle-ductile deformation. Late D4 clinozoisite–quartz–chlorite–sulfide veins commonly impart a fine fracture-fill network or mesh texture to the rocks and are generally associated with the bulk of the lowgrade gold–copper mineralization. In addition, late D4 actinolite–sulfide veins have a narrow selvage of phlogopite–clinozoisite or quartz–albite, and are associated with zones of higher grade gold and copper (Turner et al., 2020).

Two mineralization stages were recognized. The earliest phase consists of widespread silica–biotite alteration and complex quartz + albite + molybdenite ± muscovite ± clinozoisite ± chalcopyrite veins, all of which are variably deformed by ductile shear zones.

The second, major, alteration stage cross-cuts the first, and comprises:
• Quartz + albite + molybdenite ± muscovite ± biotite ± fluorite ± clinozoisite ± chalcopyrite veining;
• Clinozoisite + chalcopyrite + pyrrhotite + quartz + chlorite veins that host low-grade gold–copper mineralization;
• Actinolite + chalcopyrite + pyrrhotite ± quartz, carbonate + biotite veins that host high-grade mineralization.

Gold in the laterite zones occurs in association with iron and aluminum hydroxides. Gold in the saprolite is hosted in primary quartz veins, in clays immediately adjacent to mineralized quartz veins, and in secondary, shallow-dipping, goethitic horizons. Saprock mineralization reflects the mineralization distribution in the underlying bedrock.

Bedrock gold mineralization is hosted in veins, lenses and stockworks. Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite the dominant sulfides, with lesser pyrite, sphalerite, cubanite, cobaltite, arsenopyrite, pentlandite, covellite, bismuthinite, digenite, marcasite and galena.

Quartz–albite–sulfide veins with coarse molybdenum, a dominant control for molybdenite distribution within the deposit, are found in both the Wandoo North and South areas but are dominant in the South Pit. Non-mineralized, thin felsic and intensely epidote-altered lithologies are seen in the Wandoo North area but are not reported from the South Pit.

Reserves at December 31, 2023

Gold Mineral reserves cut-off grade varies with level of copper credits.
CategoryOre TypeTonnage CommodityGradeContained Metal
Proven & Probable Stockpiles 72,000 kt Gold 0.44 g/t 1,000 koz
Proven & Probable In-Situ (OP) 407,900 kt Gold 0.66 g/t 8,600 koz
Proven & Probable Total 479,900 kt Gold 0.62 g/t 9,600 koz
Proven & Probable Stockpiles 72,000 kt Copper 0.09 % 100 M lbs
Proven & Probable In-Situ (OP) 407,900 kt Copper 0.1 % 900 M lbs
Proven & Probable Total 479,900 kt Copper 0.1 % 1,000 M lbs
Measured & Indicated In-Situ (OP) 267,900 kt Gold 0.54 g/t 4,700 koz
Measured & Indicated In-Situ (OP) 267,900 kt Copper 0.11 % 700 M lbs
Inferred In-Situ (OP) 2,400 kt Gold 0.51 g/t 39 koz
Inferred In-Situ (OP) 2,400 kt Copper 0.07 % 3.7 M lbs

Mining Methods

  • Truck & Shovel / Loader


Mining operations consist of two open pit operations (North and South Pits) located adjacent to each other.

Boddington is mined by a conventional truck-and-shovel operation. Equipment is owner-operated and includes a large mining truck fleet (240-tonne class), electric rope shovels, support equipment, and drills. Mining is done predominantly on 12 m benches.

Overall pit slope angles varied between approximately 37–52º according to geology and location of pit infrastructure such as ramps and haul roads. Inter-ramp slope angles in hard rock varied between 58–60.8º depending on specific conditions encountered within pit walls. The inter-ramp slope angles within oxide slopes varied between 20–30º.

All drilling operations are performed by Newmont with Newmont owned rigs.

Vertical production holes are drilled vertical (229 mm diameter) with a nominal bench height of 12 m, with 1.5 m subdrill for a 13.5 m overall hole length. Wall control holes are 127 mm diameter for batters and buffers and 115 mm diameter for pre-split. A variety of angles and lengths are used to suit various geotechnical based ground control domains. All rigs are GPS controlled for hole positioning and on-board telemetry systems for recording depth, angle, drill time etc.

Production blasting utilises augered and pumped Heavy ANFO blends, with a nominal approximately 500 kg per hole. Crushed aggregate, produced on site, is used as stemming for the top 3.7 m of each hole. Electronic detonators are used for ore blasts whereas nonel detonators are used on waste blasts. Nominal Powder Factors on production blasts vary from 1.18 to 1.40 kg/m3.

The wall control configuration features a triple bench design; a 70° or 75° angled batter on the top bench is followed by a single pass 24 m vertical pre-split for the second and third benches. All first bench blasts are fully free faced.

In 2021, was delivered the gold industry’s first Autonomous Haulage System (AHS) fleet at the Boddington operation in Australia. The fully autonomous fleet of 36 trucks has improved mine safety and productivity while extending mine life.


Crushers and Mills

Gyratory crusher Metso Superior™ MKIII 60" x 113" 2
Cone crusher Metso Nordberg MP1000 6
High Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGR) 5.6 MW 4
Ball mill 7.9m x 13.3m 15 MW 4
Vertical mill / Tower Metso VTM-1250-WB 950 kW 2


The milling plant includes a three-stage crushing facility (two primary crushers, six secondary crushers and four high-pressure grinding rolls), four ball mills, and hydrocyclone classification to generate a milled product with a P80 of 150 micrometers (µm) at a slurry density of around 35% solids.

Coarse Crushing (in mining area)
The mine haul trucks dump ore to two primary crushers (60/113 MK-II gyratory crusher). Crushed ore is transferred via an overland conveyor to a 230,000 t capacity (40,000 t live capacity) stockpile adjacent to the processing plant. Dozers operating on the coarse ore stockpile can increase the total storage capacity up to 400,000 t.

Fine Crushing and Screening (process plant)
Three apron feeders reclaim ore from beneath the coarse ore stockpile and delivers the ore to the secondary crusher feed conveyor and the six secondary crushers (MP1000 cone crusher, five original with a sixth crusher installed in late 2010), which are operated in closed circuit with four coarse screens (three original with a fourth coarse screen installed in 2010).

Oversize material returns to secondary crushing and the fine material reports to the tertiary crushing plant that consists of four HPGRs. The tertiary product is stored in a 20,000 t fine ore bin ahead of the ball milling circuit. Fine ore is reclaimed from the bin via eight reclaim belt feeders (two per four parallel milling trains) and delivered to the fine screens ahead of ball milling. Each line consists of two screening units.

Undersize material from the screens reports to one of four cyclone feed hoppers and the oversize returns to the HPGRs for additional crushing. Cyclone clusters classify the finely-crushed particles, with the finer cyclone overflow material (80% passing 150 µm) reporting to the flotation distribution box and the coarse cyclone underflow material to a split between the ball mills or flash flotation cell (for free gold recovery).

Tails from the flash flotation cells are recycled back to the ball mills for further grinding. The target final product grind size from the milling circuit is 80% passing 150 µm, although increased throughput rates in 2011 and 2012 resulted in grind size P80 coarsening to 170 to 190 µm at times. Improved process control and increased ball mill operating power draws have reduced the grind size back to around 150 to 160 µm at the elevated throughput rates.

The regrind plant consists of two Verti-mills (one duty and one standby) with product reporting, via cyclone clusters, to the cleaner flotation plant. The cleaner flotation facility has three sequential stages with final product being transferred to the concentrate thickener, then storage in two, 1,000 m3 tanks before being sent to the filtration plant. Concentrate is trucked to the port of Bunbury to be exported by sea.


  • Smelting
  • Dry Screening
  • Crush & Screen plant
  • Flotation
  • Agitated tank (VAT) leaching
  • Carbon in leach (CIL)
  • AARL elution
  • Carbon adsorption-desorption-recovery (ADR)
  • Dewatering
  • Filter press
  • Solvent Extraction & Electrowinning
  • Cyanide (reagent)


The milling plant includes a three stage crushing facility (two Primary crushers, six Secondary crushers and four high pressure grinding rolls), four ball mills, a flotation circuit and carbon in-leach circuit. The flotation circuit process recovers gold-copper concentrate before the material is then processed by a traditional carbon-in-leach circuit where the remaining gold is recovered to produce doré.

The processing plant has a nominal capacity to process approximately 40 million tonnes of ore per year with optimization projects underway to further increase this capacity.

The cyclone overflow from the mill circuit is treated in a flotation circuit that produces a copper–gold concentrate for export. Rougher and scavenger flotation concentrates are reground and cleaned to achieve an acceptable final concentrate grade. The concentrate is thickened and filtered before being trucked to port.

Cyclone overflow from the mill circuit is treated in a flotation circuit that produces a copper– gold concentrate for export. Rougher and scavenger flotation concentrates are reground and cleaned to achieve an acceptable final concentrate grade. Concentrate is thickened and filtered before being trucked to the port of Bunbury.

The cleaner scavenger tailings stream is thickened and leached under elevated cyanide levels. Scavenger tailings are thickened and leached in a conventional leach/adsorption circuit. Leached slurry from the cleaner scavenger tailings leach circuit is delivered to the scavenger tailings circuit for combined recovery of gold.

Leach residue is pumped to the residue disposal area, and residual CNwad is maintained below a targeted level by a Caro’s acid cyanide destruction plant. This facility can treat the following streams:
• Decant water returning to the plant so that cyanide levels do not inhibit flotation;
• Decant water recycling to the decant pond to maintain CNwad levels in the pond at an average of 30 ppm and a not-to-exceed level of 50 ppm;
• Residue slurry from the plant to protect the decant pond from excursions caused by shortterm variability in the copper head grade.

The carbon from the scavenger tailings adsorption circuit is treated by conventional split Anglo American Research Laboratory (AARL) method elution and reactivated in horizontal reactivation kilns. Gold recovery from the eluate is by electrowinning, cathode sludge filtration and drying, and smelting.

There is a flash flotation and gravity circuit installed in the process plant. These circuits have not been operated and remain decommissioned.

Gold and Copper Recovery to Concentrate
The flotation distribution box transfers cyclone overflow product from each of the four parallel grinding lines in to three parallel trains comprising, eight-unit flotation cells. Concentrates produced by cells #1 and #2 report to the coarse cleaner cells for final cleaning, and product from the other cells reports to regrind thickening.

The regrind plant consists of two Verti-mills (one duty and one standby) with product reporting, via cyclone clusters, to the cleaner flotation plant. The cleaner flotation facility has three sequential stages with final product being transferred to the concentrate thickener, then storage in two, 1,000 m3 tanks before being sent to the filtration plant. Concentrate is trucked to the port of Bunbury to be exported by sea.

The cleaner circuit has a scavenger circuit consisting of six cells. Cleaner scavenger tailings are leached in a dedicated circuit of nine leach tanks with the product combining, for further leaching, with the tails from the eight-unit flotation cells.

Gold Smelting and Bullion Production
Scavenger flotation tails report via a flotation tailings thickener to two five-unit leach tank trains. From the leach tanks, it transfers to two trains of seven carbon-in-leach (CIL) tanks and finally transferring to the residue disposal area (RDA). Activated carbon used in the leaching process to adsorb gold leached into solution reports to a two-train elution plant. Each elution plant has two elution columns, two heat exchangers and two elution heaters. The barren carbon product from the elution columns is transferred to the carbon reactivation plant before transfer back to the CIL train, and the gold solution transfers to the electrowinning circuit. The final product from the eight-unit electrowinning circuit reports to the gold furnace for smelting.

Recoveries & Grades:

Gold Recovery Rate, % 85.484.784.586.185.383.283.483.382.5
Gold Head Grade, g/t 0.750.80.650.620.650.650.750.790.82
Copper Recovery Rate, % 84.281.580.780.280.379.778.979.478.5
Copper Head Grade, %

Water Supply


Process water is supplied direct from the mine pits, from onsite storage reservoirs which were filled in the winter months by pumping from the Hotham River under a license from the Department of Water or from regional water bores which are available all year round. Process water is also sourced as reclamation of water from the decant pond at the TSF.

Potable water for the camp and mining operation is sourced from two 550 kL water storage tanks.

The site-wide water balance is managed through a GoldSim model, with regular water use, abstraction and storage capacity data regularly fed into the model to obtain reliable forecasts of process and raw water.


Gold Metal in conc./ doré koz 575 ^745 798 696 670 703 709 787 800 794 
Copper Metal in concentrate M lbs 82 ^98 84 71 56 64 77 80 77 79 
^ Guidance / Forecast.

Operational metrics

Daily mining capacity 200,000 t200,000 t200,000 t235,000 t235,000 t235,000 t
Ore tonnes mined 31,985 kt36,669 kt34,415 kt45,674 k tons38,704 k tons38,913 k tons47,088 k tons49,519 k tons49,145 k tons
Waste 29,558 kt22,601 kt31,893 kt53,469 k tons58,763 k tons48,764 k tons38,447 k tons42,379 k tons37,267 k tons
Total tonnes mined 61,543 kt59,270 kt66,308 kt99,143 k tons97,467 k tons87,677 k tons85,535 k tons91,898 k tons86,412 k tons
Tonnes processed 36,467 kt37,240 kt40,058 kt44,596 k tons43,883 k tons44,354 k tons42,994 k tons41,813 k tons41,029 k tons
Annual processing capacity 40 Mt40 Mt40 Mt39 Mt39 Mt39 Mt
Daily mining rate 235,000 t235,000 t235,000 t

Production Costs

Credits (by-product) Gold USD -17 / oz   -12 / oz   -16 / oz   -13 / oz   -11 / oz  
Cash costs (sold) Gold USD 822 / oz   757 / oz   866 / oz   860 / oz   782 / oz  
Total cash costs (sold) Copper USD 1.64 / lb   1.37 / lb  
Total cash costs (sold) Gold USD 1,150 / oz ^ **   847 / oz **   802 / oz **   887 / oz **   866 / oz **   809 / oz **   786 / oz **   714 / oz **  
All-in sustaining costs (sold) Copper USD 1.94 / lb   1.69 / lb  
All-in sustaining costs (sold) Gold USD 1,420 / oz ^ **   1,067 / oz **   921 / oz **   1,083 / oz **   1,094 / oz **   942 / oz **   891 / oz **   835 / oz **  
^ Guidance / Forecast.
** Net of By-Product.


Capital expenditures (planned) M USD 145  
Capital expenditures M USD 164  72  174  160   78   57   80  
Sustaining costs M USD 164  56  102  125   66   46   66  
Revenue M USD 1,814  1,763  1,507  1,376   1,165   1,118   1,208  
Pre-tax Income M USD 811  779  627  526   330   293   372  

Heavy Mobile Equipment

HME TypeModelQuantityStatusRef. DateSource
Bulldozer Caterpillar D11 4 Existing Dec 31, 2021
Bulldozer Caterpillar D10T 2 Existing Dec 31, 2021
Dozer (rubber tire) Caterpillar 854G 4 Existing Dec 31, 2021
Dozer (rubber tire) Caterpillar 834H 1 Existing Dec 31, 2021
Drill Atlas Copco DML 6 Existing Dec 31, 2021
Drill Atlas Copco PV235 10 Existing Dec 31, 2021
Drill Epiroc D65 6 Existing Dec 31, 2021
Drill - AV Epiroc PV-231 Required Oct 8, 2024
Drill - AV Epiroc SmartROC D65 Required Oct 8, 2024
Grader Caterpillar 24H/M 3 Existing Dec 31, 2021
Grader Caterpillar 16H 1 Existing Dec 31, 2021
Loader Caterpillar 994 2 Existing Dec 31, 2021
Loader Caterpillar 966H 1 Existing Dec 31, 2021
Shovel Caterpillar 330 2 Existing Dec 31, 2023
Shovel (hydraulic) - EV Hitachi EX3600 1 Existing Dec 31, 2023
Shovel (rope) - EV Bucyrus-Erie 495 2 Existing Dec 31, 2023
Truck (dump) - AV Caterpillar 785C 1 Existing Dec 31, 2023
Truck (haul) - AV Caterpillar 793F 36 Existing Dec 31, 2023
Truck (haul) - AV Caterpillar 793D 4 Existing Dec 31, 2023
Truck (water) Caterpillar 785 2 Existing Dec 31, 2021
EV - Electric
AV - Autonomous


Mine Management

Job TitleNameEmailProfileRef. Date
Environmental Superintendent Tessa Purcell LinkedIn Oct 9, 2024
General Manager Chris Dark LinkedIn Oct 9, 2024
Maintenance Superintendent Damien Martin LinkedIn Oct 9, 2024
Managing Director Mia Gous LinkedIn Oct 9, 2024
Metallurgy Superintendent Nengah Sandi LinkedIn Oct 9, 2024
Mining Manager Tim White LinkedIn Oct 9, 2024
Process Operations Manager Jen Stewart LinkedIn Oct 9, 2024

EmployeesContractorsTotal WorkforceYear
1,932 2022
1,000 700 1,700 2021
1,200 700 1,900 2018
2,000 2017
2,000 2016
1,750 2015

Aerial view: