The gold zones at Perron exhibit clear evidence of structurally controlled gold mineralization associated with disseminated sulfides and gold-bearing quartz veins.
Recent studies by Gaboury et al. (2021, 2024) established that mineralization is related to 2 different genetic types: volcanogenic and orogenic. A total of thirteen (12) mineralized zone were discovered at the scale of the property, including eleven (9) orogenic gold mineralization and three (3) VMS-type mineralized zones, both containing gold.
Primary Volcanogenic Mineralization
Sulphide-rich primary volcanogenics (VMS) are the most prominent historical mineralization type in the Normétal volcanic belt with several base metal showings and the historical Normétal mine and Normetmar satellite deposit. On the Perron Property, three (3) primary volcanogenic mineralized zones have been discovered, including: 1) the Central Polymetallic Zone (CPZ), the QF Zone (QF) and the Gold-Copper Donna Zone.
The QF and Donna have not been included in this resource estimate. The CPZ was used only for gold associated with quartz-sulfides veins interpreted as orogenic.
Orogenic quartz-vein type
Gold mineralization is largely related to quartz-carbonate-sulphide veins/veinlets and stockworks, hosted preferentially in the rhyolite of the Beaupré Block and in lesser proportions within the Normétal South Block associated with the Perron Fault . All zones generally trend WNW-ESE to E-W and plunge roughly 10° to 75° to the east with a subvertical to 70° dip to the north. Multiple gold zones were identified on the Property and are located in six distinct sectors:
a) The Eastern Gold Zone (EGZ) is entirely hosted inside the Beaupré Block. The EGZ is a strongly gold endowed small volume of about 1 km3 hosting multiple gold zones: the Upper HGZ (UHGZ), the High Grade Zone (HGZ), the Denise Zone (DZ), the E2 Gold Zone (E2), and the Team Zone (TZ). Team Zone is consolidated by 210 Gold Zone (210) and E3 Gold Zone (E3);
b) The Gratien Gold Zone (GGZ) including the Upper Gratien and the Gratien Main;
c) The Grey Cat Zone (GCZ);
d) The N110 Gold Corridor (N110);
e) The Alizée Zone (Alizée);
f) The JT Zone (JT).
High Grade Zone
Since its discovery in 2018, the High Grade Zone, hosted on the Beaupré Block, remains the richest gold zone at the property scale. The HGZ bears an average of > 10 g/t Au. The HGZ is controlled by a narrow brittle-ductile E-W trending shear zone (N265/80) with a strong plunge to the east at 70 to 80°, parallel to the local stretching lineation. The gold envelope is exceptionally continuous and identified along 500 m of strike and down to 1,300 m vertically, with a true thickness of 2 to 4 m. The HGZ remains open at depth.
Denise Zone The
Denise Zone is located at 50 to 100 m south of, and sub-parallel to the. It is hosted within the brecciated rhyolite package of the Beaupré Block which represents the top of the felsic dome associated with mafic dyke swarms.
The DZ is a large tonnage envelope with low gold grades defined from the surface to 750 m vertically and continues along strike for > 1 km. The true thickness is variable from 50 m in the western part and decreases progressively to the east in link with narrower panels of quartz veinlets.
E2 Gold Zone
The E2 Gold Zone is a sub-parallel gold structure to the eastern part of the HGZ, located approximately 500 m east of the HGZ along the same trend. E2 was developed at the interface of a deformed mafic dyke which acted as a planar anisotropy for shearing hosted in the rhyolite package.
Upper HGZ
The Upper HGZ is located between the Team and HGZ. The UHGZ is controlled by a vertical N110 trending metric mafic dyke with a 70° NE dip, hosted in aphanitic rhyolite of the Beaupré Block. The strike length is approximately 600 m with a 75° plunge to the east, down to a vertical depth of 800 m. A NS-trending diabase dyke crosscuts all the lithostratigraphic sequence and gold mineralization with an interpreted thickness of 20 m.
Team Zone Area
The Team Zone area is associated with three distinct gold zones sharing similar host lithologies, structures and mineralization styles, named west to east: 1) 210 Gold Zone, 2) Team Zone, and 3) E3 Gold Zone. The consolidated gold zones create one larger mineralized corridor of approximately 1,400 m straddling the Normétal fault on the northeastern side of the Beaupré Block. Gold mineralization remains open to the northwest, southeast and at depth.
The dip of the gold panels is interpreted at 10° to 45° to the east. However, the structural control is unclear under brittle conditions. Gold mineralization is associated with tension quartz-sulphide veins/veinlets occurring a stockwork hosted in a massive aphanitic rhyolite. The Team Zone occurs approximately 600 m to the northeast of the HGZ and 300 m northeast of the E2.
The TZ encompasses an area of approximately 550 m by 300 m at surface to a depth of approximately 450 m. The large overall mineralized trend is driven by several higher-grade intercepts hosted in undeformed aphanitic rhyolite of the Beaupré Block crosscut by mafic dykes and sills. Structural control is unclear with several directions noted, sharing similar features with the 210 and E3 Zones. Gold mineralization style is defined by centimetric shear to tensional goldbearing quartz-sulphide veins/veinlets and interpreted as a stockwork. Gold panels are interpreted dipping to the east at 20-45°.
Gratien Gold Zone
The Gratien Gold Zone is located along the contact between the Beaupré Block and the Normétal South Block at approximately 1.2 km west of the Denise Zone. It represented a WNW-trending gold corridor along 1.2 km with a vertical depth of 300 to 600 m.
Two distinct gold zones are identified: the Upper Gratien and the Gratien Main.
The Upper Gratien Gold Zone (UGGZ) is hosted in the rhyolite package of the Beaupré Block and controlled by a brittle-ductile E-W trending shear zone (N280/80). The strike length of the UGGZ is defined along 500 m with a vertical depth of 400 m and a thickness ranging from 1 to 4 m. The gold mineralization occurs within 30 to 80 cm-thick quartz-carbonate shear veins.
The Gratien Main Gold Zone (GMGZ) is hosted along the contact between an andesitic sequence and an elongated mafic intrusion of the Normétal South Block. The mineralized material zone is defined over a strike length of 1 km and a vertical depth of 300 m. The Gratien Main is subdivided into two sub-zones: 1) The North Zone, and 2) the South Zone.
Grey Cat Zone
The Grey Cat Zone is hosted in the central Beaupré Block, located 300 m NNE of the Gratien Gold Zone. The GCZ is hosted in aphanitic to brecciated rhyolites with moderate sericite, silica and chlorite alteration. The GCZ appears to be controlled by a brittle-ductile E-W trending shear zones with a moderate plunge to the east at 60 to 70°, parallel to the local stretching lineation. The core the defined of GCZ has a strike length of 425 m with a vertical extent of approximately 450 m and a thickness between 3 to 20 m. Western and Eastern extensions total an overall 800 m trend.
N110 Gold Corridor
The N110 Zone is located northwest of the Gratien Gold Zone in the Beaupré Block. The N110 follows a magnetic lineament oriented N110 associated with a magnetic aphanitic rhyolite interpreted as the contact between aphanitic and brecciated rhyolite. The N110 Zone is 1 km long and down to a vertical depth of 250 m. This rhyolite is weakly deformed and without apparent hydrothermal alteration.
Alizée Gold Zone
The Alizée Zone is defined from surface to a depth of 300 m and along strike for 150 m, with a 60° dip to the south.
JT Zone
The JT Zone was defined along a 300 m strike length and at a vertical depth of 350 m, plunging at 60° to the east with a thickness of 60 m.