Location: 55 km SE from Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia
Suite 3, 130 Hay StreetSubiacoWestern Australia, Australia6008
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The Eloise copper-gold deposit lies within Early-Middle Proterozoic rocks of the Cloncurry-Selwyn zone, of the Eastern Fold Belt, of the Mount Isa Inlier. The lithologies have been tentatively assigned to the Table Creek Volcanics and Mount Norma Quartzite members of the Soldiers Gap Group.At Eloise, this sequence comprises north-south striking arenitic meta-sediments and ortho-amphibolite’s located on the sub-vertical eastern limb of the Middle Creek Anticline, coincident with a regional northerly trending shear zone, the “Levuka Shear”. The deposit is located under 60m of Mesozoic sediment cover of the Eromanga Basin.Mineralisation is hosted within a strongly foliated meta-sedimentary sequence comprising arenites and schists. The metasediment sequence also contains a coarse-grained amphibolite body possibly representing an early intrusion of gabbroic composition. Mineralised zones occur as steeply plunging lenticular bodies with strike lengths between 200m and 250m and attaining a maximum width of 40m. The main zone of mineralisation (Levuka-Elrose Deeps) demonstrates continuity down plunge over 1,500m and remains open at depth.Post-mineralisation faulting has severely dislocated the orebodies, resulting in a complex arrangement of fault bounded ore blocks. These faults display considerable variability in regard to strike, dip and amount and direction of movement.Mineralisation at Eloise occurs within two main mineralised corridors (west and east). The main control to the mineral system is structural, and mineralisation occurs as a series of en echelon sub vertical lenses. The known structural framework has been defined from underground face and development mapping, visual observation and core logging. The interpretation is represented as series of continuous wireframed domains.The interpretation of the mineralised boundaries is based predominantly using both the sulphide mineralogy (chalcopyrite/pyrrhotite) and a nominal 0.3% Cu cut-off grade. Some intercepts below 0.3% Cu have been included for continuity purposes.Up to six separate lenses or zones are interpreted within each resource area. Post-mineralisation faulting has created a series of mineralised compartments, approximately 400m x 400m in size. The six ore lenses are interpreted and continued into each fault block compartment.The framework for the Eloise Mineral Resources is modelled in the local mine grid between 81,310mN to 83,095mN. The dip extent extends from 1,200mRL to -695mRL. The lenses have variable strike and dip continuity. The plan width of the lenses varies between approximately 2m and 40m.The Sandy Creek deposit is classified as an Iron Sulphide Copper Gold (ISCG) deposit and made up of two parallel lenses, with the main (and more dominant lens) moderately plunging to the southeast and striking approximately north south over a distance of 650m. Mineralisation is hosted within a 10 to 20 metre wide shear zone within Proterozoic psammite units of the Mount Norna Quartzite. Mineralisation occurs as semi-massive to disseminated sulphides of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite with grades ranging from 0.1 - 5% Cu and associated gold and minor silver. Mineralisation is associated with quartz veining with minor biotite-carbonate alteration.The lateral east-west extent is approximately 80m across the two main lenses. Maximum vertical extent is 300m with the top of mineralisation outcropping at surface around 200mRL and the base of the Mineral Resources (as currently defined) being at -100mRL. The mineralisation displays a moderate plunge to the south at 20-30°.The Artemis deposit is interpreted as a polymetallic variant or hybrid of the ISCG deposit style. Mineralisation forms a single body of chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena that is approximately 100m below surface and approximately 80m below the top of fresh. Mineralisation is typically 20m wide and has a strike length of 250m with a down plunge extent of 250m.The lateral east-west extent is approximately 20m across the main lenses. The top of mineralisation is around 120mRL and the base of the Mineral Resources (as currently defined) being at - 30mRL.The mineralisation displays a plunge to the south at ~60°.