The Segovia Operations’ geology is dominated by the Segovia Batholith, andesite to dolerite dikes, an extensive system of high grade gold mineralized quartz veins, and faulting resulting in offsets of the veins. The veins are controlled mainly by northeast trending, shallowly dipping faults associated with diorite to andesite dikes. The average width of the quartz veins is around 1.2 m and pinches and swells along strike and down dip. The majority of the veins dip approximately 30° to the northeast, with a small number of steeply dipping veins.
Deposit Type
Segovia is considered to be a mesothermal quartz sulphide vein hosted gold deposit and this model forms the basis of the exploration plans. The geology and mineralization of the Property is well understood, and the deposits have been mined for over 150 years. A large quantity of exploration drilling and channel sampling data is available at the Property. Annual exploration drilling plans are guided by following the vein trends along strike and down dip as new surface and underground drilling platforms are constructed.
Mineralization at the Property is present as an extensive system of high gold grade mesothermal quartz-sulphide veins hosted in diorite to granodiorite rocks of the Segovia Batholith, with a close spatial relationship with 2 to 3 m wide dolerite to andesite dikes. The granodiorite and dikes have been affected by a narrow zone of potassic, argillic, and propylitic alteration in the hangingwall and footwall of the veins.
Three types of veins are present on the Property, including massive quartz with clusters of pyrite, galena, and sphalerite associated with low grade gold mineralization; banded and recrystalized quartz with pyrite, galena, and sphalerite associated with high grade gold mineralization; and late widespread calcite veinlets with pyrite with no associated gold mineralization. Gold and electrum are generally less than 20 microns but visible gold has been noted in drill core. The majority of the veins dip approximately 30° to the northeast, with a small number of steeply dipping veins.
Numerous large scale vein structures are currently being mined on the Segovia Operations, in addition to minor associated veins, including veins 1040, Nacional, and Veta Manto at the El Silencio mine, the Providencia vein at the Providencia mine, the Sandra K Techo vein at the Sandra K mine, and the La Gran Colombia vein at the Carla Mine. There are numerous other associated smaller vein structures, some of which have been mined in the past, that are now identified as exploration targets, including Marmajito, Las Verticales, Vera, Cristales, Hilos 1, and Chumeca.
Segovia processing facility (Maria Dama) processes both ore produced from the Segovia’s mineral reserves and material that is mined by smaller groups outside of the Segovia titles, tailings management facilities, and numerous historical mines.