Location: 120 km NE from Port-au-Prince, Dominican Republic
Ave. Gustavo Mejia Ricart 102, Edif. Corporativo 2010, Suite 302Santo DomingoDominican Republic
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Romero is located on the south side of the Central Cordillera of Hispaniola and is hosted by the Cretaceous-age Tireo Formation volcanic rocks and limestones, which formed in an island arc environment. The deposit geology is a relatively flat lying sequence of intercalated subaqueous, intermediate to felsic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks and limestones on the west side of thick rhyolite flows or domes. Mineralization is relatively stratabound and flat lying and is mainly hosted by a dacite breccia tuff.Mineralization outcrops in a number of places were eroded by rivers and streams, and continuity under barren cap rock has been demonstrated by drilling. Hydrothermal alteration and gold mineralization can be traced for over 2,200 m from Romero to Romero South and beyond to the south. The thickness of the altered dacite tuff breccia horizon is up to about 65 m at Romero South and up to more than 200 m (open) at Hondo Valle and Romero. The mineralized horizon is capped by limestone or dacite to andesite lavas.Mineralization is intermediate sulphidation epithermal in style. The mineralization is associated with quartz-pyrite, quartz-illite-pyrite and illite-chlorite-pyrite alteration. Alteration is generally strongest in the upper part of the mineralized zone and decreases in intensity with depth. Gold mineralization is associated with disseminated to semi-massive sulphides, sulphide veinlets and quartz-sulphides. The sulphides comprise pyrite with sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena. Oxidation is shallow, to a depth of 10 m to 15 m. High grade mineralization at the Romero deposit takes the shape of vertically stacked sub-parallel irregular lenses which generally dip to the northeast at an average angle of 20°. Each lens ranges in thickness from 10 m to 40 m in the middle and generally tapers to zero width at the edges, but the continuity of the lenses in all directions is inconsistent. The spacing between lenses is also inconsistent and ranges up to 50 m. Generally, lower grade mineralization surrounds the higher grade lenses.The strike length of the main portion of the mining resource is 430 m. Two smaller pods of high grade mineralization exist approximately 200 m along strike to the southeast of the main larger main economic body. The deepest mining level is 420 m below surface (680 m level) and the highest mining level is 85 m below surface (1,000 m level), meaning the total vertical extent of the mining resource is 320 m. Perpendicular to strike, the deposit is about 170 m wide.