Mining Intelligence and News
Cote d'Ivoire

Agbaou Mine

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Mine TypeOpen Pit
  • Gold
Mining Method
  • Truck & Shovel / Loader
Production Start2013
Mine Life2028
SnapshotThe Côte d'Ivoire Complex is comprised of the Bonikro and Agbaou Mines. These mines have undergone significant integration efforts, transforming them into a unified business asset. The mines are situated approximately 20km apart.

Strategic mine life of the Côte d'Ivoire Complex of 10+ years.


SODEMI 5 % Indirect
Government of Côte d’Ivoire 10 % Indirect
Agbaou Gold Operations S.A. (operator) 85 % Direct
Allied Gold Corp. 85 % Indirect
Allied owns 85% of Agbaou Gold Operations SA, the government of Côte d’Ivoire owns 10% while SODEMI, the State-owned mining development company, owns 5%.


ContractorContractDescriptionRef. DateSource
Compagnie Ivoirienne d’Electricité (CIE) Power supply Power generation, transmission and distribution is managed and controlled by the Compagnie Ivoirienne d’Électricité (CIE). Jul 5, 2023
PW Mining International Limited Mining A new mining contractor, PW Mining starting in February 2024. Feb 21, 2024

Deposit type

  • Vein / narrow vein
  • Mesothermal


At Agbaou, the target deposit type being explored for is the mesothermal auriferous sulphide (pyrite + pyrrhotite) and quartz vein style mineralization. The gold mineralization within Agbaou deposit is hosted within a specific quartz vein type that occurs along a broad area and can be characterized by a wide range of quartz-vein types, brecciation, boudinage, sericitic and carbonate alteration.

The lateritic cover is generally between five and ten metres thick with a very well developed weathering profile is over much of the area.

Mineralization at Agbaou can be broadly separated into two categories: laterite cap (generally >0.5g/t Au) and primary (free gold and sulphide hosted). The laterite cap, which covers the entire deposit area, is of variable thickness (1 to 5m) and represents secondary (re-mobilized) mineralization. The primary mineralization is associated with a system of gold bearing quartz-veins hosted by tightly folded Birimian-age sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The quartz veins can occur within either meta-volcanic or meta-sedimentary rocks, but the host rock is typically strongly sheared. The primary mineralized envelope is broad (60 to 100m), consisting of a number (up to seven zones in Agbaou Main) of mineralized zones that generally follow the limb of the regional fold. Particulate gold mineralization is located within quartz veins and along wall rock-quartz vein boundaries.

The mineralized quartz veins at Agbaou have a visually distinctive texture that has been described as “mottled”. Gold mineralization is also associated with variable amounts of sulphides, mainly pyrrhotite and pyrite. These veins are easily identifiable in the diamond drilling core intersections from the fresh rock below the saprolite/fresh rock boundary.

The deposits are aligned along a northeast trending, steeply southeast dipping structure that marks the axial plane of the large-scale, regional fold.

Reserves at December 31, 2023

Mineral Reserves:
Price assumption is $1,500/ounce gold. Open pit cut-off grades range from 0.49 to 0.74 g/t gold.

Mineral Resources:
Price assumption is $1,800/ounce gold Open pit cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t gold.

Mineral Resources are reported inclusive of Mineral Reserves.
CategoryTonnage CommodityGradeContained Metal
Proven 1,815 kt Gold 2.01 g/t 117 koz
Probable 6,092 kt Gold 1.79 g/t 351 koz
Proven & Probable 7,907 kt Gold 1.84 g/t 469 koz
Measured 2,219 kt Gold 2.15 g/t 154 koz
Indicated 11,130 kt Gold 1.96 g/t 701 koz
Measured & Indicated 13,349 kt Gold 1.99 g/t 855 koz
Inferred 959 kt Gold 1.84 g/t 57 koz

Mining Methods

  • Truck & Shovel / Loader


The designed pits are split into three main areas; North, West and South Agbaou pits across predominantly oxide and fresh ore zones. Oxide ore requires very limited drilling and blasting, and transition ore is limited due to the approximately 10 m wide zone in which it occurs.

Drill and blast in the transition and fresh zones is carried out by the mining contractor using production blasthole drilling with explosives, accessories, loading and initiation provided by EPC Groupe.

The Agbaou pits are mined using contractor Komatsu PC2000 (210 t), Caterpillar 6015 (150 t) excavators, and Caterpillar 777 (90 t) haul trucks. The mining operating methodology is open cut mining on 10 m benches and flitched off at 2.5 m increments including the heave from blasting. Waste is taken to the designated waste dumps adjacent to each of the pit stages. Later in the mine life waste stripping will use 3.3 m flitches to maximize extraction of the waste.

The production schedule is balanced to mine approximately 25 Mt/a of rock in 2023-25, including the 20 Mt completed in 2023, with mining currently forecast to be complete in 2026. It is noted that the processing schedule includes mineralized waste (1.3 Mt, 0.46 g/t, 19 koz) to sustain the operation during 2024 and 2025. Exploration is ongoing at the time of reporting to replace the mineralized waste and increase profitable production.


Crushers and Mills

Jaw crusher 1
Pebble crusher 1
SAG mill Outotec 5.1m x 5.5m 2.3 MW 1
Ball mill Outotec 4.5m x 6.9m 2.3 MW 1


The open circuit primary crusher and open circuit secondary crusher deliver a product which is nominally P80 of 30 mm to the crushed ore surge bin and stockpile ahead of the SAG mill.

The milling plant consists of a primary Outotec SAG Mill, 5.1 m diameter by 5.5 m long with 2.3 MW installed power, operated at 72% critical speed, with a discharge screen and the pebble crushing circuit receiving >12 mm and <30 mm pebbles. The secondary Outotec Ball Mill is 4.5 m diameter by 6.9 m long with 2.3 MW installed power operated at 75% critical speed. The secondary mill is in closed circuit with a hydrocyclone cluster with eleven 380 mm cyclones. The milled product has a nominal P80 of 75 µm.


  • Centrifugal concentrator
  • Carbon re-activation kiln
  • Crush & Screen plant
  • Smelting
  • Gravity separation
  • Agitated tank (VAT) leaching
  • Concentrate leach
  • Inline Leach Reactor (ILR)
  • Carbon in leach (CIL)
  • Carbon adsorption-desorption-recovery (ADR)
  • AARL elution
  • Solvent Extraction & Electrowinning
  • Cyanide (reagent)


The process for the recovery of gold at Agbaou is a conventional free-milling CIL circuit consisting of crushing, two stage grinding, gravity recovery, cyanidation, followed by electrowinning and smelting to produce gold doré. Plant tailings are disposed to an engineered TSF located a few hundred metres from the process plant after cyanide destruction.

The basic plant flowsheet includes the following main areas:
• Primary and secondary crushing;
• Crushed ore storage and reclaim;
• SAG mill – open circuit with pebble crushing;
• Ball mill – closed circuit with cyclone classification;
• Gravity concentration;
• Intensive cyanide leaching of concentrate;
• CIL leaching;
• Elution circuit, electrowinning and gold smelting;
• Tailings pumping to disposal site;
• Including cyanide destruction;
• Reagent mixing, storage and distribution;
• Process, raw and potable water distribution;
• Air supply services including oxygen plants.

The gravity circuit treats a portion of the hydrocyclone underflow, after degritting at 2.5 mm, through a Knelson XD30 concentrator with the concentrate being leached in a Gekko Systems inline-leach-reactor (ILR) with a dedicated electrowinning cell. Historical gravity recovery is reported at approximately 30%, although some production reports indicate a range from 20% to 44%.

The coarse grit and the ILR tails are returned to the milling circuit for additional size reduction prior to the leach train.

Leaching follows trash removal at 0.7 mm x 18.0 mm through a vibrating screen. There are six 2,000 m3 CIL tanks resulting in a total leach time of 15 hours for saprolite ore and 29 hours for fresh ore due to higher density. The CIL tanks have Alloytech 0.833 mm wedge wire interstage screens. Carbon is pumped counter current with recessed impellor pumps, prior to transfer to the elution circuit. Final tailings safety screening is completed with a vibrating screen at 1.0 mm aperture.

The split AARL elution circuit consists of one rubber lined acid wash column and a separate stainless steel elution column with a capacity of 6.5 tonnes of carbon. Regeneration of carbon is completed in an electrically heated 350 kg/h rotary kiln. The regeneration kiln is located within the elution section with quenched carbon pumped to the last CIL tank with fine carbon removal by screening.

The gold room contains the ILR with two electrowinning cells (one for gravity and one for elution), each being 1.0 m x 1.0 m with 18 steel wool cathodes (expandable to 22 cathodes). Gold slimes are smelted on site into doré for final shipment to the refinery.

Cyanide detoxification is achieved in two tanks, offering a total residence time of two hours with the weak acid dissociable (WAD) cyanide content monitored continuously by analyser. Detoxified tailings are pumped to the unlined downstream constructed TSF for spigotting to encourage beaching. Recovered water is pumped back to the plant for reuse.

Recoveries & Grades:

Gold Recovery Rate, % 95.494.794.4949594949797
Gold Head Grade, g/t

Water Supply


Water supply is 71% from recycled process water and 29% from the water storage dam and/or from boreholes.

The water storage dam (WSD) comprises a valley storage upstream of the TSF and adjacent to it. The storage is approximately 1.035 Mm3 and some 1,300 m from northeast to southwest at full capacity. The WSD has a catchment area of 381 ha and when the pond volume is at maximum level, the reservoir surface area is 49 ha. It has a floating pontoon equipped with an intake pump adjacent to the WSD embankment. The basin area has a permanent spillway on the southeast side. The WSD embankment is common with the TSF east embankment and comprises engineered fill with a bulk fill zone on the downstream face.

Filtered and potable water is supplied after treatment of raw water and stored prior to distribution for process or domestic use. A dedicated 50 kL potable water tank is located at the processing facility and a 10 kL potable water tank at the mine service area (MSA).

Water consumption
Sufficient water has been maintained since 2015 with pit dewatering bore water being used to supplement the water supply as required. During 2020 to 2022, water sourced from the raw water dam and bores averaged 1.6 Mm3 per annum or 0.47 m3 per tonne ore milled.


Gold koz 85-95 ^73 103 108 105 138 141 177 196 181 
All production numbers are expressed as metal in doré. ^ Guidance / Forecast.

Operational metrics

Ore tonnes mined 1.45 Mt1.77 Mt1.38 Mt2,376 kt2,183 kt2,399 kt2,983 kt2,797 kt2,818 kt
Waste 19.1 Mt23,082,525 t16.6 Mt19,783 kt23,166 kt27,337 kt25,117 kt22,585 kt17,629 kt
Tonnes milled 2.25 Mt2.56 Mt2.56 Mt2.74 Mt2,699 kt2,830 kt2,906 kt2,827 kt2,665 kt
Hourly processing rate 333 t
Stripping / waste ratio 8.33 10.6 11.4 8.42 8.07 6.26
Total tonnes mined 22,159 kt25,349 kt29,735 kt28,101 kt25,382 kt20,447 kt

Production Costs

Total cash costs (sold) Gold USD 908 / oz   627 / oz   677 / oz   557 / oz  
Total cash costs (sold) Gold USD 1,595 / oz ^ **   1,887 / oz **   1,129 / oz **   1,125 / oz **  
All-in sustaining costs (sold) Gold USD 1,027 / oz   805 / oz   819 / oz   647 / oz  
All-in sustaining costs (sold) Gold USD 1,675 / oz ^ **   2,138 / oz **   1,246 / oz **   1,169 / oz **  
^ Guidance / Forecast.
** Net of By-Product.

Operating Costs

OP mining costs ($/t mined) USD 2.81  2.46  2.63  2.54  2.22  
Processing costs ($/t milled) USD 10.3  8.37  7.66  7.69  7.42  6.6  
G&A ($/t milled) USD 3.56  4.95  4.4  4.15  4.66  


Capital expenditures M USD 7.2  4.1  3.2  13.9   25  
Sustaining costs M USD 7.2  4.1  3.2  12.5   16.2   13.4   7.6  
Revenue M USD 136.3  189.9  168.6  184.5   191.5   180.3   219.7  
Gross profit M USD -9.5  36.5  13.3  
Operating Income M USD 54   42.2   81.6  
Pre-tax Income M USD 33.8   51.8   39.2   81.2  
After-tax Income M USD -21.8   23.2   41.4   80.6  

Heavy Mobile Equipment

Ref. Date: July 5, 2023

HME TypeModelSizeQuantityStatusLeased or
Dozer (crawler) Caterpillar D9R 1 Existing Leased
Dozer (crawler) Caterpillar D9GC 4 Existing Leased
Dozer (crawler) Caterpillar D9R 2 Existing Leased
Drill (blasthole) Sandvik DP1500i 2 Existing Leased
Drill (blasthole) Sandvik DP1500i 1 Required Leased
Excavator Caterpillar 6015B 150 t 2 Existing Leased
Excavator Komatsu PC2000 210 t 2 Existing Leased
Excavator Caterpillar 349D 1 Required Leased
Grader Caterpillar 16M 2 Existing Leased
Loader (FEL) Caterpillar 777F 3 Existing Leased
Truck (haul) Caterpillar 773E 13 Existing Leased
Truck (haul) Caterpillar 777D 100 t 5 Existing Leased
Truck (haul) Caterpillar 777F 5 Existing Leased


Mine Management

Job TitleNameProfileRef. Date
Chief Geologist Bindè Martin ADI LinkedIn Sep 3, 2024
General Manager Herman Prinsloo LinkedIn Sep 3, 2024
Mine Technical Services Manager Michée Gnagnon LinkedIn Sep 3, 2024
Operations Manager Jurie Majoor LinkedIn Sep 3, 2024
Plant Maintenance Superintendent Jean Jacques Kouadio LinkedIn Sep 3, 2024
Process Manager Mohamed Traore LinkedIn Sep 3, 2024
Supply Chain Superintendent Mireille Tanoh-N’Dri LinkedIn Sep 3, 2024

EmployeesContractorsTotal WorkforceYear
296 1,002 1,298 2023
335 992 1,308 2022
302 1,009 1,311 2021
285 2018
216 362 578 2014

Aerial view: