Mining Intelligence and News

Crevier Project

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Mine TypeOpen Pit
StagePreliminary Economic Assessment
  • Niobium
  • Tantalum
Mining Method
  • Truck & Shovel / Loader
Mine Life... Lock
SnapshotThe Crevier deposit was discovered in 1975 by SOQUEM. In 2010, a PEA of the development of the niobium-tantalum resource was prepared by Met-Chem Canada Inc. after which several feasibility-stage studies were conducted including a pilot plant process.

Given the results of the Crevier Project’s 2022 drill campaign, on August 29, 2023, the Company announced the start of a drill program, with the purpose of testing the presence of Niobium at depth of the main zone.

The 2023 drill program noted the presence of tantalum mineralization in the northwest extension of the main zone and a higher concentration of niobium towards the southeast.

The priority in 2024 is Geological reinterpretation of the Crevier project and resource update.


Magris Resources Inc. 27.5 % Indirect
Niobay Metals Inc. 72.5 % Indirect
The Crevier Project is held through Crevier Minerals Inc. (CMI), a private company 72.5% owned by Niobay Metals Inc. and 27.5% owned by Niobec Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Magris Resources Inc.



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Deposit type

  • Magmatic
  • Carbonatite hosted


The alkaline complex is divided into three (3) main lithological units (Units 1 to 3), the fourth unit being the Grenville rocks. These main units are composed of many specific distinct lithological units, defined by local mapping and diamond drilling.

- The first unit represents the major north-western part of the complex; its elongated shape is aligned along a North 320° axis. The composition is an alternating suite of bands of biotite-carbonate syenites, nepheline syenites, nepheline syenites with biotite and carbonatites with an orientation between North 300° and North 340°;

- The second unit mainly covers the south of the complex, but is also present in a 300 meter thick band surrounding the first unit. The composition is mainly nepheline syenite with nepheline-biotite syenite dykes crossing the formations along North 320°;

- The third unit is very small and is located in the south western part of the complex, inside the second unit and is characterized by a large amount of syenite.

Two (2) main mineralization types of economic interest are present inside the Crevier complex. The first type of uranium-niobium mineralization is mainly located inside the first unit inside an uranopyrochlore unit. The second mineralization type is one of niobium-tantalum and is associated with a pegmatite-nepheline syenite dyke located inside the second unit and also inside the first unit.

Apatite is found in few spots inside the complex but is mainly located in the center part. The apatite rich zones are along the contacts inside the carbonatite dykes and inside the nepheline syenites.

The dyke is separated in four (4) lenses stretched over 4 km and has an average thickness of 20 meters. It has been recognized down to 300 meters below surface. Exploration work was aimed at defining the exact position and grade of the nephyline syenite porphyry dyke.

The Crevier complex most likely contains four (4) separate units. Firstly there is, on the south-eastern part, a near circular injection of nepheline syenite with variable biotite content going from traces to some percentages. This unit is cut by a second phase having an oblong shape with the main axis parallel to the Wasnanipi-Saguenay corridor, from north-west toward south-east (320º az).

In the south-west part of the intrusive there is a smaller mass of syenite with almost no nepheline. This mass, even though identified by two (2) drill holes, was isolated from the remaining of the complex and was extrapolated by geophysics which describes its contour, therefore giving what is defined as Unit #3.

There is also a period of alkaline metasomatism that has affected the host gneisses (Unit #4). The aegirine, a sodic pyroxene seems to be the main witness of this event which has happened before the intrusion of the complex.


Tantalum-Niobium Lenses
The mineralized tantalum-niobium zone is located in the southern part of the Crevier alkaline intrusive. Previous field work such as stripping, geological mapping, trench sampling and diamond drilling have contributed to ascertain this mineralization over more than three (3) kilometers long.

The mineralization of the niobium-tantalum type is associated with a porphyritic nepheline syenite dyke. The dyke is composed of a minimum of four (4) sections or distinct lenses (numbered 1 to 4). The contacts with the host rocks are clean and can be easily seen. The dyke is generally composed (95%) of nepheline syenite of pegmatitic texture containing large feldspar crystals and nepheline having variable grain sizes from a few centimeters to close to one meter in specific areas. Many secondary minerals are observed, mainly: biotite, magnetite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, zirconium, sodalite, cancrinite, ilmenite, carbonates and pyrochlore.

The main dyke also contains 5% of secondary dykes and host rocks. The thickness of the secondary units varies from centimeters to meters.

Lens #1 is the most southern one and is located between sections 9,700N and 11,200N. The thickness varies from 3 to 25 meters, the average being 19 meters.

Lens #2 is a relatively small lens (400 m long) located to the north of the #1 lens and appears as having been relocated. Its average thickness is 25 m.

Lens #3 is approximately 1,200 m long. The lens is 20 m thick and is showing an “interdigitation” relation with the #2 lens.

Lens #4 is more than 900 m long. Its thickness varies from 8 to 36 m (average 29 m) and is still open to the north.

Other Mineralization
Uranium Niobium – Tantalum mineralization is present on the property. One is labelled East U-Nb-Ta showing which is north of the main dyke in the southern part of the property while the other is labelled South U-Nb-Ta showing which lays South West of the main dyke lens #1.



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Mining Methods


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Crushers and Mills


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CommodityProductUnitsAvg. AnnualLOM
Niobium Oxide t 1,13329,462
Tantalum K2TaF7 t 2203,134

Operational metrics

Daily ore mining rate 2,740 t *
Daily processing rate 2,740 t *
Hourly processing capacity 119 t *
Annual ore mining rate 1,000,000 t *
Annual processing capacity 1,000,000 t *
Stripping / waste ratio 6.3 *
Waste tonnes, LOM 155,733,854 t *
Ore tonnes mined, LOM 25,838,056 t *
* According to 2010 study.

Production Costs

Assumed price K2TaF7 USD 150 / kg *  USD
Assumed price Nb2O5 USD 51.5 / kg *  USD
* According to 2010 study / presentation.

Operating Costs

OP mining costs ($/t milled) CAD  ....  Subscribe
Processing costs ($/t milled) CAD  ....  Subscribe
Total operating costs ($/t milled) CAD  ....  Subscribe
* According to 2010 study.

Project Costs

MetricsUnitsLOM Total
Initial CapEx $M CAD  ......  Subscribe
Pre-tax NPV @ 5% $M CAD  ......  Subscribe
Pre-tax IRR, %  ......  Subscribe

Required Heavy Mobile Equipment


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Mine Management

Job TitleNamePhoneEmailRef. Date
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required ........... Subscription required ........... Subscription required Aug 14, 2024

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