Location: 1 km S from Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico
Mina Los Milagros 2, Lomas de BernardezGuadalupeZacatecas, Mexico98610
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Pursuant to the agreement, Grupo ROSGO will pay Endeavour $5 million cash over five years with an initial payment of $250,000 on signing of the definitive agreement. Instalment payments of $500,000 will be made every six months other than the third payment, which will be $750,000. The payments are secured by a pledge of the shares of MOS.
During Q3 2022, Endeavour Silver Corp. completed the sale of the property and the plant for US$5 million over five years.
The El Compas and El Orito veins have the characteristics of a low sulfidation epithermal vein system. They occur in a region characterised by numerous, high silver-grade intermediate sulfidation epithermal vein systems.At the El Compas concession, northerly trending veins in the Chilitos Formation have finely banded, coliform and crustiform open space fill textures. Bladed quartz after calcite textures are common. Veins in felsic rocks are comprised of saccharoidal to fine-grained quartz, banded veins. Wider veins in felsic rocks are observed in the Cantera pit and at the El Compas shaft. These veins show breccia and bladed quartz-after calcite textures. Calcite is observed in bands in large andesite-hosted quartz veins and in veinlets distal to mineralised zones in very weakly propylitised rocks. Within the El Compas ramp, the widest calcite veins (>0.75m, both black and white coarse grained calcite) occur as north-west trending veins. Large northerly trending calcite veins have not been observed on surface or in the El Compas ramp; however, thick calciterich quartz veins were intersected by drilling at deeper levels below the mine and elsewhere that appear to correlate with the north-south trending El Compas and other veins. Sulfide abundance in veins rarely exceeds 5%, and is most abundant in the mineralised veins. Pyrite or pyrrhotite are the most common sulfides. Rare sphalerite and exotic copper was observed at the 7th level of the El Compas ramp. Magnetite was identified in panned concentrates from the mineralised veins.
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