Mining Intelligence and News
United States

Henderson Mine

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Mine TypeUnderground
  • Molybdenum
Mining Method
  • Block caving
Production Start1976
Mine Life2038
SnapshotHenderson mine is the largest primary producer of molybdenum in the world.

The Henderson mine and mill are connected by a 10-mile conveyor tunnel under the Continental Divide and an additional 5-mile surface conveyor. The tunnel portal is located 5 miles east of the mill.

The majority of the molybdenum concentrate produced is shipped to Fort Madison, Iowa, Freeport's processing facility.


Freeport-McMoRan Inc. 100 % Indirect
Climax Molybdenum Company (operator) 100 % Direct
Freeport-McMoRan owns 100% of Henderson mine through its wholly-owned subsidiary Climax Molybdenum Company.


ContractorContractDescriptionRef. DateSource
Xcel Energy Inc. Power supply Henderson operations receive electrical power through long-term contracts with Xcel Energy. Dec 31, 2024

Deposit type

  • Porphyry


The Henderson mine is a porphyry molybdenum deposit with molybdenite as the primary sulfide mineral.

The Henderson deposit is composed of two partially overlapping ore bodies beneath the summit of Red Mountain. The ore bodies are entirely within a Tertiary rhyolite porphyry intrusive complex that has intruded the Precambrian Silver Plume granite. The mineralization is relatively continuous in the ore bodies and consists of molybdenite and quartz in random intersecting closely spaced veinlets.

Reserves at December 31, 2024

Cut-off grade for Mineral reserves is 0.13% Mo.

Cut-off grade for Mineral resources is 0.12% Mo.
CategoryTonnage CommodityGradeContained MetalRecoverable Metal
Proven 31 Mt Molybdenum 0.16 %
Probable 13 Mt Molybdenum 0.16 %
Proven & Probable 44 Mt Molybdenum 0.16 % B lbs 0.14 B lbs
Measured 61 Mt Molybdenum 0.16 %
Indicated 25 Mt Molybdenum 0.13 %
Total Resource 86 Mt Molybdenum 0.15 % 0.29 B lbs

Mining Methods

  • Block caving


The Henderson operation consists of a large block-cave underground mining complex feeding a concentrator with a current capacity of approximately 32,000 metric tons per day.

The available underground mining equipment fleet consists of load-haul-dump units and haul trucks, which deliver ore to a gyratory crusher feeding a series of 3 overland conveyors to the mill stockpiles.

The Henderson mine is located in a mountainous region with the main access shaft at 3,180 meters above sea level. The main production levels are currently at elevations of 2,200 and 2,350 meters above sea level.

The Henderson mine and mill are connected by a 10-mile conveyor tunnel under the Continental Divide and an additional 5-mile surface conveyor. The tunnel portal is located 5 miles east of the mill.


Crushers and Mills

Gyratory crusher 1


The available underground mining equipment fleet delivers ore to a gyratory crusher feeding a series of three overland conveyors to the mill stockpiles.


  • Crush & Screen plant
  • Vacuum filtration
  • Flotation
  • Dewatering
  • Roasting


Henderson has the capacity to produce approximately 15 million pounds of molybdenum per year. The majority of the molybdenum concentrate produced is shipped to Fort Madison, Iowa, Freeport's processing facility.

The mine and the Mill are connected by a fifteen-mile elevated belt that passes underneath the Continental Divide through an old train tunnel and then above ground to the mill. Molybdenite (the molybdenum containing mineral) is obtained from the ore by crushing, grinding, and flotation.

Flotation & Concentration
Chemicals are added to the slurry. These are called collectors and frothers. The collectors attach to the surface of the molybenite causing it to become hydrophobic or “water hating.” The slurry is poured into giant mixing tanks called flotation cells. Air is introduced to the mixing process to create air bubbles. The hydrophobic moly sticks to the air bubbles and floats to the surface of the tank where they are skimmed off. The frother that was added earlier makes sure that the bubbles are stable and don’t burst before the moly can be skimmed off.

The final concentrate, still in the form of a slurry, is processed through many filters where the water is removed. A vacuum pulls the water away and a “cake” of molybdenite is left behind. These cakes go through a heat drying process to make sure any remaining water is removed. A dry, concentrated gray-black powder remains. The powder is packaged into giant bags that weigh about 3,750 pounds when they are full. The bags are shipped to a “roasting” plant for further processing.

The waste or tailings from the milling process is still in the form of slurry. It flows down into an area where the particles settle out of the water and create a tailings dam. The water is returned to the mill and is recycled over and over again.

The roasters are huge – tall as a six-story building and 21 feet in diameter. They run twenty-four hours a day at a temperature of approximately 1200 degrees Fahrenheit. At the roasting plant, about 120,000 pounds of molybdenum concentrate are processed daily.

Even though the moly can be 98% pure when it leaves the mill, it needs to be purified even more so it can be used in hundreds of products. The heat of the roasting process removes all remaining impurities.


Molybdenum M lbs 12131212101214121025
All production numbers are expressed as metal in concentrate.

Operational metrics

Daily milling capacity 32,000 t32,000 t32,000 t32,000 t32,000 t32,000 t32,000 t32,000 t32,000 t32,000 t
Annual production capacity 15 M lbs of molybdenum metal in concentrate15 M lbs of molybdenum metal in concentrate15 M lbs of molybdenum metal in concentrate15 M lbs of molybdenum metal in concentrate16 M lbs of molybdenum metal in concentrate18 M lbs of molybdenum metal in concentrate18 M lbs of molybdenum metal in concentrate35 M lbs of molybdenum metal in concentrate35 M lbs of molybdenum metal in concentrate40 M lbs of molybdenum metal in concentrate

Production Costs

Commodity production costs have not been reported.

Heavy Mobile Equipment

Ref. Date: December 31, 2024

HME TypeSizeQuantity
Load-Haul-Dump (LHD) 9 t 15
Truck (underground) 73 t 7


Mine Management

Job TitleNameProfileRef. Date
Chief Geologist Nyssa Loeppke LinkedIn Feb 20, 2025
Mine Production Superintendent Josh Gresham LinkedIn Feb 20, 2025
Sr. Mine Engineer Dino Febiawan LinkedIn Feb 20, 2025
Supply Chain Superintendent Catherine Patti LinkedIn Feb 20, 2025

Total WorkforceYear
350 2024
358 2023
360 2022
360 2021
383 2020

Aerial view: