Location: 132 km NW from Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
Peabody Plaza 701 Market St.St. LouisNew Mexico, United States63101-1826
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The El Segundo Mine is located in the southeastern plains of the San Juan Basin, bordered by the uplands of Chacra Mesa to the northwest, Mt. Taylor volcanic area and San Mateo Dome to the southeast, and the Zuni Uplift and Rutria Monocline to the southwest. The tectonic setting is uncomplicated with the beds dipping gently to the northeast into the San Juan Basin at a rate slightly greater than one degree. Geologic formations present at El Segundo are the basal Mesa Verde Group, Point Lookout sandstones, and the Menefee Formation coals and shales. In this area of the San Juan Basin, the Menefee Formation is divided into the upper barren Allison Member and the basal, carboniferous Cleary Member. The Cleary member of the Menefee formation contains the mineable coal seams. There are 1 to 9 seams, varying from 1 to 17 feet in thickness that could be recovered. The primary recoverable seams are the blue and green followed by the tan and brown seams. The upper overburden is mostly sandstone with some shale. Once the upper tan seam is encountered, interburden and partings tend towards interbedded sandstones, siltstones, mudstone and shales to the lower recoverable green seam. The typical geologic column shows approximately 230 feet of overburden and interburden to the bottom of the lower recoverable green seam. The topography at the El Segundo Mine is described as low cuestas and shallow drainages. The permit area is bisected north to south by the Continental Divide. Sandstone outcrops are present within and adjacent to the permit area with cliff faces generally less than 100 feet in height.Soils in the El Segundo permit area are typically formed from sandstone parent materials and minor inclusions of shale and siltstones. Many of the soils have developed from eolian deposits or dune formations. Some of the dune or eolian deposits are recent and have been reworked by wind action. The sandstone parent material and formations are the primary source for the eolian deposits and dunes. Alluvial soils derived from sandstones and shales are common in drainages, swales, and old lakebeds or playas. To a lesser degree, soils derived from colluvium may be present in the permit area. The extensive sandstone parent material has resulted in many of the soils having predominantly sandy textures.
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