Mining Intelligence and News
United States

Buena Vista Project

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Mine TypeOpen Pit
  • Iron Ore
Mining Method
  • Truck & Shovel / Loader
Mine Life... Lock
SnapshotThe Buena Vista Project is an advanced magnetite iron ore project.

For the magnetite concentrate production, all major development permits and required technical work, such as drilling, metallurgy, hydrogeology, and plant design, have been secured for the Project.

Magnum completed metallurgical test work on a bulk magnetite sample from Buena Vista Iron Project that showed that 68.3% Fe grade magnetite concentrate is readily achievable.

Economic evaluation of including a floatation circuit by modelling capital and operating costs verses a premium increase due to delivering a higher grade product, is being undertaken.


Magnum Mining and Exploration Ltd. 100 % Indirect
The Buena Vista Iron Project is held by Nevada Iron LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Magnum Mining and Exploration Ltd.



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Deposit type

  • Metasomatic


The Buena Vista magnetite deposit is associated with the Humboldt Gabbro lopolith. It is characterised by an assemblage scapolite-hornblende-clinopyroxene-calcite-magnetite, which can contain up to 100% magnetite, but generally contains 20 to 60% magnetite. The gabbro has been intensely altered by latestage metasomatic processes and dissected by multiple phases of faults. Magnetite mineralisation has been introduced by the alteration event and is controlled by faulting. Breccia zones and fine fractures are common. The relative abundance of these ground conditions produce the variations in mineralisation types from massive magnetite pods through to light disseminations. Iron grades vary from trace to 68% Fe.

Much of the magnetite at Buena Vista liberates at relatively coarse sizes. This allows for a considerable upgrading by the removal of barren material during the early stages of processing, reducing costs and allowing lower grade material to be utilised.

The Buena Vista magnetite deposits are the product of late stage alteration of a localized intrusive local gabbro that resulted in intensely scapolitised lithologies and the deposition of magnetite.

The distribution and nature of the magnetite mineralization at Buena Vista is a function of ground preparation by faulting and fracturing forming a series of open fractures, breccia zones and networks of fine fractures.

As a consequence, the magnetite mineralisation has been developed as disseminations within the altered gabbro through to massive pods and occasionally vein like intrusions.

These ground conditions produce variations in mineralization types from massive pods grading +60% magnetite to lighter disseminations grading 10-20% magnetite.

The strike of the deposits is approximately east-west for the Section 5 and West deposits and south west-north east for the East deposit. The dip is generally towards the north.

Metasomatic magnetite deposits such as those at Buena Vista have important beneficiation advantages over the other main type of magnetite deposit which is a banded iron hosted magnetite

Buena Vista magnetite iron mineralisation occurs within scapolitehornblende-clinopyroxene-calcite-magnetite altered gabbro. Magnetite mineralisation varies from fine disseminations to massive pods up to tens of metres in dimensions, reflecting variable ground preparation of the gabbro. The mineralisation generally dips moderately to the north, striking approximately east-southeast (around 098 to 120) for most of the property area, and trending southwest-northeast in the East Deposit area (around 070).

The magnetite mineralisation is cross cut by late-stage steep, generally east-west trending dykes ranging in thickness from less than 1m to rarely around 60 m.

The mineralisation generally outcrops, but in the west of the project, including the Section 5 Deposit and western portions of the West Deposit it is overlain by around 3 to rarely 25m of un-mineralised surficial alluvial gravels.

The mineralisation shows no significant oxidation, with fresh material occurring at shallow depths.

The combined mineralised domains lie with a corridor around 3.3 km by 500 m. The combined resource estimates extend from surface to around 240 m depth with around 90% from less than 140 m.

The Section 5 estimates extend over a strike length of around 470 mwith domain widths of generally around 85 to 350m averaging around 250 m. Resource estimates extend from the base of surficial gravels to around 220 m depth, with around 90% from depths of less than 160m.

The combined West Deposit estimates extend over a strike of around 1.4 km with domain widths of generally around 100 to 480 m averaging around 330 m. Mineral Resource estimates extend from surface to around 240 m depth, with around 90% from depths of less than 130 m.

Modeled East Deposit mineralisation extends over approximately 600 m of strike with domain widths generally ranging from around 130 m to 260 m and averaging around 160 m. Resource estimates extendfrom surface to around 180 m depth, with around 90% from depths of less than 115 m.



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Mining Methods


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Crushers and Mills


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CommodityProductUnitsAvg. Annual
Iron Ore Concentrate kt 1,600

Operational metrics

Annual ore mining rate  ....  Subscribe
Annual production capacity  ....  Subscribe
Stripping / waste ratio  ....  Subscribe
* According to 2023 study.

Production Costs

Assumed price Iron Ore USD  ....  Subscribe
* According to 2023 study / presentation.

Required Heavy Mobile Equipment


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Mine Management

Job TitleNameProfileRef. Date
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required Subscription required Jul 24, 2024

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