Mining Intelligence and News

Nkosuo Expansion Mine

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Mine TypeOpen Pit
StatusArchived Information
  • Gold
Mining Method
  • Truck & Shovel / Loader
Mine Life... Lock
SnapshotThe Nkosuo deposit development is aimed at extending the life of the Edikan operations.

Mining operations have commenced at the Nkosuo pit and will be fully ramped up in H2 FY25.


Government of Ghana 10 % Indirect
Perseus Mining Ltd. 90 % Indirect
Perseus Mining (Ghana) Ltd. (operator) 100 % Direct
Perseus owns a 90% beneficial interest in Edikan and the remaining 10% interest is a free-carried interest owned by the Ghanaian government.



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Deposit type

  • Vein / narrow vein


The Nkosuo project is an addition to the Edikan group of gold deposits that occur near the western flank of the Ashanti Greenstone Belt in south-western Ghana. The regional geology of the Edikan property is underlain principally by Paleoproterozoic Birimian metasediments of the Kumasi-Afema basin, positioned between the Ashanti and Sefwi Greenstone Belts.

The Nkosuo prospect is a granite-hosted orogenic gold deposit similar to several deposits exploited at Perseus’s nearby Edikan Gold Mine. Edikan gold deposits occur near the western flank of the Ashanti Greenstone Belt along the Obuasi-Akropong gold corridor. The Central Ashanti property is underlain principally by Paleoproterozoic Birimian metasediments of the Kumasi-Afema basin, positioned between the Ashanti and Sefwi Greenstone Belts. The flysch type metasediments consist of dacitic volcaniclastics, greywackes plus argillaceous (phyllitic) sediments, intensely folded, faulted and metamorphosed to upper green schist facies. Minor cherty and manganiferous exhalative sediments are locally present, and graphitic schists coincide with the principal shear (thrust) zones. Numerous small Basin-type or Cape Coast-type granitoids have intruded the sediments along several regional structures. Structurally controlled gold mineralisation occurs in two principal modes: disseminated pyrite-arsenopyrite mineralisation associated with quartz veining and sericite alteration hosted by granitoids and shear-zone hosted mineralisation associated with pyrite-arsenopyrite mineralisation in and adjacent to quartz veins in deformed metasedimentary rocks.

The Nkosuo deposit comprises mineralisation hosted by a single NNE striking granitoid body measuring at least 600m along strike, typically 250m horizontal width and dipping approximately 75° toward WNW. Drilling has confirmed that the body is continuous to at least 350m vertical depth below surface. The entire granite is not mineralised throughout but drilling to date indicates substantial zones of gold mineralisation up to 100m horizontal width.

The Nkosuo Mineral Resource model extends for 675m strike length and up to 240m width. Indicated Mineral Resources extend to 150-170m vertical depth; Inferred Mineral Resources extend to 300-325m vertical depth.



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Mining Methods


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Crushers and Mills

Milling equipment has not been reported.



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CommodityUnitsLOM (Projected)
Gold koz 272
All production numbers are expressed as metal in doré.

Production Costs

Commodity production costs have not been reported.

Heavy Mobile Equipment

Fleet data has not been reported.


Mine Management

Job TitleNameEmailProfileRef. Date
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required ........... Subscription required May 31, 2024
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required Subscription required Oct 3, 2024
....................... Subscription required ....................... Subscription required Subscription required Oct 3, 2024

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